
Light It Up!

Please note that this post contains some affiliate links (Fringe), and I receive commissions through those links. 

What Do I Use?

Short Answer: I use red and infrared light devices from (Fringe) daily.  I start with 5 minutes and increase to 20 depending on the area in need.

Long Answer:

More recently, I have been intrigued by light, and it has become a foundational part of my practice.  As I have spoken more about light, I have been getting more questions about how to use it therapeutically.  

There is a rich history of using light to improve health, spanning thousands of years.  Harnessing sunlight as a healing tool dates back at least the time of the Ancient Greeks.  They used light to address various conditions including tuberculosis, skin ailments, as well as bacterial and fungal infections.  In ancient Egypt, sunlight was considered medicine as well, devoting one of their gods, Ra, to the sun.

The tides dramatically turned in the mid-twentieth century.  As I mentioned in this blog post, using sunlight as medicine declined in popularity at the same time as modern societies adopted the medical pharmaceutical model of medicine.

But that pendulum is beginning to swing back towards the light, thanks to more sensitive and sophisticated testing tools.  

To start, it’s crucial to understand the therapeutic properties of different types of light.  I have covered the entire electromagnetic spectrum in more detail in this blog.  

The Sunlight Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum includes all solar radiation, which encompasses visible light, ultraviolet (UV), and the infrared (IR) spectrum.

For the purpose of light therapy, we can categorize light into three broad groups – red and infrared light, visible light (red through violet), and ultraviolet light (divided into UVA, UVB, and UVC).


UV waves have shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than visible light.  They are higher in energy- enough to induce chemical reactions.  Ultraviolet light can be categorized based on its therapeutic properties into UVA, UVB, and UVC. 

Electromagnetic waves with shorter wavelengths and higher energy have more trouble penetrating surfaces.  This explains why those who don’t truly understand the healing powers of the sun are concerned about UVA and UVB light exposure, but not UVC.  UVC is the highest energy (shortest wavelength) of the UV range.  Virtually 100% of it is absorbed in the Earth’s ozone layer, so it never reaches the Earth’s surface.

Long-wave ultraviolet rays (UVA) — (320-400 nm) responsible for the skin changes we call “tanning.”  Beyond a cosmetic effect, there are various therapeutic benefits to UVA skin exposure.

Middle-wave ultraviolet rays (UVB) — (280-320 nm) triggers the production of vitamin D in the skin.  The combined effects of UVA and UVB light explain why sun exposure prolongs life and reduces the incidence of disease. 

Short-wave ultraviolet rays (UVC) — (100-280 nm) used in sanitation (for example, to decontaminate hospital rooms).  It is also emitted by cells in ultra-low doses as part of healthy cellular division.  This is primarily what Fritz Popp found in his experiments.   As of writing this, I am not aware of any therapeutic uses for UVC light for humans.

Visible Light

The electromagnetic frequency band visible to humans is what we refer to as visible light.  We commonly perceive light of different wavelengths as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  Red light has the longest wavelength and lowest frequency, while violet light has the shortest wavelength and the highest frequency.

Each color has unique effects, but the primary benefits are visible light are: 

  1. Synchronizing circadian rhythms 
  2. Triggering the production of hormones and neurotransmitters 

This is partially why light therapy is incredibly helpful for seasonal affective disorders.  I believe a more accurate term would be “sunlight deficiency syndrome.”  Visible light is also being used to treat skin disorders like acne.

The best visible light is and always will be the sun.  However, modern buildings rely solely on artificial lighting that does not replicate sunlight.  This is a real problem, and I address that here.

Infrared & Red Light

As wavelength increases, we move beyond visible light into the infrared spectrum.  Infrared waves have a shorter wavelength than microwaves, but longer than visible light.  We cannot see infrared energy, but we do perceive it as heat.  

There was a time when the only electrical lights were incandescent bulbs that closely mimicked the light spectrum of the sun.  Unfortunately, that is not the case today.  In America, it is incredibly difficult to find incandescent bulbs.  Many states have outright banned them.  

Today, modern light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emit high-temperatures (in Kelvin) with minimal to zero infrared and red light.  Simultaneously, modern lighting floods environments with excess blue light, which can lead to skin and eye issues due to excessive lipid peroxidation, and ruin circadian rhythms.

Few, if any, of my patients and clients live outdoor lifestyles.  They are stuck at indoor jobs with low-infrared and red lighting.

To counteract this modern deficiency, I advocate for maximizing exposure to red and infrared light, especially for people who work indoors with limited natural light exposure.  Introducing infrared and red light can be life-changing for them.

To my knowledge, no study ever has demonstrated that red or infrared light exposure increases mortality rates.  However, numerous studies highlight the health benefits of sunlight, including increased longevity.  This is important to note when you consider the fact that over 40% of solar radiation is infrared and about 10% is red light.

What Distinguishes Near Infrared from Far Infrared?

Like UV light, infrared light can be broken up into subcategories.  These include visible IR, near IR, and then medium and far IR.  Today, certain cameras can capture this invisible light using a technique called “infrared photography.”  Pretty cool!

The difference between them is vastly different, and as a consumer, you should be aware.  If you are purchasing a device, the wavelengths emitted by the device are the most important factor in determining if it will be effective.  It is not the power level or irradiance.

Medium Infrared and Far Infrared (FIR) cover wavelengths of 3,000-30,000nm and 30,000-1,000,000nm, respectively.  Remember, visible light falls between 380nm and 700nm.  Medium and FIR cover A LOT of wavelengths!  However, near infrared light is contained within the spectrum of natural sunlight.  We are biologically wired to use near infrared energy, much like sunlight is needed to produce vitamin D. Our bodies require this energy from sunlight to survive and to thrive.

This is important to know as a consumer.  Many professionals, including myself, advocate for the use of NIR and its healing properties.  But far infrared light salesmen may suggest otherwise.  Just because they are “infrared” by name does not mean they are similar.  Medium and FIR are unnecessary and potentially associated with adverse effects. 

What is Photobiomodulation?

Over the years, there have been many terms used to describe NIR/red light therapy.  The most commonly-used term today is photobiomodulation (PBM).

Early PBM research predominantly utilized lasers almost exclusively.  This started to change in the late 2010s, when LED technology advanced to a point that consumers can reasonably purchase the products for at-home use.   

The most recent evidence suggests LEDs are equally effective to lasers.  This is advantageous for a few reasons: 

Near-infrared light offers unique therapeutic benefits.  So with that out of the way, let’s talk about how it all works.

Red Light, Water, & the Lymphatic System

A Water Story

We now know that water is the predominant chromophore at wavelengths over 900nm, which is in the near infrared range.  The picture above shows major absorbing chromophores in human tissue in the 650-1050 nm wavelength range (HbO = oxygenated hemoglobin, and HHb = deoxygenated hemoglobin).

Chromophores are simply molecules that absorb light, or photoreceptors.  You can think of them as “light sponges,” absorbing certain frequencies of light.  All chromophores absorb specific frequencies of light.  When chromophores absorb photons of specific wavelengths, it can have a biological effect on the body.  You may recall from a previous blog, different chromophores absorb light of different wavelengths. 

The body absorbs light through two main pathways: the eyes and the skin.  The body uses five main chromophores to interpret and share light information.

  1. Water 

Considering that human children are about 70% water and adults are about 60% water, it makes sense that water is vital to your well-being.  Water is found in a variety of bodily fluids including interstitial fluid, the plasma, the lymphatic system, cerebrospinal fluid, ocular fluid, peritoneal fluid, and extracellular fluid.  75% of muscle tissue is composed of water as well, while only 10% of fat tissue is.  Structured water is the most abundant chromophore in the body.

  1. Hemoglobin

As discussed in previous blogs, hemoglobin and chlorophyll have many similarities.  The primary difference is that hemoglobin contains iron, which allows for oxygen transport in the body, while chlorophyll contains a magnesium atom in its center.  Hemoglobin’s primary purpose is to carry oxygen from the lungs to other tissues, where that oxygen is then used as part of aerobic respiration  

  1. Melanin

You probably know melanin as the pigment that makes skin darker.  That is true.  Melanin absorbs all frequencies of light.  Most people intuitively know this because highly-melanated skin tones are darker.  Melanin has many other functions, but that is a topic for another day.

  1. Opsins

Opsins are photoreceptive proteins that, when expressed by a neuron, render these cells’ plasma membrane sensitive to light.  

  1. Mitochondrial Cytochromes

Cytochrome C Oxidase (CCO) is a large transmembrane protein that is the last enzyme in the electron transport chain (cellular respiration blog here).  It is responsible for manufacturing structured water and ATP.

Different chromophores in our skin allow for different levels of penetration and absorption.  As you can see pictured above, red and infrared wavelengths can penetrate the deepest, down into the subcutaneous layer and through blood vessels.

What’s interesting about water specifically is that it can absorb a range of wavelengths that appears to be wider than that of the chlorophylls pictured about.  In fact, water seems to be a chromophore up to 1064nm.  The answer may lie in the structuring of water molecules.  

Structured water, also known as exclusion zone (EZ) water (term coined by Gerald Pollack, see this blog for context) and interfacial water, absorbs optical radiation, leading to distinct physical alterations in parameters such as viscosity and pH.

Pollack found that the structured water zone grew when introduced to infrared light.  But that’s not all.  They also found that structured water possesses the capability to capture light energy and use it for various body functions.

Body by Sunlight

The red light and water story starts with resetting the circadian clock.  

At sunrise, red light wavelengths begin to shine through and reach us.  As the red and infrared hues intensify, we begin to receive the benefits of infrared light.  One of those benefits include the displacement of nitric oxide from step 4 (CCO) of the mitochondrial electron transport chain to make more water and ATP during the early morning hours.  I discuss this in more detail in this blog.  

Because of its longer wavelength, near infrared energy can penetrate tissues deeply and serve as a cellular signal.  Recent studies now show that 95% of melatonin production occurs within cellular mitochondria, and only about 5% is generated in the pineal gland.  The greatest stimulus for subcellular melatonin is near infrared (NIR) light.  In other words, it is the sun!  

Water World

Most of the extracellular fluid in the body is lymphatic fluid (about 80%).  Your lymphatic system is where the majority of your immune system lives.

It is more helpful to think of the immune system and lymphatic systems as interconnected.  The lymphatic system has three major functions.

  1. Cellular Highway: Picture the lymphatic system as a highway, transporting large molecules—metabolic waste, damaged cells, dietary fats, and hormones—for safe removal. 
  2. Fluid Homeostasis: The lymphatic system maintains fluid balance, regulating healthy blood pressure.  As fluid accumulates, lymphatic capillaries mop up excess interstitial fluid and return it to circulation.
  3. Immune Signaling: The lymphatic system serves as a transport pathway for immune cells. Lymph nodes diligently screen for unfamiliar elements and wastes, initiating appropriate immune responses when needed.

The lymphatic system plays a vital role in regulating inflammation.  Generally, increased lymphatic activity correlates with decreased inflammation.  This is why those who are chronically inflamed tend to have sluggish lymphatic systems and excess fluid buildup (edema, swelling, general puffiness, etc.) in the body.  

Structures containing collagen tend to have a negative charge, including blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.  This naturally creates a zone for structured water to aggregate.  The contents of these vessels such as blood cells, proteins, etc., are also surrounded by a shell of negatively-charged EZ water.

Given that exclusion zone water layers form on intracellular membranes and proteins, it’s reasonable to suggest that ion channels embedded within these membranes, such as those in mitochondria, are influenced by physical changes.  Unlike bulk water, EZ water absorbs infrared light more effectively.  This explains why NIR and red light therapies can stimulate biological changes without heating the surrounding tissue.  

This is all important for healthy blood flow, lymphatic flow, and mitochondrial function.

How Does Red Light Therapy Impact the Lymphatic System?

Inflammation does have a purpose and is incredibly beneficial in the right circumstances.  Too much inflammation means one has been ignoring the body’s warning signs for quite some time.  This is why high inflammatory loads are linked to:

When there is chronic inflammation, you can be sure the lymphatic system is not functioning as well as it should be.  PBM helps improve the function of the lymphatic system through three primary mechanisms.

  1. Relaxing Lymphatic Vessels

PBM increases vasodilation, or the relaxation of lymphatic vessels.  When lymphatic vessels are relaxed, lymphatic fluid flows more easily.  Experimental observations have demonstrated this effect within the glymphatic system of the brain.  In the brain, larger molecules, like amyloid proteins, can flow more easily, improving waste clearance.  Nitric oxide can also induce vasodilation, which may act on the smooth muscle cells responsible for regulating lymphatic drainage.

  1. Creating New Lymphatic Vessel 

Lymphangiogenesis refers to the creation of new lymphatic vessels. In an animal model of lymphedema, the use of red light therapy stimulated lymphangiogenesis.  This suggests that red light therapy could potentially promote the generation of new lymphatic vessels, thereby restoring function in conditions where damage to the lymphatic system impairs lymph flow.

  1. Stimulating Lymphoid Organs

Lymphatic organs change with age.  This may lead to compromised immune function and heightened vulnerability to illness if no measures are taken to preserve health.  One of the primary organics of the lymphatic system is the thymus gland.  One study found that using red light therapy on the thymus through the chest wall may promote thymus health, mitigate age-related changes, and potentially sustain thymus function throughout one’s life.  Similar results were found using red light on other lymphatic organs, like lymph nodes

RLT and Mitochondrial Health

Mitochondria are organelles often dubbed the “powerhouse of the cell” because they take the electrons and protons (from sugars and fats primarily) and oxygen to create water, CO2, and ATP.   

Mitochondria have plenty of functions in the body, not the least of which include….

Poor mitochondrial function can be behind most dis-ease in the body- to the tune of 90%- according to Doug Wallace!

Red and NIR light therapy can optimize mitochondrial function in three primary ways:

  1. Reduced Oxidative Stress  

Mitochondria can be found in all cells except red blood cells.  You can find said cells in the lymphatic system.  The link between mitochondrial health and PBM is well-established.  Mitochondria are rich in chromophores that can absorb light, especially red and NIR light.  Mitochondria also play a crucial role in regulating the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).  Too many ROS can be a problem.  Studies suggest that light therapy regulates oxidative stress levels and modulates the production of reactive oxygen species.  

  1. Improved Metabolism 

The influence of light on mitochondria also impacts metabolism in a real way.  In addition to modulating reactive oxygen species production, mitochondria are responsible for generating ATP, the cell’s energy currency.  Red and NIR wavelengths activate cytochrome c oxidase, a mitochondrial enzyme crucial for ATP production.  When ATP synthesis is increased, more energy supplies to all cells throughout the lymphatic system also increases.

  1. Reduces Inflammation

Red and NIR light exhibit anti-inflammatory properties.  What’s great is, unlike anti-inflammatory medications such as NSAIDs, there are no side effects attached!  Research has found that  light therapy influences various molecules involved in inflammation, including reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, and prostaglandins.

PBM impacts the body through numerous mechanisms, but its most prominent effect is enhanced ATP synthesis and electron transport chain function.  This heightened energy supply can facilitate various cellular processes, encompassing healing, growth, maintenance, and repair.  This heightened energy supply can facilitate various cellular processes, encompassing healing, growth, maintenance, and repair.

The Benefits

As we have seen, red and infrared light interact with specific components of our cells to initiate healing and enhance energy production.  In practice, I use the frequencies locally, targeting specific points of the body to address pain or injuries.  There are plenty of other use cases, as we will see below.

With light therapy, more does not necessarily mean better.  For example, excessive exposure to ultraviolet light can result in severe burns, while visible light may lead to chronic skin damage.  While excessive IR light does not appear to bring along any side effects, its effectiveness diminishes over time.  The appropriate dosage depends on the desired outcome.  It can also vary depending on tissue and time of day.  I can’t cover all of these in this blog post, which is why it is important to consult with a practitioner for your specific needs.

Mark Hamblin, PhD, is one of the foremost authorities on red and infrared light therapy in recent decades.  He is responsible in some way for much of the research cited here.

Bear in mind, there is new research coming out on this every day!  As the wealth of knowledge continues to grow (and it has been growing for about 60 years), light therapy will become an obvious choice for the future, as it was thousands of years ago.

Improved Cognitive Function

NIR wavelengths and sunlight can penetrate bone- even the skull.  This means that infrared waves can penetrate into the cerebrospinal fluid, which bathes the entire brain and can spread through the spinal cord. 

As we mentioned previously, PBM has many positive effects on the lymphatic system and the glymphatic system, or the brain’s lymphatic system.

This is yet another reason why those who have symptoms of neurological degeneration (Alzheimer’s dementia, etc.) should be getting out in the sun daily.

Knowing this, you might guess that PBM might be useful for inflammatory brain conditions- and you would be correct!  Red and NIR light therapy has proven effective in diminishing neuroinflammation.  

There is also a wide body of research demonstrating the effectiveness of PBM for improving cellular health and brain function in Alzheimer’s Disease patientsPBM has been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the brains of Alzheimer’s Disease patients and improve cognition.

PBM has been demonstrated as effective in improving cognitive function in both healthy individuals and those with neurological disorders.  Some research finds that PBM improves executive function, ability to perform tasks, plan, and memory.

Additionally, those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stroke have benefited from PBM therapy.  These patients experienced enhanced brain repair mechanisms and neurogenesis (the creation of new neurons).

Better Sleep

Light is the body’s signal for time of day, and thus sets your circadian rhythm.  Knowing this, it shouldn’t be too surprising to find that PBM can positively impact your sleep.  Studies show that applying PBM while patients with cognitive decline, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, fibromyalgia and stroke are awake improved their sleep quality.

In a similar study done on elite athletes using full-body PBM devices, researchers found that their sleep duration decreased, but other markers, like recovery from exercise, improved.  

There are also studies that explored applying PBM while subjects are sleeping.  They found that there was an increase in the clearance of waste products from the brain and improved cerebrospinal fluid flow, both of which are needed for a healthy brain.

It is interesting to note that PBM improved sleep markers in both subjects that were awake and subjects that were sleeping. 

Improved Healing Speed

PBM increases the rate of tissue repair.  Light therapy has been shown to speed up recovery post-exercise and improve wound healing, including healing from burns, and tendon injuries.  The benefits aren’t limited to soft tissue, either.  PBM also accelerates healing processes from bone injuries, including fractures.

Reduced Anxiety & Depression

One of the major challenges with anxiety and depression is that current pharmaceutical treatments offer limited efficacy and come with potential side effects.  PBM can serve as an alternative treatment modality (along with simply going outside- even on cloudy days).

Research suggests that PBM reduces depressive symptoms in both human and animal studies. One study found rapid reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms following just a single session of PBM.  This study  was so powerful, it led to further systematic reviews endorsing PBM as a strong treatment option for moderate depressive disorder and recommending it for managing anxiety disorder.

Improved Gut Health

Chances are, if your circadian rhythm is out of whack, then so is your gut.  We now know that chronic exposure to blue light at night and poor circadian rhythm exacerbates gut issues.

Inflammation is a hallmark of many gut disorders, including Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. 

Thanks to Bosman et al., we now know that UVB light alone can lead to shifts in the microbiome and increase microbial diversity- especially those who have low levels of vitamin D (who did not supplement with vitamin D).  Just with light!

PBM can also have a positive impact on the gut.  PBM appears to exert a bidirectional regulatory effect on bacteria, capable of either promoting inhibiting bacterial growth, depending on the wavelength, dose, and type of bacteria.  This mechanism is promising for addressing gut flora imbalances known to be prevalent in metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders.

Light therapy reduces inflammation in the gut by positively impacting cellular metabolism and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production.  It also reduces the number of reactive nitrogen species and prostaglandins.  Unlike common medications used for gut issues (like NSAIDs), PBM does not come with harmful side effects.

PBM improves both the microbiome composition and the health of human gut cells.  Some of the benefits include:

Gut-Brain Connection

The gut and brain are in constant communication.  There are roughly 100 million nerve connections between the gut and brain—surpassing the counts in both the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system.  The enteric nervous system autonomously controls gut behavior, operating independently from the brain in your head.  90% of the fibers in the vagus nerve transmit information from the gut to the brain rather than the reverse.

Researchers are slowly finding applications of PBM that improve gut health markers and also improve neurological symptoms.

Application of red and NIR light to the abdomen, neck, head, and nose of Parkinson’s disease patients has had positive results, including a shift in the  gut microbiome composition towards healthier bacteria and improvement of PD symptoms like impaired mobility, balance, gait issues, with improvements lasting up to a year.  Similar approaches have been explored in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) treatment, where light therapy yielded improved cognitive function in patients with mild to moderate AD.

Animal studies found PBM application to rats with experimentally induced colitis, improving various gut health markers, including inflammation reduction.  They also found a change in the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes (F:B) ratio.  

Clearer Skin

PBM is becoming increasingly popular in spas and dermatology clinics (and in the home) due to their beneficial effects on skin health.  PBM has been shown to increase the healing speed and improve the appearance of scars.  There is also promising evidence for a variety of other skin conditions, including wrinkles, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, burns, and herpes.

Hair Growth

PBM increases hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles located in the skin’s dermis. These improvements in skin health are linked to the increased production of collagen in the dermis layer.

Pain Reduction

Evidence suggests that PBM can alleviate various types of pain, including knee, neck, low-back, temporomandibular joint, and post-surgical pain.  It is also helpful for alleviating pain associated with fibromyalgia and arthritis.  The reduction in pain is likely due to the decrease in inflammation and oxidative stress mitigation, as well as reducing neuronal sensitivity to pain.

Enhances Athletic Performance

PBM can improve athletic performance by mitigating exercise-induced muscle damage, reducing muscle fatigue, enhancing muscle capacity, and expediting post-exercise recovery.  PBM also enhances ATP production, which is needed not only for recovery but for energy during exercise.  PBM also aids muscle function by promoting the creation antioxidant (like melatonin), decreasing inflammation, and potentially limiting the synthesis of lactic acid.

Promotes Fat Loss

PBM has also been shown to promote fat loss, especially when combined with exercise.  Research on obese women found that those who underwent PBM treatment alongside exercise exhibited a greater percentage of fat loss compared to controls (exercise combined with a placebo light).  A different study found that PBM helps reduce cellulite appearance and boosted metabolism in the thighs when combined with exercise training on a treadmill.

Enhanced Immune System Function

There is plenty of evidence to support PBM as an immune system enhancer.  We already discussed some of the mechanisms when we cover the lymphatic system.  There is also research that supports its use for specific conditions, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, and oral lichen planus.  Additionally, it has also been shown to have also exhibited favorable outcomes in managing COVID-19 cases.

There are also promising results using PBM as a therapy for eye health, improving fertilityhypertension, polycystic ovarian syndrome, among others.

Cancer Therapy?

As I touched on in this blog, Dr. Otto Warburg found that cancer is a metabolic disease and any cell deprived of more than 35% of its normal oxygen supply turned cancerous.  This raises two very important questions:

  1. Why have we spent so much time worrying about cancer genes when it is associated with hypoxia?
  2. Why aren’t we studying mitochondria for more linkages?  That is where cellular respiration takes place.

Most PBM research related to cancer has been done on patients with breast cancer.  Conventional treatment for breast cancer commonly involves removing lymph nodes from the breast area or radiation, both of which can impair the lymphatic flow.  One study found that applying PBM to manage breast cancer-related lymphedema reduced the size of the edema and a reduction in pain.

Light is the Medicine of the Future

There was a time not long ago when I knew nothing about light.  In many respects, it still feels new.   Now it is an invaluable part of my practice. 

I have seen achieve remarkable results simply by using light therapy devices.  What’s more, many of these devices will last you a long time- probably your entire lifetime.

I see quite a lot of people throwing money away on supplements and drugs that simply cannot do what light can do. Many are unaware that their ailments may stem from a lack of proper light exposure.  Light can be the answer to many modern-day problems, if you understand it and use it properly.

What Do I Use?

Next week, I will be talking about how to use it appropriately (as best as I can do in a blog post).

I must also mention my favorite red light and infrared light devices are from Fringe.  Here’s why:

At various times, my code VINCENT15 will be available to save 15% off ALL of their products, and you can check them out using this link.

How is light shaping your life?

Dr. Vincent Esposito

Want More?

Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:

  1. Massive improvements can be made in as little as twelve weeks when incorporating breath holds and the methods used in the Breathe Easy Method.  This is the same method used by thousands, from elite athletes looking to gain the extra edge, to children who struggle with sleep apnea. Now through 4/24, you can get full access to the course for 50% off ($97 from $197).
  1. I take a comprehensive, individualized, one-on-one approach with every single person I work with.  Perhaps you have tried so many different routes to better yourself, but not see the progress you desire.   If you want clear action steps and a guide to help you lay the foundation for healing and feel confident in your body, this is for you.  If you want a partner who is committed to helping you master your own wellness, then schedule a FREE 15-minute call with my team to apply to get your health on the right track.

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