
It seems only natural to transition from writing about sunlight and grounding, to toxic non-native electromagnetic frequency (nnEMF) exposure. 

This is a problem all Modern, Industrialized Humans are facing.  Unlike other “modifiable” risk factors, like smoking for example, reducing non-native EMF exposure to 0% is impossible today.  We will go over solutions to limit your exposure in more detail next week.  You would be better served by going through the Grounding and Sunlight Series for answers, because that’s where many answers are. 

Probably every single person that reads this is used to modern conveniences that dominate our daily lives.  These come in the form of power lines, Wi-Fi routers, smartphones, computers, wireless Bluetooth devices, and many others.

In many ways technology has simultaneously brought us closer together than ever before, but further away from Nature.  

All of these devices send out invisible energy waves that we interact with whether we realize it or not.

In fact, many of you may be able to feel it.  I know I sure do.

A Short History Lesson

At the turn of the 20th century, virtually every chronic dis-ease that we consider common (but not normal) started its upswing.

Most Modern Humans just think this is because they are living longer.  However, like most modern rationalizations, this is an incomplete perspective.  First, we need to define lifespan and life expectancy.

Lifespan = the number of years a species should live.  It is a fixed number of years and does not really change.  A Human lifespan is about 120 years.

Life expectancy = how long a being is expected to live. This obviously does change as our environment does.   

Now for a hard truth: if you were to factor out infant mortality, humans have had virtually the same life expectancy for literally thousands of years.  

Think about it.  If someone dies at age 0 and another at 90, the “average” life expectancy is 45.  Is that really an accurate measurement?

What really improved the total life expectancy for humans at the turn of the 20th century was clean water and (relatively) clean food, refrigeration, and a better sewage system. 

As you can see from the study referenced above:

The increase in life expectancy between 1907 and 2007 was largely due to a decreasing infant mortality rate, which was 9.99 percent in 1907; 2.63 percent in 1957; and 0.68 percent in 2007.

In 2005, Cutler and Miller found that, “Clean water was responsible for ¾ (74%) of the decline in infant mortality and nearly 2/3 (62%) of the decline in child mortality.”

And that’s just water. That’s a much different tune than the conventional rationale of antibiotics being some kind of savior.  Sure, they can save your life in an emergency situation, but it is no secret that they are overprescribed in staggering numbers and in many cases are harmful and completely unnecessary.  The CDC itself admits this. 

If you want to get a better idea of what I’m talking about, I highly suggest the book Dissolving Illusions.  The first few chapters highlight how truly disgusting it was to live in a city around this time.  This alone should really give you a better understanding of why people get sick and die.  

Remember this, because it is a similar story with nnEMFs.

How do nnEMFs Fit In?

At the turn of the 20th century, chronic dis-ease rates began skyrocketing not because people were living longer, but when power wires started connecting every household.

If you think these are nnEMFs are safe, think again.  Telecommunication companies have a financial incentive to make sure everyone believes that these devices are safe.  This is done largely by funding extremely short-term studies and using guidelines that are not stringent enough.  

 If you’d like to learn more about this, I highly recommend the book, The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg.

Here are just some of the issues with nnEMF exposure:

What’s also worth noting is that nnEMF exposure actually changes your gut microbiome composition.

A smart guy named Hippocrates once said that all disease starts in the gut.  Excess nnEMF exposure is another contributor to leaky gut.

Understanding Electromagnetic Fields

All of these technologies we use daily generate electromagnetic frequencies (also called electromagnetic radiation).  These are invisible waves that carry energy and information.  This is important to understand because over 99% of the electromagnetic spectrum is invisible to human beings!

While this has completely revolutionized our modern world (especially since the 1990s), we must take a step back and ask, “At what cost?”

However, we first need a quick physics lesson.


Electromagnetism is often discussed in one of two ways.

  1. In terms of radiation
  2. In terms of the electromagnetic field (EMF)

What is an Electromagnetic Field?

An electromagnetic field, also called an EMF, is a region of space where electric and magnetic forces interact.  It exists in space around an electrically charged object that produces it and extends outward.  Examples of areas include near magnets, broadcasting antennas, electrical currents, a cell tower, smart phone, WiFi router, etc.  

Electromagnetic fields can be broken up into two main components: electric fields and magnetic fields.

An EMF transmits unseen energy in the environment.  An EMF contains both electric and magnetic forces of energy.

EMFs fluctuate often.  When they fluctuate, they emit waves of energy that behave as massless and chargeless energies (photons).  These energy waves consist of electric and magnetic fields oriented perpendicular to each other.  When EMF waves travel, they do so at right angles.  

Natural magnetic fields are a familiar concept to most people. The magnetic field of the Earth causes the needle on a compass to move in any given direction: north, south, east, or west.

The best example of an electric field in nature is lightning (details in the grounding newsletter).  This is actually what separates the positively-charged ionosphere from the negatively-charged surface of the Earth. 

On a smaller scale, you may have been “shocked” before by static electricity in the carpet or when touching the metal handle of a car door.  In recent history, man has learned how to harness this electrical energy via wires, conducting it into homes to power heating and cooling systems, lighting, appliances, and modern electronics.

Ionizing vs. Non-Ionizing Radiation

EMFs span a vast array of frequencies.   They are largely broken up into two groups: ionizing and non-ionizing (which we will cover in more detail below).

Humans have been around a long time on this planet, and our ancestors have survived hardships many Modern Humans cannot even fathom.

Modern Humans have largely created the vast majority of the problems that they face.  One of them is non-ionizing radiation.

We must acknowledge that no generation of Humans has ever been exposed to the amount of non-ionizing radiation that we are.  No natural being was made to withstand the electrical pollution the Modern Humans expose themselves to.

The truth of the matter is that the only EMFs that Humans (and all forms of life) are used to and in sync with are the natural ones emitted from the Sun, Earth, and atmosphere.  The previous four newsletters were primers to get to this point alone.

Humans are, first and foremost, electrical in Nature.  We take in electromagnetic information from the environment, which is then transmitted to every cell in the body, influencing its function.  This is all done through EMF exposure to the Sun and Earth.

Modern Humans are the first generation to disconnect themselves from the planet in such a dramatic way.   We spend 22+ hours/day indoors and drown in an endless sea of non-ionizing radiation from nnEMF exposure with Wi-Fi, computers, iPads, apple watches, hybrid cars (or electric cars), cell phones, microwaves, and others all day, every day.

All these sources of non-native radiation add up over time, and can have some detrimental health impacts.  

But there is one question here: why do we acknowledge the damaging effects of ionizing radiation, but not non-ionizing radiation?

Defining Ionizing & Non-Ionizing Radiation

In order to understand the difference between non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.

(For the non-science geeks) At its most basic level: non-ionizing radiation is a form of radiation with less energy than ionizing radiation. 

Unlike ionizing radiation, non-ionizing radiation does not remove electrons from atoms or molecules of materials that include living tissue, water, air, etc.  

In layman’s terms: “non-ionizing” means the frequencies are lower.  Lower frequencies mean less energy.  This does NOT mean that non-ionizing nnEMF radiation is safe though.  It means it often takes a longer time to see a cumulative effect before you feel the symptoms and consequences.

(For the science geeks) Particles called quanta are transmitted through electromagnetic waves.  Some electromagnetic waves have so much quantum energy that they can break down the bonds that hold molecules together. This creates molecules with unpaired molecules called “free radicals.”  Excess free radical build up is associated with inflammation, cancer, aging, and a variety of chronic diseases commonly found today.  These EMFs are called ionizing radiation. Examples include cosmic rays, radioactive materials, and x-rays that emit gamma rays.

Quanta at lower energy levels that cannot break molecular bonds create non-ionizing radiation. Examples of electromagnetic fields with a longer wavelength and lower frequency include microwaves, electricity, and radiofrequency fields.   Low-level non-ionizing radiation is not safe.  Despite the fact that we are constantly told otherwise by the government and telecommunications companies, this is not the case.  Even at very low levels this non-ionizing radiation has adverse health effects. 

What adverse health effects, you may ask?  How about increased rates of cancer, heart problems, ADHD/attention issues, infertility, brain fog, diabetes, and more.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum 

Today, we use the Electromagnetic Spectrum to demonstrate the relationship between different types of EMFs.

The most common measurement used is frequency using Hertz.

Frequency can be measure using time (T):

f = 1/T 


Or, it can be measured in terms of wavelength and wave speed:

f = [wavelength]/ [wavespeed]

So an EMF with a frequency of 1 GHz (the bottom scale on the diagram below) has a wavelength of 300 millimeters (the corresponding point on the top scale), or a little less than one foot. 

But let’s get into what you’re actually looking at here, starting with the highest energy values and working downwards.

Gamma Rays

At the high-energy end, we have gamma rays that are a tenth of a billionth millimeter long and have massive amounts of energy.  Gamma rays are produced when the nucleus of an atom breaks apart, and have enough energy to kill living cells.


As wavelengths get longer and have less energy we move onto X-rays.  X-rays are similar to gamma rays in that they create photons that are powerful enough to knock out electrons from atoms.  This causes highly reactive ions to be formed and can cause cell damage with prolonged exposure.  We all know this, and it’s why any room where X-rays are taken must be in a room lined with lead to absorb the energy so that it doesn’t pass through the wall and harm people who work in the office.


Moving on, we get to Ultraviolet (UV) waves.  These waves have shorter wavelengths and higher frequency than visible light, and carry enough energy to cause chemical reactions.

Generally speaking, the shorter the wavelength and higher the energy, the harder it is for a wave to penetrate a surface.  This is why most people freak out about UVA and UVB light with sun exposure, and not UVC.  UVC is the highest energy (shortest wavelength) and virtually 100% of it is absorbed in the Earth’s ozone layer, so it never reaches the Earth’s surface.

Visible Light

We finally get to the EMF band that is visible to us Humans, which we call visible light.  You might describe light as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  These are simply names given for a certain family of frequencies, which we identify as colors.  Red light has the longest wavelength and lowest frequency, while violet light has the shortest wavelength and the highest frequency.


As wavelength increases, we move beyond visible light into the infrared spectrum.  Infrared waves have a shorter wavelength than microwaves, but longer than visible light.  Vibrating molecules in any matter, including your body, emit infrared waves.  We feel infrared energy as heat.  However, certain infrared waves with shorter wavelengths may not be felt at all.  TV remotes, for example, send out shorter infrared waves (closer to the visible spectrum), which are much harder to perceive.


After infrared waves, we get into the realm of microwaves. Microwaves are considered low-frequency, low-energy electromagnetic waves between about 1mm and 30cm in wavelength.  Most modern technologies we interact with daily live in the microwave spectrum.  The reason microwaves are considered useful for communications like radios, cell phones, and satellites is because they can pass through the ionosphere and ozone layer.  

Radio Waves

Finally, we get into the realm of radio waves.  Radio waves have the lowest energy and frequency, along with the longest wavelength.  They are generally defined as electromagnetic waves with wavelengths longer than 30cm.  Some radio waves can extend as long as a kilometer or more!  

As the name might suggest, radio waves are largely used for communication today.  Radio waves are usually produced by an electric charge moving in an antenna.  Their wavelengths are long enough to move around many objects.  This category of EMFs is transferred through the air.  The term “wireless” is often used.  They relate essentially to telecommunication devices like cell phones, Wi-Fi, etc.

Radio frequencies themselves are broken up into sub-categories, ranging from extremely low frequency (ELF; frequency= 3–30 Hz; wavelength= 100,000–10,000 km) to tremendously high frequency [no I did not come up with that name] (THF; frequency= 300–3,000 GHz; wavelength 1–0.1 mm).  ELFs are transferred through wires. They are used in electrical power systems.

Man Made (non-native) Electromagnetic Frequencies

Now here is the key point and why we had to go through all of this first: with the exception of visible light and infrared EMFs, Humans cannot perceive any other frequencies (well) using the five senses without equipment.  Our brains, however, sense all of them in real time, even if we are not consciously aware of it.

This is part of the reason why most Modern Humans don’t believe non-ionizing energies cause any damage to people, yet ignore the fact that we have massively disrupted an ecosystem that has been more or less the same for four billion years.  

Before the modern technological advances that started at the dawn of the 20th century, we did not have exposures like this.  

We had the Schumann Resonance- an ELF that is modulated by the movements of the sun and moon.  

We had lightning strikes- a burst of static electricity at around 10,000 Hz that can also excite the Schumann Resonance, and occurs around 6,000 times per minute every day.

That’s it.

Really though, the most predominant forms of energy came from the sun in the forms of infrared, visible light, and UV.

And here is where the disconnect lies.  Originally, the only way to easily quantify EMFs was using temperature.  If you’ve ever seen a microwave oven in action, then you are aware of this.  

But here’s the problem: there are biological effects of nnEMF exposure that do not have a thermal effect on the body.  Unfortunately, most people still go off guidelines based on temperature, ignoring the potential non-thermal effects today.

Electromagnetic Currents

The current in an electromagnetic field will either be an AC (alternating current) or DC (direct current) current.  

A DC current flows in one direction to create a static field without any variation. The perfect example of this is the magnetic field of the Earth– the Schumann Resonance.  

An AC current electromagnetic field is the power that is most often used in our homes. It is transmitted over wires, through the air, and into the ground.  AC currents reverse direction regularly, causing drastic changes in their electromagnetic fields.

Electromagnetic fields, whether man-made or natural, constantly surround us at all times.  Our exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields has steadily increased as modern technology has advanced, especially within the past two decades due to innovations in the telecommunications industry, especially with the introduction of cell phones and other forms of wireless technology.

Cell phones and similar devices operate by emitting and receiving radio frequency (RF) radiation.  There are two types of RF radiation, analogue and digital.  Almost all cell phones, TV broadcasts, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cell towers /masts, and other wireless technologies work using digital technology.

Apart from frequency, what also differentiates RF radiation from other forms of electric and magnetic radiation is that they are pulsed.   In the US the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) defines “microwaves” as a subcategory of RF radiation operating at frequencies ranging from about 1 GHz upward. 

The Radiofrequency Problem

The particularity of radiofrequency radiation is that unless you have an EMF meter, it can be very difficult to tell if you are in an environment with high levels of RF radiation.  You can be sitting in the middle of the desert away from any signs of man-made infrastructure, and your exposure may be significant.

This RF radiation used by cell phones and similar technologies consist of a carrier wave, typically operating at 1800 or 1900 MHz also known as the carrier signal, and a second frequency, known as modulation, which is embedded in the carrier signal.  This second signal is used to send data; sounds, words and images. These modulations work at extra low frequencies and are known to cause a wide variety of biological effects.

The second problem is the fact that most forms of RF signals are now digital, which is another way of saying pulsed.  Pulsed RF radiation is not found in nature and neither is alternating current (AC).  Rather than say what’s safe, which nobody truly knows, always aim to get your EMF exposures as low as reasonably possible.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Quantum Field

It is important to remember that the Schumann resonance was the only magnetic field on Earth for a very long time.  The Schumann Resonance effectively set the standard for all life and development over billions of years.  You can say that all life on Earth should be in coherence with the Schumann Resonance.

Here’s the thing though-  a pulsed magnetic field constantly re-creates an electromagnetic field environment that things have to adapt to.  If you change the electromagnetic field, then you are changing the coherence for all biological life forms.  Now imagine this adaptation must happen all the time because nnEMF frequencies are pulsed.  

This affects every being whether you want to believe it or not, whether you can feel it or not.

Now before you click off of this and say “Dr. Vincent is off his rocker.  This is all just some BS,” just pause and look at the medical field today.  

Magnetic Resonance Imaging works by creating a strong artificial magnetic field close to your body.  This forces the protons and electrons to align with that field, “disconnecting” with magnetic resonance of Earth (The Schumann Resonance) and fall in line with that of the MRI machine’s field.   Then, a radiofrequency is pulsed through the patient.  The protons are stimulated, spinning out of equilibrium, and straining against the pull of the magnetic field.

Once the magnetic field is up, the radiofrequency is turned off.  What the MRI measures is the changes when they fall back in line with the artificial magnetic field.  

The machine picks up on the time it takes for the protons to realign with the magnetic field, as well as the amount of energy released.  This changes depending on the environment and the chemical nature of the molecules.  Doctors and technicians are able to tell the difference between various types of tissues based on these magnetic properties.

The truth is we still have no idea what the true impact of these exposures are because there is no political or industrial incentive to look into this.

And there’s an irony to this work.  Nowadays, we have plenty of modern “health” campaigns plugging government and industrial agendas into your brain every time the TV is on.  The companies are printing money, not only influencing you with their advertisements, but slowly destroying your health with nnEMF exposure.

It’s like being the most sinister type of “influencer.”  The response from the government and tech companies are still, “we need more research,” yet they have no problem putting up more 5G towers in your neighborhood.  Have you seen the number of commercials for a technology trying to normalize this?  Don’t you think that it is a strange thing to market on television?  

If you think this is a far-fetched idea, then look into the work of one Dr. Jose Delgado.

This is now a pandemic.  And pandemics are not genetic, they are based on changes in the environment.  And no part of our environment has been as radically changed as our exposure to EMFs.  Yes, that includes the food supply and v-ack-s-eens.

How Did We Get Here?

Harnessing Electricity

As I mentioned before, The Invisible Rainbow dives into the history of nnEMFs in more detail, but it is worth the summary here.

But here are just a few excerpts that are worth including…

“In 1889, power line harmonic radiation began. From that year forward the earth’s magnetic field bore the imprint of power line frequencies and their harmonics. In that year, exactly, the natural magnetic activity of the earth began to be suppressed. This has affected all life on earth. The power line age was ushered in by the 1889 pandemic of influenza.”

It’s worth noting that in 1893, at the World’s Columbian Exposition, Nikola Tesla demonstrated the first Alternating Current (AC) system the world had ever seen.  

In 1895, the Niagara Falls Power Company began placing contracts with the Westinghouse Company for long distance electric transmission development and implementation.  The first radio broadcast ever was on Christmas Eve in 1906. 

Firstenberg goes on to write…

“In 1918, the radio era began. It began with the building of hundreds of powerful radio stations at [low] and [very low] frequencies, the frequencies guaranteed to most alter the magnetosphere. The radio era was ushered in by the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918.”

Are you starting to see a trend?

On November 2, 1920, station KDKA made the nation’s first commercial broadcast out of Pittsburgh.  This is barely over 100 years ago.

Before 1880, it was the sun, candles, and campfires.  That’s it.  


The biggest boom in nnEMF exposure occurred after WWII.  Around that time, Humans began using shorter wavelengths, bouncing them off of the Earth’s ionosphere to make longer distance communication possible. 

So what’s the danger in this?  Once you modulate a radio frequency it will last forever unless it is demodulated.  This is why the work of Einstein is so important. His discovery the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy (E= mc2); the total amount of mass and energy in the universe is constant.

These radio frequencies can exist forever unless they are demodulated in some way.   On Earth, these ELFs cannot break through the ionosphere, meaning they are bounced back to Earth.  Something has to demodulate these RFs.

By the 1950s nnEMFs were becoming much more commonplace.

Firstenberg goes on to write…

“In 1957, the radar era began. It began with the building of hundreds of powerful early warning radar stations that littered the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere, hurling millions of watts of microwave energy skyward. Low-frequency components of these waves rode on magnetic field lines to the southern hemisphere, polluting it as well. The radar era was ushered in by the Asian flu pandemic of 1957.”

“In 1968, the satellite era began. It began with the launch of dozens of satellites whose broadcast power was relatively weak. But since they were already in the magnetosphere, they had as big an effect on it as the small amount of radiation that managed to enter it from sources on the ground. The satellite era was ushered in by the Hong Kong flu pandemic of 1968.”

Are all of these convenient coincidences?  We seriously need to start asking ourselves these questions, because we are now playing a game where every single human being is now a test subject.  There is no control group anymore.

Turns out, there were already people who saw the writing on the wall.  John Osepchuck, an employee at the Raytheon Company, who made many microwave technologies in the 1970s and 80s.  Here’s a snippet from this article:

“Osepchuck produce a study of microwave broadcast hazards and found that, according to the President’s Office of Telecommunications Policy, the thousand-odd television stations in the United States “are located in the centers of population and therefore are of prime concern as sources of biological hazard due to ‘electromagnetic pollution.'” He compared the total radiated power and energy of these television transmitters with the total that would be put out by a million microwave ovens operating for half an hour a day and determined that “the television broadcast industry irradiates the country and its population by a factor of more than 40,000 greater than the radiation due to microwave ovens.”

Osepchuck’s study was never formally published or distributed by Raytheon.”

“Never formally published or distributed.”  Isn’t that something?

Project Pandora

I hesitated writing this section because it goes beyond science and typical things we cover here, but we have to look deeper if we want to find real answers.  If you want more information on this topic specifically, I recommend this post by Dr. Jack Kruse.

During the Cold War, Russian scientists were actually testing workers who spent time around microwave EMFs and actually found biological effects.  They published the results.  These scientists actually called for a meeting in the middle of the Cold War to explain to the Americans that non-thermal EMF exposure actually does have a negative impact on health.  The Russians then set exposure limits to 10 microwatts for soldiers and workers.

Did the United States heed this warning?  Of course not.  They actually claimed it was propaganda and fearmongering by the Russians.  This proved to be a costly mistake.

Because the Russians were not being taken seriously, they decided to do something a bit more dramatic.  Starting in 1952, the Russians decided to bombard the US Embassy in Moscow with electromagnetic radiation in the microwave spectrum (4000-6000 milliwatts).  Why 4000-6000 milliwatts?  Because this was well below the standard set by the Schwan guidelines in the US (10,000 milliwatts).

Interestingly enough, the Americans knew this was happening and did nothing about it for a decade.  So what ended up happening?  US Ambassador Walter Stoessel developed a rare blood cancer called lymphoma. He also developed strange symptoms including severe headaches and bleeding from his eyes. Interestingly enough, the two previous US ambassadors to Moscow, Charles Bohlen and Llewellyn Thompson, also died of cancer after their time at the embassy.

The Response

This actually led to the United States scientists experimenting on monkeys to study the biological effects of highly concentrated microwave frequencies at the University of Pennsylvania and Walter Reed.  They found that the monkeys developed evidence of cancer and genetic mutations from the radiation.  

Dr. Jose Delgado experimented on four human subjects using radio waves and reported that they experienced different emotions, sensations, and colored visions.  Dr. Delgado stated that these weapons were more dangerous than atomic destruction.

1980s to Present Day

By the 1980s, we had cell phones.  The technological advances since my childhood -the 1990s- have been exponential.  It was such an interesting time to grow up because I still actually remember a time when the internet wasn’t really a thing.  

The reason we need to go over this is because we need to come to grips with how much Modern Humans have changed their environment in the last 100 years.  This has been an assault on the Earth and every Human Being on this planet that correlates rather nicely with the exponential rise of chronic dis-ease over the past 100+ years.

We are bathing in an ocean of nnEMFs that no Beings on Earth have ever experienced before.  For example, heart disease is the #1 killer in the United States.  Is it possible that nnEMF exposure might be disrupting that natural signal even a little bit?

Every time we create more bandwidth for cell phones, or increase Wi-Fi exposure, or upgrade from 4G to 5G, we are impacting our quantum biology.  Any change in the body’s electrical system will trigger changes that ripple through the entire body.  We already know this and use it every day.  Just look into MRIs and how they work. 

So Why Isn’t This Taken Seriously?

In my opinion, this answer is very simple.  It’s because we can’t see it.  Logically, of course, this makes no sense because we can’t see over 99% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

But even at its most basic level, take the heart and nervous system.  We know these body systems run on electricity.  If we constantly are bombarded with electromagnetic waves, is it possible that this could change our body chemistry? 

Heating Up

One of the major problems is the reliance on older guidelines.  As mentioned earlier, in the US, EMF guidelines were based on whether or not heat was generated.  

Other countries are taking the potential dangers of nnEMF exposure more seriously, particularly in Europe.  Some countries are outright banning the 5G rollout because they can see the writing on the wall (although some will say it is for national security reasons and not health).

Of course, here in the United States, it has been the opposite.  We can’t be seen as a losing country in the technology race.  Because of this, Modern Americans are the experiment.  And unlike most science, there is no control group, very similar to today’s v-ack-s-eens schedule.

The more obvious parallel for most folks in smoking.  It wasn’t that long ago doctors were part of cigarette advertisement campaigns.

There were whistle-blowers on this as well.  Many of them were shunned and mocked for decades.  Doctors and their patients smoked.  It was even allowed on airplanes!

So what actually changed?  The children of smokers were suffering.  The health of these kids was deteriorating and it took decades for science to catch up to this reality.  Do you really want to wait for that to happen again?

I’d argue that what is happening with nnEMF exposure, especially into 5G, is worse because, unlike smoking, you can’t stop and/or limit your exposure to secondhand smoke.  This is especially a problem with 5G.  Why?  5G radiation is stronger, meaning the wavelengths are much shorter.  This means two things:

  1. They are of higher energy
  2. They cannot travel as far or penetrate surfaces as easily

What’s Modern America’s answer to this?  Put up 5G towers everywhere.  There are some petitions out there to place a 5G tower every 2-10 houses.

Where’s the Research?

Words cannot describe how concerning this is.  This is an industry, as of 1996, that has had a gag order on the US public to prohibit any local government from deciding upon any issue that affected the wireless companies in any way if it pertained to health.

5G is an unregulated industry with…

And it’s not because these studies can’t be done.  It is because people who do them and speak up are silenced.

Legally, these companies have to put something out there, and they do have to disclose some of this information to the people that matter the most to them: the shareholders.  Take a look at this Q4 statement from Verizon in 2014:

Here’s another from the American Tower Corporation:

“If a scientific study or court decision resulted in a finding that radio frequency emissions pose health risks to consumers, it could negatively impact the market for wireless services, as well as our tenants, which could materially and adversely affect our business, results of operations or financial condition. We do not maintain any significant insurance with respect to these matters.”

AT&T, Crown Castle, and Vodafone all have similar statements in their annual reports.  They are informing their shareholders that they may suffer significant financial losses related to damage from non-native electromagnetic fields.  There are no assurances for human safety. 

The real question is, if they are telling the shareholders, why don’t they tell their customers?  It’s for the same reason Big Pharmaceutical companies and Big Agricultural companies market their pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and v-ack-s-eens as “safe and effective.”  Their primary responsibility is to keep their shareholders happy, not the customers (or patients).

This creates the reality where “the internet of things” can exist, virtually unchecked.  Oura rings, continuous glucose monitors, fitbits, Alexa, smartphones, and electric cars are just the start.  They all have sensors and communicate with these towers, collecting data on you as you go about your life.  All of these devices are pinging cell towers up to 12 times per minute.  Do you not think that this could negatively affect your health?

Making Progress

This is partially why there isn’t a ton of research on this today.  Another major component is that many of the studies that are done are:

  1. Done by the wireless companies themselves.
  2. Usually done over a very short period of time.  They do not take cumulative effects into account.  

This gives companies leeway to say their technology is “safe.”

But there are some institutions taking this more seriously.

The Swiss Re Institute classified 5G as an “off the leash,” high risk, and another went as far as to compare the dangers to formaldehyde, DDT, dioxins, and PCB.

Dr. Devra Davis goes into this in much greater detail in her one-hour lecture titled, The Truth About Mobile Phones and Wireless Radiation.  Mind you, this is from 2015!  A lot has changed since then.

She does highlight one particular study that is worth noting out of India in 2011 (now retracted…interesting right?).  

In the study, a cell phone was placed in six different bee hives for ten days.  In the experimental hives, they turned the phone on for ten minutes daily.  In the control hives, they left the phone off the whole time.  After ten days of exposure for ten minutes per day, the bees from the experimental hives never came back.

Unlike humans, bees are not affected by a placebo.  They do have a connection to their environment via natural EMF.  The introduction of nnEMF makes them interpret their living conditions as unsuitable.

We now know that Colony Collapse Disorder is a real thing, and is caused by EMF radiation.  You can give it whatever name you want, this is slapping lipstick on a pig.  

What are Safe Levels of Exposure?

There are many different conflicting guidelines on what are considered to be safe EMF levels. These recommendations differ dramatically, depending on what organization has published the guidelines.

The main international guidance on the health effects of EMFs comes from the World Health Organization (WHO) which relies largely on the work of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Other organizations which publish authoritative statements include:

Unfortunately, most of the current guidelines for EMF exposure around the world are based on evidence demonstrating whether there is a thermal effect, meaning if the radiation is not sufficient to heat up body tissue, then it is considered safe.

The most reliable information we currently have on the effects of EMFs on health is that provided by the BioInitiative Working Group. The authors of the BioInitiative Report concluded that the current guidelines for EMF exposures were much too lenient for the public.  

In some cases the guidelines were found to be greater than 1000x too lenient.  For those who are more electrically sensitive (people who have symptoms around nnEMFs) the BioInitiative Report found the existing safety standards to be hundreds of thousands of times too lenient. 

Institute of Building Biology

Another independent body, the Institute of Building Biology, publishes some useful guidelines as well. According to the Building Biology Evaluation Guidelines, for sleeping areas, there are four basic categories of concern:

As an example, for magnetic fields similar to those emitted by your electrical wiring, here are the levels of anomaly for sleeping areas according to Building Biology Evaluation Guidelines:

Michael Bevington published a helpful table in his book Electromagnetic Sensitivity of the exposure levels in nature:

When we compare even the lowest, strictest, levels of Building Biology magnetic field Guidelines (<0.2mG) to those found in nature (0.000002mG) there is a difference of many orders of magnitude.  Indeed, the levels in nature are so low, they are effectively zero; you would need very sophisticated equipment to measure these levels.

Ideally you should aim to reduce your exposure levels to AC fields and RF radiation to those found in nature, effectively zero. In practical terms it’s probably impossible to achieve such low levels, but the more you are able to significantly reduce your EMF exposure levels the better.

Key Takeaways

This is a lot to handle for sure.  

To be frank, this is also going to get worse before it gets better for a variety of reasons.

These telecommunication companies are making more money, and we are becoming more reliant, if not addicted to, technology and modern lifestyles.

There is no true escape at this point.  

It does not make me feel great knowing that I will be publishing this on the internet, using a Wi-Fi signal, and telling people about it with my cell phone.

Unless more leaders step up and take this as seriously as some other countries are beginning to (and Russians have for quite some time), the only option is to make the best of a bad situation.

Awareness is always step one, and this is just scratching the surface.

In addition to some of the sources I’ve referenced here today, some other books worth looking into are:

You can also do your best to limit your exposure to these as best as possible for the time being. 

We’ll be going over all of the strategies in much more detail next week.

For now, start by getting rid of all the excess electronics you don’t need, like Alexa, wearable “health” devices, baby monitors, and stop carrying electronics on your person. 

Control the controllables.  


You’re Overlooking Grounding- A Free Tool that Almost No Average Person Uses

Why the Sun Is the Best Form of Medicine on the Planet- Part 1

Why the Sun Is the Best Form of Medicine on the Planet- Part 2

Why the Sun Is the Best Form of Medicine on the Planet- Part 3

Much love-

Dr. Vincent Esposito

Want More?

Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:

  1. Live a life that is beyond the average human being, then start by giving it the nutrition it needs!  There is information on over 150 other herbs and superfoods in my book Nature’s Kitchen & Cabinet! 
  1. If you are struggling with Insulin Resistance or Type II Diabetes, and want to learn how to reverse it naturally, I put together my FREE Insulin Resistance Reversal Masterclass just for you!  Check out my free webinar here to learn more!

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