This is going to be a little different than probably anything else you’ve heard from most people in the health space, so be forewarned here.
Ever since I first learned about the dis-ease we call diabetes, we’ve fought SO LONG about macronutrients. First some people say fats cause it, then sugars cause it. The truth is, both camps are wrong…partially. The rise in blood sugar is the effect of an impaired pancreas. It is not macronutrients.
I’m not going to sit here and say this excuses eating GMO corn and trans-fats, because it doesn’t. But my aim in this week’s post is to have you think about this health challenge that we call diabetes in a way you didn’t consider before.
I believe that the low-carb movement will continue to be incredibly popular online until more practitioners and lay people alike start looking deeper.
And the extremes will only get more extreme. Over time, the dopamine receptors of most Modern Humans have become so desensitized that they will continue to be drawn to more extreme methods.
I also aim to get you to think outside the myopic lens of diet wars. There’s a larger picture here, and the only way to understand the cards you’re dealt is by understanding the value of each card.
Note: in reference to carbohydrates in this blog post, I will be talking about organic fruits, vegetables, and even things like raw honey. “Carbohydrates” DOES NOT refer to toxic food-like products that shouldn’t be consumed at all, like high fructose corn syrup, white sugar, artificial sweeteners, and other highly refined sources.
There are two primary types of so-called diabetes:
Type I
Type I, commonly known as juvenile or brittle diabetes, falls under the category of insulin-dependent. It classically occurs during childhood and is most often described as an autoimmune response where the immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. This is faulty logic because the body does not “attack itself.” Generally, type I accounts for 5-10% of all cases.
Some scientists are currently exploring the possibility that vaX!nation could act as a contributing factor in the development of autoimmune diseases, including diabetes. You don’t need to look far past Congress passing the National Childhood VaX!ne Injury Act of 1986 to see a skyrocketing of “autoimmune” dis-eases to make the connection.
Since 1986, vaX!ne manufacturers have been shielded from liability for any injuries or harm resulting from their products. If someone was exempt from being sued or held accountable in any way, what would motivate them to make a safe product? Might they be inclined to prioritize producing and selling as many units as possible for maximum profit?
How long is the healing process? Well, it depends. Some will tell you this is irreversible. I can tell you both from my experience and talking with other practitioners that this notion is incorrect. That’s great news!
However, the longer it takes before the person takes action, the longer the healing and regeneration process usually is, especially if insulin has been used for years.
Type II
Type II, also referred to as late-onset diabetes, is considered non-insulin dependent, although it can potentially become insulin-dependent. Usually, this develops during adulthood, but is becoming more common in childhood.
Diabetes is considered another autoimmune problem, where lymphocytes attack the beta cells and destroy them. This is a misunderstanding. Your immune system is designed to eliminate the weak. It does not attack itself for no reason. The allopathic medical community cannot find a reason for this autoimmune response other than to say it is probably in the genes. However, the real reason for this response becomes obvious when you understand that in nature the strong survive while the weak perish. Nature never procreates the weak. Nature eliminates it.
Diabetes can occur just from pancreatic flukes. Flukes are parasites that can infiltrate the liver and pancreas. Cleaning out most of the harmful parasites within the body is part of a good detoxification program. However, parasites do not originally create disease or tissue failure. They are secondary to toxicity and tissue weakness.
In most cases, a person with type 2 diabetes should be able to gradually reduce or discontinue related medications (such as Metformin, Sitagliptin, Pioglitazone, administered insulin, etc.) within 3-4 months, if not sooner. For this reason, make sure you are monitoring your medications with your prescribing doctor.
When you eliminate inflammatory foods and replace them with fruits and vegetables, the need for insulin and other blood sugar medications decreases rapidly. This is especially so if you’re consuming herbs to aid in this process. The same goes for blood pressure medications.
Additionally, there is Type III, known as Alzheimer’s. To gain a deeper understanding of the condition now identified as diabetes, it is essential to investigate the tissues and cells involved and the underlying cause of their dysfunction.
Shot Out of a Cannon
It is not a stretch to say that diabetes was virtually non-existent before the turn of the 20th century. According to Auguste Hirsh, who wrote The Handbook of Geographical and Historical Pathology (released in three volumes from 1881-1886) devoted very little to diabetes because it was so rare. He also found that even Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine, claimed that he only saw two cases of diabetes his entire life.
The question really becomes, how did something that was virtually non-existent only 125 years ago become one of the major killers we see today. Genetics cannot explain this at all, and it is why so little improvement has been made in medicine since Watson and Crick’s discovery. We are not dealing with genetic issues. We never have been. These are environmental problems. We need to look outward.
Are Sugars or Fats the Real Cause?
Since this time, there has been an ongoing war about controlling diabetes, whether it be to have “no sugar” or “no fat.” What you are going to learn today is that both camps are incorrect but they bring partial truths to the table.
Glucose is the primary energy source for the body, but you can equally use stored or dietary fat to achieve a similar result. Proteins are NOT used for energy unless it is an emergency. But again, focusing on macros is only part of the story, we must dig deeper.
In this scenario, the difference between life and death depends upon a precise balance between the amount of glucose in our blood and the amount of blood oxygen. If you remember back from Part 4 of our most recent series, Dr. Otto Warburg found that if healthy cells were deprived of 35% of their normal oxygen intake, every single cell would turn into a cancerous one.
In simpler terms, per Arthur Guyton, renowned for his physiology textbooks, an imbalance involving excess fluid and sodium (Na+) contributes to an oxygen deficiency in cells. This essential imbalance serves as the foundational condition for energy depletion (reduced cell voltage), discomfort, inflammation, acidosis/hotspots, and encompasses all recognized health issues.
Fundamentally, a deficiency in oxygen disrupts the delicate mineral balance within the body. This leads to accumulation of excess fluid in tissues, leading to inflammation, and the release of surplus sodium from the bloodstream into the spaces around the cells.
Insulin is one of the hormones that maintains this balance. If the pancreas does not produce enough insulin following a meal, it can build up to toxic levels in the bloodstream. On the other hand, if too much insulin is released, it can lead to drops in blood sugar that can lead to lethargy, fatigue, irritability, and even fainting.
Bridging Old and New Thinking
Throughout one’s life, pancreatic weakness can manifest. This would be especially true of type II or late onset diabetes. The question remains: “How did they start it?”
But here’s the key, your blood sugar is SUPPOSED to go up following a meal that has carbohydrate rich foods. This is NORMAL PHYSIOLOGY. Avoiding them does not fix the problems we will discuss below. That will only make you more insensitive to insulin in the long run.
I’m also not going to sit here and say refined sugars and processed foods aren’t a problem because they absolutely are and here’s why:
When you consume refined sugars, for example, your pancreas has no idea what that is because it is not natural. It actually thinks you’ve just eaten a massive amount of potatoes or fruits or some massive load of carbohydrates that do not exist in Nature. The natural response of the pancreas is to release a lot more insulin for this massive amount of unnatural glucose.
This heightened response leads to a drop in blood glucose levels, causing hypoglycemia, which, if prolonged, can exhaust the pancreas over time. This overstimulation may result in insufficient insulin production or complete cessation, leading to diabetes.
But this isn’t the whole story. While this may be good advice to avoid diabetes in the modern era—by avoiding highly refined foods, oils, processed sugars, and all processed foods—it falls short in elucidating the alarming rise of diabetes prevalence today.
In the past, diabetes was a remarkably rare health problem, irrespective of sugar consumption. Historically, the majority of people could metabolize substantial amounts of pure sugar without excreting it in urine or burdening their pancreas.
So what changed?
Weighing Down
Today, even children diagnosed with Type I diabetes tend to be overweight. This is likely because they are overweight before they show signs of diabetes. This is due to a reduced ability to metabolize fats within the cell. After the onset of diabetes, the insulin they need to take throughout their lives prompts their fat cells to absorb substantial amounts of glucose, storing it as fat and perpetuating obesity.
Remember, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats cannot be absorbed in their whole forms. They must be broken down into their simplest forms: glucose (and other simple sugars like fructose), amino acids, and fatty acids, respectively. Amino acids are largely used for growth and repair- giving the body structure, like plants. Simple sugars and fatty acids are mostly used for energy.
Once these constituents are absorbed by cells, they are taken into the mitochondria and further broken down to simpler chemicals (acetyl-CoA), feeding into the Krebs cycle.
Glycolysis is the process in which glucose is broken down into acetyl-CoA. Beta-oxidation is a similar process used for fatty acids. Are you starting to see why fighting over macronutrients is largely a waste of time?
In the Krebs cycle (also known as the TCA Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle), these are further broken down into electrons and protons to be used in the electron transport chain. These are ultimately used to create carbon dioxide, water, and energy.
During the last step of this combustion process, the electron transport chain receives electrons from the Krebs cycle (in the form of NADH and FADH2) and sequentially conveys them to oxygen molecules.
As we have seen, external non-native electromagnetic fields and artificial lighting can disrupt this process. If external electromagnetic fields influence the speed of these electrons or if any component of the electron transport chain malfunctions, the ultimate combustion of our food is hindered. This goes for carbohydrates AND fats.
This leads to an excess of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the blood, where they shouldn’t be. Fats may end up in places they’re not supposed to, glucose is expelled in urine, the pancreas can get worn out, and crucial organs such as the brain, heart, muscles, and others are deprived of oxygen. Life slowly begins to break down.
Insulin itself was discovered in 1921 by Sir Frederick G Banting, Charles H Best, and JJR Macleod at the University of Toronto. It took over seventy years for researchers to seriously consider the role of cellular respiration in diabetes. Kelley and Simoneau found the issue was not absorbing lipids (fats), but in their ability to use them for energy. This revelation prompted extensive research into cellular respiration in diabetes mellitus on all levels.
Enzymes responsible for breaking down fats and channeling them into the Krebs cycle were impaired, as were the enzymes within the Krebs cycle itself. They found the electron transport chain was impaired and there were less mitochondria. On top of that, the mitochondria that were there were smaller in size. They also found that oxygen consumption was reduced in individuals with insulin resistance. The greater the insulin resistance, the greater the oxygen reduction.
While recognizing the importance of mitochondria and the role they play is profoundly important in insulin resistance, there is still a reluctance to take the next step. We need diabetes researchers to understand why there is a failure in mitochondrial adaptation. It cannot just be diet, exercise, and “bad genes.” There has been no change in the human genome in the 100 years since diabetes exploded in prevalence.
So what has changed?
To find an answer, we’re going to take a look at two countries from a historical perspective and compare them to the United States.
Brazil has been growing sugar cane since the 1500s. Today, Brazil is the largest producer AND consumer, and has been since the 1600s. In 2022, Brazil produced 42.7 million metric tons of sugar and they consume over 130 pounds of sugar per person annually. For perspective, that is MORE than the US. In The Invisible Rainbow, author Arthur Firstenberg compared the diets of the two countries. In Brazil from 2002–2003 and the United States from 1996–2006, researchers found that the average Brazilian derived 16.7% of their caloric intake from table sugar or added sugar in processed foods. Americans consumed 15.7% percent of their calories coming from refined sugars. Despite having LESS refined sugars, Americans had a 2.5x HIGHER rate of diabetes over that timeframe.
Bhutan is a small country in the Himalayan Mountains between India and China. It is a nation of roughly 750,000 people. This is an intentionally primitive group of people, from a political standpoint, up until recently. They had no roads, no national currency, or a banking system until the 1960s. As you might expect, technology was virtually non-existent and diabetes was incredibly rare.
By modern standards, Bhutan is a fantastic example of the potential negative effects of non-native electromagnetic fields.
On July 1, 2002, both the Department of Energy and the Bhutan Electricity Authority were established. The Bhutan Power Corporation also launched the same day. It immediately became the largest corporation in the kingdom with 1,193 employees.
What was about to happen was a transformation from nearly 0% electricity to 84% of households having electricity in rural areas by 2012.
By 2010, only eight years later, 33.5% of the Bhutanese population had irregular blood sugar patterns. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this skyrocketing of blood sugar abnormalities was blamed on the diet. The Bhutanese are known for consuming salty and fatty foods, and not eating enough fruits and vegetables. However, the diet of the average citizen of Bhutan did not change over an eight-year period. I repeat- there was NO ALTERATION to the Bhutan diet.
These folks are generally not well-to-do financially. Despite now having electricity, it is not as if they bought cars, refrigerators, washing machines, computers, TVs, and became lazier overnight. Even so, the rates of diabetes quadrupled in four years.
The only thing that really changed over a short time frame was a decade of electrification the Bhutanese population was now exposed to. Makes you think!
The United States
Consider this graph from The Invisible Rainbow:
The graph does most of the speaking for me. If you’re wondering why there was such a massive spike around 1997-98, that turned out to be the year telecom companies introduced cell phones to the masses in the US (during the Christmas season of 1996). Cell tower construction began in 1996 in cities, but it was brought to more rural areas in 1997.
At the time, I don’t think anyone could have realized just how much the cell phone would change the Modern Human’s life. In seemingly the blink of an eye, millions of Americans were now exposed to microwave radiation, and they cannot escape it.
nnEMFs & Human Energy Production
If you have been following throughout the past blogs, you should be somewhat familiar with the idea that nnEMFs can wreak havoc with basic metabolic functions in the body. They slow down the activity in mitochondria, which slows the rates they can utilize carbohydrates and fats for energy. Because they are not functioning at full capacity, the excess lipids and sugars end up getting stored as fat in the tissues. Sometimes, excess fats can cause issues in arterial walls, and that will bring cholesterol in to clean up the mess. If this goes on for too long, it can lead to plaque formation in atherosclerosis.
A similar problem happens with glucose metabolism. If glucose cannot be utilized by the mitochondria for energy because they are functioning at a slower rate, that will cause an increase of glucose in the bloodstream. Increased glucose in the bloodstream triggers the pancreas to release insulin. Unfortunately, our muscle cells (where most glucose is stored) can’t keep up, and the body must now resort to storing this excess glucose as fat.
If your pancreas becomes worn out and slows or stops the production of insulin, you now get labeled with Type I diabetes. If your pancreas can keep up, but your muscles are unable to use the glucose quickly enough, you’re labeled with type II diabetes or “insulin resistance.”
Back in the early 20th centuries, many doctors had success with fasting protocols or calorie restriction from ALL macronutrient groups so the cells could recover at the time. Many were able to normalize blood sugars after several days. They were usually reintroduced to primarily carbohydrate rich foods first, then protein, then fats.
There also seemed to be a trend then which differs from today. In the past, those with insulin resistance or diabetes were thin. They did not fit the “metabolic syndrome” label which includes obesity.
nnEMFs and Your Environment
The Great War introduced radio waves to the masses. At that time, since there weren’t too many antennas, radio waves were being bounced off the ionosphere and back down to the Earth’s surface to transmit a signal. As you might expect, virtually the entire planet became exposed to radio waves in a short period of time. Since then, we have graduated to radio, television, radar, computers, cell phones, satellites, and millions of transmission towers. These have made radio waves the predominant source of electromagnetic fields coming into contact with our cells, by far.
Turns out, there’s a lot of good research on radio waves affecting blood sugar, but the problem is none of the public research was done in Europe or the United States. Most of the studies that have been published are done in Czech, Russian, Polish, and other slavic languages that most in the West don’t recognize. This may be a reason why western medical agencies are burying their heads in the sand on this.
We do have some luck on our side, though. Some research has been done by the United States military during the Cold War, from the 1950s to the 1980s. Robert Becker mentions some of this in his book, The Body Electric. Why is this relevant?
During the Cold War, the US military was creating and constructing incredibly powerful early warning radar stations as a defensive measure against potential nuclear attacks. The objective of these stations was to oversee the airspace around the United States, as well as the borders with Mexico and Canada. This meant that these international borders were lined with hundreds of miles of radio towers- and those who lived near them were continuously exposed to radio waves at power levels unprecedented in human history.
The military needed to assess all current research regarding the health implications of radiation exposure. Basically, they wanted to know what the maximum levels of radiation they could get away with exposing Americans to. To find out, the Joint Publications Research Service, a federal agency established during the Cold War to translate foreign documents, was tasked with translating Soviet and Eastern European research on radio wave sickness into English.
One of the most consistently observed laboratory outcomes was a disruption in carbohydrate metabolism.
[Some of what will be covered below is from this source and from The Invisible Rainbow– again, highly recommend reading it yourself].
Here are Some Studies
“In the late 1950s, in Moscow, Maria Sadchikova gave glucose tolerance tests to 57 workers exposed to UHF radiation. The majority had altered sugar curves: their blood sugar remained abnormally high for over two hours after an oral dose of glucose. And a second dose, given after one hour, caused a second spike in some patients, indicating a deficiency of Insulin.”
“In 1964, V. Bartoníček, in Czechoslovakia, gave glucose tolerance tests to 27 workers exposed to centimeter waves—the type of waves we are all heavily exposed to today from cordless phones, cell phones, and wireless computers. Fourteen of the workers were prediabetic and four had sugar in their urine. This work was summarized by Christopher Dodge in a report he prepared at the United States Naval Observatory and read at a symposium held in Richmond, Virginia in 1969.”
“In 1973, Sadchikova attended a symposium in Warsaw on the Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation. She was able to report on her research team’s observations of 1,180 workers exposed to radio waves over a twenty-year period, of whom about 150 had been diagnosed with radio wave sickness. Both prediabetic and diabetic sugar curves, she said, “accompanied all clinical forms of this disease.”
“Valentina Nikitina, who was involved in some of the Soviet research and was continuing to do such research in modern Russia, attended an international conference in St. Petersburg in 2000. She reported that people who maintained and tested radio communication equipment for the Russian Navy—even people who had ceased such employment five to ten years previously—had, on average, higher blood glucose levels than unexposed individuals.”
– The Invisible Rainbow, pages 216-217
All-in-all what these Soviet researchers were finding was that the final step of the electron transport chain, through Cytochrome C Oxidase (step 4), was always inhibited. This is going to inhibit one’s ability to break down carbohydrates or fats.
To compensate for lower oxygen states, anaerobic metabolism (fermentation) kicks in, and there is a buildup of lactic acid tissues. The liver is depleted of its glycogen stores, the blood sugar curves get affected, and cells ultimately become starved for oxygen.
Turns out, these changes happen rapidly as well.
“Mikhail Navakatikian and Lyudmila Tomashevskaya reported in 1994 that insulin levels decreased by 15 percent in rats exposed for just half an hour, and by 50 percent in rats exposed for twelve hours, to pulsed radiation at a power level of 100 microwatts per square centimeter. This level of exposure is comparable to the radiation a person receives today sitting directly in front of a wireless computer, and considerably less than what a person’s brain receives from a cell phone.”
– The Invisible Rainbow, pages 217-218
More recent studies in the West have now found that glucose uptake is considerably reduced in the region of the brain next to a cell phone, using positron emission tomography (PET scans).
The Organs Involved
The Pancreas
One of the glands involved in diabetes is the pancreas, which is both an exocrine (secrete substances into a ductal system to an epithelial surface) and an endocrine (secretes substances directly into the bloodstream) gland. The pancreas is located behind the stomach, in front of the first and second lumbar vertebrae, situated horizontally with its “head” attached to the first part of the small bowel (the duodenum). The “tail” of the pancreas extends to the spleen.
The pancreas has two vital jobs:
- The secretion of major digestive enzymes. Sodium of bicarbonate is also released at this time to alkalize the stomach contents so these digestive enzymes can work.
- (Most pertinent to diabetes) the production of insulin by the beta cells for glucose utilization.
When the cells in the pancreas become weak and fail to do their respective jobs, both functions can be affected. There are several other functions of the pancreas as well.
Digestion is one of the first things we think about when we think of the pancreas. Even though it is not directly related to diabetes, it is a vital process. Without proper digestion, the entire body becomes weak, negatively affecting all its functions.
The body secretes various digestive enzymes in basically four places: the mouth, stomach, pancreas, and small intestines.
- The mouth, pancreatic, and intestinal enzymes are similar to each other and are alkaline in Nature, affecting primarily carbohydrate and fat digestion.
- The stomach is the only acid chamber in your body and its role is to start breaking down protein structures. This is accomplished by HCl (hydrochloric acid) releasing pepsin. HCl and pepsin are acidic in Nature.
It is important to note here the importance of bile (liver/gallbladder) and sodium bicarbonate (pancreas). These are alkalizing agents, which now alkalize the acid stomach contents (called chyme) once it reaches the small intestine so that the alkaline pancreatic and intestinal enzymes can finish up the job.
If there is inadequate bile flow and inadequate sodium bicarbonate, the acids from the chyme will neutralize the alkaline digestive enzymes from the pancreas, halting proper food digestion or breakdown. The HCl will then burn or inflame the walls of the intestines. This can eventually lead to ulcers and intestinal “itis’s.”
Since acids neutralize bases, the alkaline digestive enzymes of your pancreas and intestinal tract are inhibited from properly digesting your foods. This causes fermentation and putrefaction, which now becomes the process that breaks down the remaining food particles, instead of the proper enzyme action. This releases much toxicity and alcohol, which further impedes the proper breakdown of your foods into building materials and fuels, leading to additional blood sugar problems and acidosis.
The function of the pancreas that directly relates to diabetes is performed by the beta cells, which produce and release the insulin that assists in the utilization of glucose fuel by the body. Insulin, being a protein-type hormone, assists the transport of glucose through cell membrane walls.
It is important to note here that fructose from fruit moves through cell walls by diffusion, not active transport, as in the case of glucose. This means that the need for insulin to assist fructose into a cell is highly questionable, yet diabetics are commonly told not to eat fruit because of its sugar.
The part of the pancreas called the Islets of Langerhans is where the beta cells (that make insulin) are found. When this part of the pancreas becomes hypoactive from inflammation or congestion, this can cause inadequate amounts of insulin to be produced.
The Islets of Langerhans consist of three types of cells:
- Alpha cells, which secrete glucagon and raise blood glucose
- Beta cells, which secrete insulin, lowering blood glucose
- Delta cells, which secrete somatostatin.
- Somatostatin inhibits the secretion of insulin, glucagon, a growth hormone from the anterior pituitary, and gastrin from the stomach.
In diabetes mellitus (type II) it is the beta cells that are affected.
The primary function of insulin is not specifically geared towards reducing blood sugar levels. Instead, its major role involves taking surplus energy when it is abundant and storing it for future use. As a byproduct of channeling excess energy into storage, insulin incidentally brings down glucose levels. Within our body, a minor portion of glucose is stored in the form of glycogen, while the majority is stored as our primary energy source—fat.
The Adrenal Glands
One of the most important relationships that is widely overlooked is that between the pancreas and the adrenal glands. The cortex of the adrenal glands produces adrenocortical hormones. Adrenal steroids called glucocorticoids (namely cortisol and corticosterone), act principally on carbohydrate metabolism. Cortisol and cortisone have many functions, including anti-inflammatory and carbohydrate digestion or metabolism. This action is catabolic, meaning it’s involved in the process of breaking things down.
The adrenal glands also produce neurotransmitters that affect pancreatic function. Therefore, it would be important to work on both glands. If the adrenals are weak, it will negatively affect the pancreas, which is why it is always important to address physical, chemical, and emotional stress!!! It is always important to strengthen the adrenal glands as they have a vital relationship with every cell in the body.
The Thyroid & Parathyroid
The thyroid/parathyroid gland must also be considered because of its control of metabolism and calcium utilization factors. Without proper calcium utilization, all the cells in the body can become weakened. Calcium also plays a role in zinc, selenium, and iron utilization, which affects glucose utilization and cellular functions.
The Hypothalamus & Pituitary
The posterior part of the pituitary gland, controlled by the hypothalamus (the body’s master computer), releases an antidiuretic hormone, which, when underactive, causes diabetes insipidus. It is also important to note that the transverse bowel is at the heart of eighty percent or more of the upper brain weaknesses, including and especially the pituitary and hypothalamus areas. With a greater understanding of the GI tract, especially the colon and its relationship to the organs and glands, you will appreciate why a healthy GI tract is necessary to assist the health of the rest of the body.
The Gut
Your gastrointestinal tract has a relationship to all the organs and glands within your body. Just as the hub is the center of a wheel, the GI tract is considered the hub of your body. When the GI tract is loaded with toxins like pesticides or with putrefying plaque from meat and flour products, the resulting inflammation and toxicity produced is echoed to the related areas. This is why cleaning and strengthening the GI tract is vital to your success in any disease condition, including diabetes.
Some people may think that they have pathogen overgrowths when it is more of a lack of beneficial microbes due to
- Poor light environment
- Chronic antibiotic use
- Consuming foods sprayed with herbicides… which are antibiotics
Fixing the gut can take quite a bit of time depending on the pounding it has taken over the years. However, the basics include…
- Eliminating anything that messes up the gut such as alcohol, caffeine, dairy, processed foods, poor quality fats, carbs, AND proteins, etc.
- Supporting the gut with herbs and foods rich in zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, omega-3s, and others
- Mild balancing herbs like cinnamon, ginger, and garlic and use a mild binder like my favorite zeolite, Cell Defender.
All of this is a good starting point.
The True Causes of Diabetes
Every cell in your body contains a genetic code. Some become weaker than others depending on the health status of the organs mentioned previously. If not addressed, these weaknesses are magnified and passed on through each new generation. Because many do not take this into account, the human species is currently facing serious tissue weaknesses, resulting mainly in chronic and degenerative diseases.
Remember there are only two causes of dis-ease: toxicity and acidosis (in the form of inflammation). These two causes are the effects of what you eat, drink, breathe, think, feel, and what you put on your skin. These are the ways that you either strengthen your body or weaken it and the cells within it.
What If My Body Reacts Poorly to Carbohydrates?
I do not have any doubts that people have had some benefits using a low-carbohydrate approach- at least short term. Over time, these folks tend to have a lot of issues with their adrenals and electrolyte balance, which is why you see ALL the low-carb influencers telling you to add salt to your water or selling electrolyte powders. Look for the patterns, this stuff doesn’t happen by accident.
Secondly, if you react poorly to things like seasonal fruits, this IS NOT a sign that fruits are killing you and “carbs are bad.” This is the myopic thinking that confuses millions of people online. Rather, this is a sign that you probably need to address one or more of the following things to regain that ability to consume what Nature created for us.
Nutrient Deficiencies
These are super common. And what’s more, supplementing with isolated nutrients is usually not the answer to this problem. Sure, supplementing with certain B vitamins or magnesium can help, but these will not rectify the main problems, which is usually one of these three:
- A digestion problem (can’t break down food well)
- An absorption problem (can’t absorb what is broken down in the gut)
- An intake problem (not consuming foods rich in necessary nutrients)
Or combination of these three.
Many functional practitioners will do an organic acid profile or something similar, find that you’re low in nutrients X, Y, and Z, and supplement with those, and you’ll be on your way.
And you might feel better… for a while. Usually, the symptoms end up coming back OR as soon as you stop taking them, you feel worse again. Is this really healing?
Of course not. This is what is known as green allopathy.
Here’s the deal. Carbohydrates tend to increase metabolic rates. On face value, this isn’t a bad thing. But for metabolism to run, you need certain vitamins and minerals as cofactors. In other words, if you aren’t replacing these with foods that have the nutrients, it can lead to problems. The primary nutrients that are needed to properly metabolize carbohydrates are B vitamins, vitamin K, sunlight, and magnesium. Luckily, you can find these abundantly in many fruits and vegetables. Go figure.
Blue Light Exposure
I’ve written in a previous blog that artificial blue light impairs Step 4 of the ETC while natural sunlight, with its balanced blend of frequencies especially red and infrared, promotes both water production at Step 4 and also ATP production, both of which are essential for cellular health.
In another blog, I mentioned that we have more research on artificial lights increasing rates of attention issues, behavioral abnormalities, and learning problems in kids. Part of this is going to be inappropriate rises in cortisol levels.
As you recall cortisol is the stress hormone that’s responsible for mobilizing glucose and giving you the energy you need to get out of bed and start going.
This can also happen at night when exposed to “hotter” white and blue lights. It elevates this cortisol pathway again, putting you in a more sympathetic state and making it harder for you to get to sleep. This also means higher blood glucose levels. Do this long enough, and you can really put a strain on the pancreas independent of any food intake at all. In other words, insulin resistance is linked to toxic light exposure, especially at the wrong time of day.
Poor Sleep
The concept of Night Owls is a complete myth. That may trigger a few of you, but ask yourself- what other species on this planet has such a wide array of sleeping times? The answer is zero. Even the World Health Organization puts night shift work in the same class of carcinogens as glyphosate (2A).
But let’s take that a step further: what would you call a possum that is out during the day? You’d call it a rabid animal. Now someone is triggered. 🙂
Simply put, if you have poor sleeping patterns, you are risking putting every single hormone in your body out of balance simultaneously. If your hormones are out of whack, it’s a safe bet your metabolism won’t be far behind. If your metabolism is messed up, the mitochondria and the ETC cannot work as efficiently as it should, and now food metabolism is imbalanced.
So what are some things you can do to get your sleep back on track?
- See sunrise everyday
- Enjoy bright days outdoors
- Enjoy dark nights without artificial light
- Avoid stimulants- including bright artificial lights- before the comes up
- Consume vitamin C rich foods
- Calming teas like chamomile, valerian, and lavender at night
- Get electronics out of the bedroom
- Saunas
- Darkness after sundown
- Read before bed or do something that doesn’t need artificial lighting
- Shut off your WiFi at night
- Get consistent with your sleep/wake times
Your sleep is an often-overlooked factor when it comes to blood sugar control, but it is a major one! Treat it as such!
If you want to get a jump start on sleep, then get a jump-start with my How to Get World-Class Sleep ebook!
Liver and/or Thyroid Imbalances
Speaking of metabolism, the thyroid gland IS the gas pedal of the body- meaning it slows down or speeds up metabolism based on our needs at a given moment in time.
Every cell in the body depends upon thyroid hormones for regulation of their metabolism.
Knowing this, it should not surprise you to read that a poorly functioning thyroid will affect not just carbohydrate metabolism, but metabolism of all foods.
If you’re dealing with certain signs and symptoms that aren’t explained by other diagnosis or testing.
Hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) symptoms may include:
- Weight gain
- Dry skin
- Constipation
- Cold intolerance
- Puffy skin
- Hair loss
- Fatigue
- Menstrual irregularity in women
Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism (high thyroid function) may include:
- Increased heart rate
- Anxiety
- Weight loss
- Difficulty sleeping
- Tremors in the hands
- Weakness
- Diarrhea
- Puffiness around the eyes, dryness, irritation, or bulging of the eyes
To keep the thyroid functioning well, there are some things you can avoid to minizine damage to it:
- Avoid toxin exposure- especially bromine, fluoride, and chlorine. These are iodine mimickers.
- Invest in a water filter
- Consider more iodine-rich foods like seaweeds
- Try selenium-rich foods- brazil nuts, seaweeds, garlic, onion, mushrooms, navy beans, sunflower seeds, and grains grown in selenium-rich soil.
- Bringing Down Stress Hormones Catecholamines Adrenaline, Cortisol
- Vitamin B3- Wheat germ, nuts, brown rice, sunflower seeds, potatoes, green vegetables, almonds, rhubarb, whole barley, rice bran.
- Vitamin C- All fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, strawberries, blackberries, kale, papayas, mangos, guava, persimmons, apples, watermelon, red chili peppers, tomato juice, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli.
- Vitamin E- Nuts, seeds, legumes, seaweed, and green leafy vegetables, brown rice, wheat germ, peas, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and avocados.
- Beta carotene- Carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, squash (all kinds), watermelon, asparagus, apples, apricots, prunes, papaya, kale, spinach, and broccoli. Carotene, or Provitamin A, is a major antioxidant, and is found in all warm-colored vegetables (red, orange, and yellow).
Interesting to also note that lower thyroid = lower metabolism, but also means a decreased ability for the liver to filter out toxic materials. When toxins get backed up, they end up getting stored in fat tissue, including neurological tissue. This is partially why heavy metals can be incredibly toxic.
Many of the nutrients listed above will also support liver health, which is CRUCIAL at this time. Again, the whole-food versions of these are far superior to supplementation.
The liver’s immune (Kupffer) cells digest bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens within the blood from the digestive tract. A healthy liver can metabolize hormones, chemical drugs, and other chemicals.
However, the Modern Human’s daily ingestion of these substances is more than most livers can cope with. The liver also produces its own enzymes to help with the above detoxification process.
The liver is responsible for four major tasks:
- Storage/distribution
- Converting/synthesizing needed materials
- Generating bile
- Detoxification
- It also plays a role in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, and fatty acids.
Our ability to detoxify is crucial, and the liver is the primary organ responsible for this process. The liver has many obligations in the body, including the production of bile, storing glucose as glycogen, and working around the clock to review and analyze everything that is absorbed from the small intestine.
If a compound might be beneficial to us, it can be either stored or changed into something else that is useful to us. It can also be sent into the bloodstream for immediate use. However, when the liver comes across a toxin, it breaks it down or changes its structure to form something less toxic.
Acidosis, alcohol, toxic chemicals, drugs, etc., are all extremely harmful to your liver. All drug products, especially petroleum-based ones, like aspirin, severely damage body tissues, especially the liver. Take care of your liver because you need it to take care of you!
Poor Quality Fats
If you’re consuming poor quality fats, like canola oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, low quality chicken, pork etc. then that WILL negatively impact your ability to balance blood sugar. That’s right, poor quality fats DO impact your ability to balance blood sugar.
To explain this, let’s talk about leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are a type of inflammatory mediator and signaling molecule involved in the immune response. They are produced by white blood cells (leukocytes), hence the name. They are particularly active in the context of inflammation and immune system function.
Leukotrienes are derived from arachidonic acid, a fatty acid found in cell membranes. Arachidonic acid is involved in the sensation of pain, as it is converted into neurotransmitters responsible for the sensation in humans. It also plays a role in mediating the production of inflammatory prostaglandins in the body.
Leukotrienes are a subcategory of a larger category of molecules known as eicosanoids.
Eicosanoids are a class of signaling molecules that play a critical role in various physiological processes, including inflammation, immune response, and the regulation of blood clotting.
The body produces eicosanoids in response to cell injury or other stimuli (likely biophoton communication- see the previous blog here), and they act locally in the tissues where they are generated.
They are involved in a wide range of functions, and their effects can be either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, depending on the specific type of eicosanoid and the context in which they are produced. They are produced by various cells, including immune cells, platelets, and endothelial cells (cells lining blood vessels).
There are three main types of eicosanoids:
- Leukotrienes
Leukotrienes are potent mediators of inflammation and are particularly associated with allergic and asthmatic reactions. They play a role in the contraction of smooth muscle and increased permeability of blood vessels.
- Prostaglandins
Prostaglandins are involved in the regulation of inflammation, blood flow, and the formation of blood clots. They can either promote or reduce inflammation, depending on the circumstances.
- Thromboxanes
Involved in blood clotting and the constriction of blood vessels. They play a role in wound healing and the prevention of excessive bleeding.
All this to say that if too many leukotrienes are produced, they alone can trigger Type 1 diabetes. This can happen when you consume too many of the poor-quality fats. Continual intake of these substances will disrupt carbohydrate metabolism and can ultimately lead to so-called diabetes.
What About Candida?
We are told “Sugars feed Candida.”
I hope with the above understanding you can see through this myth! Here’s an example for you: if you put out a piece of cheese, a slice of bread, and some grapes or a ripe banana on the counter in your kitchen, which one is going to grow mold (fungus) on it first? It will be a race between the bread and cheese. The fruit will only grow mold as it begins to ferment, since the cheese and bread are already fermented.
Nature uses the parasitic kingdom to clean and eliminate that which is not needed, damaged, or in some way loses its ability to support life in a healthy way. Fermentation and putrefaction are the processes of decay, or breakdown, which require parasitic action. Healthy cells and lymph do not require parasitic action. Of course, this includes the cells in your body. With this understanding, what type of sugar could feed Candida (yeast, fungus, molds, warts, etc.)? That’s right… STARCHES and EXCESS COMPLEX OR PROCESSED SUGARS! They also equal fermentation— especially with low adrenal function.
If you want a more holistic view of fungi and parasites, then this blog is for you.
What About Medications?
High Blood Pressure Medications
Medications prescribed for high blood pressure have been associated with the potential to induce diabetes. Specifically, beta-blockers, a class of drugs used in the treatment of hypertension, may contribute to the onset of diabetes. This association is linked to factors such as weight gain and the diminishing effect on the release of insulin from pancreatic beta cells, which is mediated by beta-receptors. Additionally, beta-blockers may result in reduced blood flow through the microcirculation in skeletal muscle tissue, ultimately leading to a decrease in insulin sensitivity. These findings were reported in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2000.
The use of statins has been associated with an elevated risk of diabetes, as observed in a study involving 470,000 patients newly treated with these cholesterol-lowering medications. The research revealed a 10 to 22% increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes. Specifically, the use of Lipitor was linked to a 22% increase in diabetes risk, while Crestor showed an 18% increase. Furthermore, the study identified that certain groups, including the elderly, women, and Asians, had a higher risk of developing diabetes when using statins. Yet they will tell you the pros outweigh the cons. You must decide for yourself.
I won’t be covering this on every post because the consequences are so widespread, but one of the largest elephants in the room is the vaX!nE schedule.
I will not bear out the details too much, but consider some excerpts from this 2017 study:
“Observational studies state a temporal link between childhood vaX!nations and the development of type
1 diabetes. Supposedly, any vaX!nation after 2 months of age increases the risk of type 1 diabetes…
“…found a higher incidence of the disease in children who received four doses of Hib vaX!ne at
3, 4, 6, and 14 months of age than in those who received one dose of Hib vaX!ne at 14 months of age”
“Hviid and coworkers compared the type 1 diabetes incidence in routinely administered childhood vaX!nes (including Hib, diphtheria, tetanus, poliovirus, pertussis, measles, mumps, and rubella ) in a cohort of 740 Danish children (born in the range 1990 2000)”
“Type 1 diabetes was diagnosed in 681 children who received at least one dose of vaX!ne, as compared
with unvaX!nated children, with the consequent rate ratio:
- 0.91 for Hib vaX!ne;
- 1.02 for diphtheria, tetanus, and inactivated poliovirus vaX!ne;
- 1.06 for whole
- cell pertussis vaX!ne;
- 1.14 for measles, mumps, and rubella vaX!ne;
- 1.08 for oral poliovirus vaX!ne.”
“Classen and coworkers suggested that the timing of vaX!nation could be meaningful and that some
vaX!nes, including Hib vaX!ne might increase the risk of type 1 diabetes if given at age 2 months or
Another 2002 study found that doctors attending a conference of the American College for Advancement in Medicine overwhelmingly agreed that vaX!nes can cause chronic diseases such as diabetes.
Start Healing Today!
As you can see, there are a lot of places you can start. The goal here is to provide a helpful guide. While there are more nuances to consider, it offers a solid foundation on where to start.
What’s most important:
- The first step is to cleanse the gut and lymphatic system. If things aren’t flowing smoothly, it doesn’t really matter what you’re putting in.
- Incorporate foods that agree with you the most. The most healing foods are fruits, leafy greens, herbs, nuts, and seeds. Start with the ones you can tolerate and transition as slowly as you need.
- Add in herbal protocols that may be helpful. Refer to the suggestions provided.
- Enjoy life and focus on the Core 8 Pillars of Health!
- Intention
- Belief in Something Greater Than Yourself/Higher Power
- Community
- Breath
- Sleep & Downshifting
- Connection to Sun & Earth
- Nourishment from Alkaline Foods
- Body Movement
What If I’m Sensitive to Fruits?
There may be occasions when limiting fruit consumption becomes necessary. It’s crucial to emphasize that this is only a temporary measure!!!
This situation will vary from case to case. Avoid falling into the “all or nothing” mindset, thinking that if you can’t consume fruit now, there’s no point in trying. This is a misguided mindset.
Some individuals may find they can tolerate certain fruits at specific times in their health journey while struggling with others. Listen to your body. People facing challenges with fruit consumption initially may include:
- Experiencing allergy-like reactions to certain fruits (especially acid and sub-acid categories)
- Dealing with interstitial cystitis (acid and sub-acid fruits may cause severe pain)
- Having significant sugar metabolism issues in type 2 diabetics
- Suffering from irritable bowel syndrome
- Coping with Crohn’s disease
- Dealing with intestinal strictures (abnormal narrowing of the intestines, restricting most, if not all, solid food items)
- Experiencing intense fungal reactions from fruits affecting the lymphatic system (itchiness and brain fog)
- Facing debilitating energy crashes from acid, sub-acid, and sweet category fruits
- Struggling with rheumatoid arthritis (acid fruits may increase pain)
- Experiencing excessive pain due to systemic acidosis (acid fruits may exacerbate the pain)
It’s essential to emphasize that everyone should ideally be able to consume, digest, and metabolize any fresh fruits (along with leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds). Inability to do so signals an underlying issue in the body that should not be ignored.
So, What Are the Alternatives?
Fortunately, several options are available until you can reintroduce fruits into your diet:
- Water fasting (supervision highly advised)
- Green juices with or without apples (dandelion, parsley, and cilantro are great additions)
- Green smoothies
- Raw or cooked vegetable soups
- Vegetable broths
- Fruit juices*
- Fruit smoothies*
- Cooked vegetables
- Stewed/Roasted fruits*
- *Start with fruits that are tolerable for you
Depending on your health status, you may want to start at a lower level, as outlined in my first newsletter.
Suffering is Optional
The world is changing. Not all of it is in our control. Your mission should be to become more aware, and control what you can in your environment. Technological advancements are inescapable, but what’s clear is that this is affecting us below the cellular level, in mitochondria.
The goal is to keep your mitochondria healthy, and the body will follow.
So get outside and eat up!
Until next week!
Dr. Vincent Esposito
Want More?
Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:
- I’m excited to announce the launch of my new book: How to Get World Class Sleep! If you’ve struggled with insomnia, have trouble falling asleep, or wake up feeling sluggish, then this is for you! Fall Asleep Faster. Recover More Quickly. Wake Up Refreshed! Find it here!
- I have a BRAND NEW 10-minute video to show you how to Transform Your Life and Overcome Insulin Resistance… FOR FREE! You can check it out here! I hope to see you there!