Fascia: The Body’s Transmission System
We spend a lot of time talking about the nervous system and how it controls what we’ve done. And, being a chiropractor, I really do appreciate its importance. But I’ve always asked myself, what if there’s more to the story? Nerves have to function digitally, with action potentials that only fire in an “all-or-nothing” pattern, […]
Building a Better Brain

Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there! My mom has been an irreplaceable part of my life, and I don’t know if I’d be where I am today without her support. I will also soon be a father myself, and I was really excited to celebrate the day with my wife as […]
How to Use Photobiomodulation (Red Light Therapy) at Home

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to use RLT and what the right dosages are. So I decided to make this week’s newsletter about that topic specifically. Obviously, this isn’t meant to be a prescription for you, but general recommendations (because I can’t give medical advice […]
The Leading Cause of Death in America Today is PHARMACEUTICALS (5/2/2024)

Welcome! Welcome to the new version of the Becoming InVINcible Newsletter. I want to thank you for your support on this journey so far, and I want to continue to provide the best possible information I can, in a way that is off social media. Which is why I need you. If you have gotten […]
The Benefits of Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

Light It Up! Please note that this post contains some affiliate links (Fringe), and I receive commissions through those links. What Do I Use? Short Answer: I use red and infrared light devices from (Fringe) daily. I start with 5 minutes and increase to 20 depending on the area in need. Long Answer: More recently, […]
Nasal Breathing Part 2: Deconstructing Obstructive Sleep Apnea

How Well Do You Sleep? We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping, and yet most of us don’t give it a second thought. Most medical and health professionals pay just as little attention to sleep as the average person. Yet it is a foundational component of health. Without healthy sleep you cannot be the […]
Nasal Breathing 101: What Is Disordered Breathing?

How Do You Breathe? On the face of it, it sounds like a ridiculous question. But the truth of the matter is most folks aren’t doing the best they can, and the numbers are getting worse. Sleep apnea cases are on the rise, about 1 in 12 Americans suffer with asthma, and over 100 million […]
The Road to Better Health, Part 1: Spirit

Welcome! Because you’re here, you are now traveling on the road to better health! This process is here to guide you through creating a healthy body, mind, and spirit, one step at a time. It doesn’t matter where you are on your healing journey! There is something here that anyone can employ. Simply follow the […]