
Becoming InVINcible

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Becoming InVINcible

Fascia: The Body’s Transmission System

We spend a lot of time talking about the nervous system and how it controls what we’ve done.  And, being a chiropractor, I really do appreciate its importance. But I’ve always asked myself, what...

Why You Need to Start Dead Hanging

Why You Need to Start Dead Hanging Welcome aboard the dead hang express, where hanging from a bar isn’t just a workout—it’s a game-changer for your daily life! Here’s why you should...

Building a Better Brain

Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!  My mom has been an irreplaceable part of my life, and I don’t know if I’d be where I am today without her support.  I will also soon...

How to Use Photobiomodulation (Red Light Therapy) at Home

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to use RLT and what the right dosages are. So I decided to make this week’s newsletter about that topic...

Top 6 Herbs for Vitality 5/6/2024

Top 6 Herbs for Vitality When I think of vitality, I think of aging gracefully.  I think there’s a beauty in those older than me that look, move, and feel great.  I think of my father-in-law...

Herbs for Every Medicine Cabinet

Sometimes, serendipity strikes!  Last week, I came across this  wild article that came out last week, and it is pretty damning.  I have felt this way for a while.  We were told incessantly for years...

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