
My name is Dr. Vincent Esposito, and I am a holistic doctor with extensive training in chiropractic, nutrition, breathwork, and herbal medicine.  I have a particular interest in sports and athletic performance, but also detoxification and iridology.  

After finishing my collegiate baseball career, I graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic, where I also received a Master’s degree in Human Nutrition.

My Training Model

If you’re a human being with a body, you’re an Athlete.  You just may not know it yet.


Whether it is about preparing to become an Olympic-level athlete or simply recovering from an injury, an emphasis needs to be placed on building a healthy foundation.  A healthy foundation leads to better performance in desired skill/sport without specific training.  On the other hand, a weak foundation leaves you more prone to a lowered skill ceiling, long-term movement deficits, increased risk of injury & burnout.


Simply put, let kids be kids! The younger they are, the more fun they need – and the more they’ll want to do. Imagine a world where every day is filled with exciting physical activities: schools and gyms buzzing with unstructured play, homes alive with bug-hunting adventures and safe challenges, and sports programs bursting with a mix of movements and skills for everyone to enjoy.

The Athletic Skills Model (ASM) formula can broken down simply:

  1. The Human should discover it’s fun to move
  2. The Human should become an all-around Good Mover
  3. The Good Mover will develop into an Athlete
  4. The Athlete may specialize in one sport
  5. The Athlete will develop into a specialist in his/her sport

This is all in an effort to train and master the 10 basic movement skills (BMS):

  1. Balancing & falling
  2. Romping & fighting
  3. Moving & locomoting
  4. Jumping & landing
  5. Rolling, tumbling, & turning
  6. Throwing, catching, hitting, & aiming
  7. Kicking, shooting, & aiming
  8. Climbing & scrambling
  9. Swinging
  10. Music in motion


Unfortunately today, many “elite” programs skip straight to Step 4 (a one-sport specialist).  This isn’t necessarily the fault of coaches, this is a model that has been ingrained into them (in the West).

My background is in baseball, so I’ll use this as an example:


The basic movement skills used primarily in baseball would include:

  • Balancing & falling 
  • Moving & locomotion 
  • Jumping & landing 
  • Throwing, catching, hitting, & aiming…


In this context, the baseball player may be really good at these 4 BMS, but neglecting the other 6 will set him up to turn into a sport-playing robot (ignoring Step 1: Fun & Step 2: Be a Good Mover).  This will increase his chances of injury, which is becoming all the more common today.


As Athletes mature, they need to be proficient in all of the BMS for all-around performance & creativity.  Not only that, perfecting these skills isn’t just rewarding, it’s the key to staying at the top of their game and sidestepping those nagging injury hurdles (Step 3: develop into an Athlete).


To bring this all full-circle, the reason I use this model is not for vanity reasons.  When you repeatedly come back to Step 1, you will constantly rediscover why it is so fun to move!

My method is rooted in the The Essential 8 Core Principles for Healing

Let's Work Together!

Online Rehab / Performance Sessions

In a 60-minute session, I'll focus on your goals and perform a movement assessment, examining your posture, mobility, and biomechanics. Afterward, you'll receive a customized plan tailored to your specific goals.

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In-Home New Patient Visits (Saratoga County Only)

Book a 90-minute analysis with me to get focused on the results you want to create in your health, impact, and aspirations, and we'll lay out a a road map on how to get there! (Saratoga County Only)

Lab, Iris, Tongue, & Fingernail Analysis

Book a 45-minute-analysis with me to get focused on the results you want to create in your health, impact, and aspirations, and we’ll lay out a a road map on how to get there!