
The truth will set you free…

But it might tick you off first.

In my opinion, the greatest mistake human beings have ever made is to assume the laws of Nature apply to other species, but not themselves.

The reason this newsletter needs to start with the Healing System is because it is foundational to everything else we will talk about going forward.

We now live in a world where, according to the CDCs own data, 60% of Americans have a chronic illness and 40% have two.

Mind you, as Americans, we spend more money on healthcare than any other nation, yet have the sickest human being population.

How is this even possible?

There are many reasons why, but it starts with the political-medical industrial complex working together to further their own agendas and increase profits at the expense of the American people’s health.

This crosses both sides of the political aisle.  No one is exempt.

This trickles down into agriculture, the food industry, the tech space, and the advertising we see on a regular basis.

This will be a topic for another day.  For now, it is important to understand that it is the individual people who must accept this reality and take responsibility. 

We have created a Western medical system that is fantastic for acute, traumatic care.  Unfortunately, that model does not translate well to chronic health challenges, which accounts for over 90% of all health problems.

So we need a new model, and that is going to require looking at things much differently than you ever have before.  There will be a lot of unlearning to do, but it is the only way to discover the true power of Mother Nature.

Most of what you learn in the nutrition field is false, as we will discuss.  Unfortunately, we have taken to this model of looking more at the micro: micronutrients, vitamins, “nutrient-dense” foods, calories, etc.  While this has brought about some enlightening information, it has completely warped how humans perceive the health world.

We have taken this additive approach to nutrition.  Generally speaking, it is thought that the human body must take in and metabolize various elements not obtained through the process of breathing to maintain life.  This is a grave error.

First off, let’s start with looking at the word “nutrition” itself.  It is derived from the Latin word nutritionem (nom. nutritio) meaning “nourishing,” or “to suckle, feed.”  As you can see, the original use of the word had to do more with nourishment.  More specifically, with how the mother nourishes a baby.

The original concept of nutrition had nothing to do with mathematical figures, which seek to define the way in which elements must be replaced in the body. It was more of a natural concept connected to the means by which a person, especially an infant, sustains him or herself.

So, my aim is to help you shift your perspective on nutrition. Understand that the primary goal of consuming food is to nourish and cleanse the body.  We must emphasize foods that aid in detoxification and cellular rejuvenation, rather than focusing solely on isolated nutrients.

So let’s get into it.

Understanding the Root Causes of Dis-Ease

Generally speaking, the VAST MAJORITY dis-ease comes from one of three causes:

1.      Inherent Weakness (Genetic)

2.      Acidity

3.      Toxicity

These three account for (in my estimation) at least 97-99% of all diseases today.  Let’s break those down one at a time:

Inherent Weakness

Inherent weaknesses are cellular codes, or memories, ingrained into us by the time we are born.  The physical body that you inhabit during this lifetime contains a genetic imprint of your family tree and your cellular strengths and weaknesses.  It is important to note that, as a parent (or future parent), how you treat your body will directly affect the health of your offspring!!!  This applies to all people before, during, and after pregnancy.

Just because you have an inherent weakness DOES NOT mean it will manifest through symptoms.  As we mature, we either make our inherent weaknesses weaker or stronger depending upon our lifestyles.  This is extremely important to understand because we now inhabit a world where generation is becoming weaker and more fragile.  This is not inherently “genetic.”  Instead, the weaknesses are passed down through acidic and toxic overload that is becoming more prevalent with each generation.  

Today, at a rate never seen before, more people are consuming and injecting incredible amounts of toxins into their bodies.  Cancers are developing in early teens.  Chronic and degenerative issues are occurring in infants.  We are seeing birth deformities occur at rates never seen before.

We now live in a world where it is expected that 50% of people will develop cancer.   When organs and glands are underactive from genetics, inflammation (acidosis), or toxicity, a host of imbalances and disease conditions can result.

Cells and tissues become stronger or weaker depending upon both genetics and one’s lifestyle (what you eat, drink, breathe, what is absorbed through your skin), and by what you think and feel (emotions).  

Certain life experiences leave us weak and vulnerable, even from before birth.  Genetic memories add to or subtract from the cell’s overall state of health.  The impact of these factors determines the strength or weakness of cells, organs, and glands, performing as they are designed to.

As a collective, we must begin to repair the weaknesses passed down to use and rebuild our body, from the cells up.  Future generations of humans depend on it.  Nature does not procreate the weak.   The weak are always consumed, one way or another.  This keeps nature healthy for all species.  This logic holds true on both a macro (world) and micro (body) scale.


Our world consists of a dynamic balance of opposites.  Traditional Chinese Medicine identified this in the past using concepts known as Yin and Yang.  This interplay creates movement, activity, shapes, sizes, colors, temperatures and much more.  This is the basis of all matter, which is rooted in energy, as everything here on Earth is.

The elements that make up matter are either acid or alkaline.  Acid-forming elements include nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur.  We know many alkaline elements as electrolytes because of their ability to carry and deliver electrical charges.  

Acids are chemical compounds that always have hydrogen as part of their makeup.  They have the ability to supply positively-charged hydrogen ions in a chemical reaction (H+).  The degree of acidity is determined by the number of hydrogen ions in the solution.  We call this measure pH, or the potential for hydrogen.  Acids give protons to a substance creating a “bonding” effect, as in bone or stone formation.

Bases, or “alkalies” in chemistry, are negatively charged and are attracted to protons (OH).  Bases neutralize acids.  An example of this would be the toxic acids created from digestion (e.g., sulfuric acid and phosphoric acids), which are converted to non-toxic salts when combined with alkaline electrolytes. These non-toxic salts are then passed from the body through the kidneys.  This neutralizing effect is vital because of the highly toxic and damaging effects these acids have upon the tissues of your body.

What we call Oxidative stress is a phenomenon caused by an imbalance between production and accumulation of oxygen reactive species (ROS, also known as “free radicals”) in cells and tissues and the ability of a biological system to detoxify these reactive products.

Free radicals can play several physiological roles (i.e., cell signaling), and they are normally generated as by-products of oxygen metabolism.  

IMPORTANT: Just as free electrons are negatively-charged, free radicals are positively-charged.

By nature, humans are electrical beings, and this is why understanding this fundamental concept is key to understanding nutrition.

All foods that humans eat can be divided into the above two categories: acid-forming or alkaline-forming.  This is going to depend on the ash left after their digestion.  The food’s ash dominating inorganic minerals, along with many other factors, can affect the pH of our body’s fluids.   

Acid foods leave more phosphorus, iron, and sulfur compounds, which displace alkaline materials like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium (your electrolytes).  Acids also tend to crystallize in the body.  These crystals are deposited throughout the body causing inflammation, irritation, or agitation.  For example, uric acid is a by-product of meat metabolism and/or fungal growth in the body.  This buildup causes gout and other inflammatory conditions throughout the body.

The accumulation of acids and toxic foreign proteins in tissues causes an immune response that we call inflammation, usually called the –itis’s (gastritis, colitis, cystitis, nephritis, bursitis, and arthritis, etc.).  These are not really diseases, but rather an inflammatory response to a more acidic environment.  This is also why using more acid-forming drugs and steroids only lead to further degeneration, pushing inflammation deeper into the body tissues.  This is why detoxification and alkalizing can be so powerful!


There’s a lot of toxic things going on in today’s world.  According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 

“The average American has over 700 chemicals in his or her body – a terrible toxic burden, and one our bodies are ill-equipped to handle. Exposure to toxic chemicals and heavy metals is occurring at a level unprecedented in human history – triggering the development of devastating illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and cancer.”

Proper digestion and functioning detoxification pathways are crucial to preventing and treating chronic diseases and cancer.  Less-than-normal function of these systems can have drastic effects on the health of other body systems, so it is important to take a holistic view.  When it comes to supporting detoxification, the best results are seen when the following changes are made over the future weeks and months.

Creating a healthy environment that promotes optimal cellular function is of utmost importance.  Unfortunately, in the world we live in today, there are some factors we do not have control over no matter how much we try.  

The water we drink, the air we take in, the foods we eat, the chemicals we come into contact with, and the electronic devices we use (cell phones, tablets, microwaves, X-rays) can all damage cells to varying degrees.  Cellular damage can ultimately become severe enough to promote cancer proliferation.  There are many common carcinogens found in our environment.  Here are some of the most common ones found today:

The more we expose ourselves to toxins like the ones mentioned above, the more likely we are to experience ill health.  Weall have detoxifying mechanisms to combat the onslaught of toxic material that we come into contact with daily.  We are constantly going through states of detoxification and repair whether we know it or not.  

I don’t intend for this to be alarmist in any way.  I’m showing you the reality of the modern human.  There are more than enough tools at your disposal to heal and regenerate.  What I aim to show here is that the further we move away from Nature, the sicker humans tend to be. 

Regeneration and healing is both a science and an art.  It is a continual process that progresses throughout life, taking place at one level or another, depending on the health of the individual.   This process rids the body toxins, mucus and other unwanted material, which can create symptoms that may be called diseases by some doctors, but is actually a natural process.

Rewriting What You *Think* Is Important in Nutrition

I mentioned earlier that the conventional way most health professionals look at nutrition is incorrect.  Here I will explain why…

This story starts with a healer named Arnold Ehret, a German naturopath, back in the early 1900s.  He was famous for incorporating fasting into his philosophy of using raw, organic plants to allow the body to fully detoxify and rejuvenate itself.  He is most famous for his book The Mucusless Diet Healing System.

In it, he introduces his “Vitality equals Power minus Obstruction” health equation, shedding light on the interplay between food, health, and vitality.  The equation can be written as:

V = P – O

V = Vitality

P = Power

O = Obstruction

Vitality is the energy or “life force” of an individual. It includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  According to Ehret, achieving and maintaining vitality is the ultimate goal.

Power represents the energy derived from primarily raw fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in essential nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants that contribute to vibrant health and energy.

Obstruction refers to the accumulation of mucus and toxins in the body.  He felt this was primarily due to mucus-forming foods, although modern lifestyles have certainly added more items to that list. These foods and toxins hinder the body’s natural detoxification processes.  It results in congestion, sluggishness, and overall poorer health.

Ehret’s Mucusless Diet revolves around the belief that mucus-forming foods are the root cause of many health issues. He classified foods into three categories:

Mucus-forming: Dairy, meat, processed foods, and refined sugars.

Moderately mucus-forming: Starchy vegetables, grains, and beans.

Mucusless (non-mucus forming): Raw fruits, leafy greens, and non-starchy vegetables.

Ehret argued that consuming mucus-forming foods leads to the accumulation of mucus in the body, causing congestion and various ailments.  In other words, the higher the “O,” the more difficult it would be to achieve optimal health.   

Moreover, he asserts that the main focus should be removing the obstructions first and foremost!

And this is where the deviation from modern nutrition approaches are.   Instead of being obsessed with eating “nutritiously,” Ehret asserts that our focus should be on the most fundamental aspects of human life, which is breathing and the natural elimination of internal waste.

When there is obstruction (a high “O”) from acidity or toxicity- what Ehret refers to as mucus- the body will not function properly until it is removed.  

This flies in the face of most modern dietary advice, which claims that humans are walking calorie calculators.  There is this misleading concept that since muscles are made up of muscle tissue, humans must consume meat to restore it.  

It is quite a ridiculous statement when you simply observe nature.  You don’t see the giraffe worrying about where the protein comes from.  You don’t see the horse worrying about its calorie intake.  When left to their own devices in their natural habitats, all animals know instinctively what to eat.  Humans are the only species who are lost here.  Anyone who observes nature and looks at the rhino, horse, cow, or great ape- none of which struggle with building muscle, and none of which consume meat!  This concept is a fallacy.  

Remember- humans have been around LONG before this shift in nutrition took place, and were healthier people.  As he puts in a book…

What cow needs to drink milk to produce milk? What cow eats dead animal flesh to produce its own beef? Cows are herbivores and will eat only grass if in the proper environment. Also, many primates will live on fruits only, or fruits and herbs, if in the correct environment. Many of these animals are not small, weak, or deficient in any way.

Humans’ Detachment from Nature

This is something that is incredibly obvious to the naked eye, and yet most disregard it.

Humans originally are a tropical species.

This is plain to see.  

What has not been as obvious to most is the implications for health, culture, and actually, all spheres of our lives! 

The truth is, humans are physically not well-adapted to face the challenges of cold climates.  It shouldn’t be surprising that the general health of humans is worse the further we deviate away from the equator.  

Humans do not have any of the adaptations that many cold-weather animals do.  These include, but are not limited to:

But What About Indigenous People in Colder Climates?

Even if people live in these areas, it is important to understand that they have been only able to survive (not thrive) through some adaptation, but mostly human ingenuity. 

What is interesting to note here is that humans tend to consume more animal-derived fats and foods in the climates.  This is due to the fact that less fruits and vegetables are available in the regions.  Because of this, they may be low in certain nutrients like iodine, selenium, and vitamin D.

And this is where their growing “ancestral diet” community is incorrect.  Supporters claim the diet of our direct and recent ancestors before agricultural activity included cooked meats and tubers.  

The modern-day paleolithic “hunter-gather” concept is hardly backed up with biological adaptations related to foods, foraging, digestion, and metabolism.  I must also point out that paleoanthropology is one of the most controversial and uncertain fields in all of biology.  

The modern interpretation of “The Paleo Diet” is basically omnivorous, including (cooked and raw) vegetables, fruits, greens, meat, eggs, nuts, and seeds.  Admittedly, this a major step up from the Standard Industrialized Human diet.  Whichever way you slice it, leaving out grains and processed foods is a huge step towards better health.

I also must emphasize that they would not have survived without more modern amenities (shelter, fire, clothing, etc.), which is a theme that continues into modern times.  Even in more temperate climates, it would be a challenge for humans to survive during the Spring, Fall, and Winter.  

Yes, humans do have the ability to thermoregulate, or immediately respond to changes in temperature.   We can train the body to endure the cold for a short time to a limited extent.  This process is called acclimation, and it improves the response to cold stress.  This is more likely useful for early humans who lived in warmer climates but when swimming in cooler waters.  It is worth noting that humans can improve their cold stress response by optimizing nutrient intake.  

However, this is a limited ability.  The only reason humans are able to survive in cooler climates is due to behavioral adaptations (tools, shelter, clothing, fire, etc), NOT genetic shifts.

Humans have been able to modify their surroundings- creating a more suitable environment for themselves.  This is where human ingenuity must be celebrated!

You don’t need to be a Ph.D scientist to realize that if you were to stand outside, naked, in the arctic (or even temperate zones during winter), you would not survive.  Humans have been able to make this work with clothing, heated indoor shelters, and fires.  While these are fantastic behavioral adaptations, they all illustrate the obvious fact that humans were not meant to live in those conditions.

If you live in a cold area, you are simply a dislocated tropical being. 

So What Do Our Adaptations Tell Us?

Throughout this, I implore you to remember that Mother Nature, when left to her own devices, doesn’t make mistakes.  

If you go to the local bookstore, you will find books on blood types, mega-dosing with supplements, high protein diets, keto diets, carnivore diets, and more. 

For me, I always like to take a step back, and think simply.  Hundreds or thousands of years ago, humans did not have studies or books telling them what to eat.  In fact, humans are the only species on the planet that is confused about what to eat!  

No other species has to think about if they are getting enough vitamins or minerals or protein.  They just eat what they are made to eat.  It’s actually that simple.  Humans are the only species of the millions on this planet that think they are the exception to nature.

Now, some might say that this is far too simplistic a comparison, but it seems to work for every other species on this planet.  

My underlying philosophy is this: if your claim is that humans are somehow the exception to every other species in the natural world, then you better come with A LOT of evidence to say otherwise.  The science today is very clear: humans do better consuming plants, especially fruits.  

To understand how humans can be categorized as fruit eaters, we must understand more about primates and our past.

First we need to define a frugivore.  Also what is a fruitarian?

Frugivores: primarily consume nuts, seeds, greens, tubers, herbs.  Some species also include small amounts of insects, meat, eggs, and mushrooms.

Fruitarian: fruits only.

Highly frugivorous animals eat mainly fruits, but most frugivores also eat other types of foods. Frugivores can be a subclass of omnivores or herbivores. Chimpanzees may be categorized as frugivorous omnivores.

Frugivorous primates eat ripe tropical fruits, greens, nuts, and tubers, but also eggs, insects, and some also eat meat from time to time.

We, as human beings, have particular traits that make us frugivores by nature.  Let’s look at some of these incredible adaptations:

  1. Loss of own vitamin C synthesis due to high fruit intake
  2. Trichromatic color-vision: specialized color-vision for highly effective fruit foraging
  3. Digestive anatomy and microbiome similar to other frugivorous primates
  4. Dentition similar to frugivorous primates
  5. Complex hand with opposable thumbs needed for tree life and fruit foraging
  6. Humans have a sweet tooth
  7. Frugivores like sour taste
  8. Instincts: sensory cues strongly attract us to ripe fruits (color, smell, taste), unlike any other food in nature
  9. Humans originated in the tropics: tropical forests are the only habitat that sustains larger frugivores

Let’s break each of these down in more detail.

  1. All Frugivores Do Not Synthesize Vitamin C

Indeed, most mammals, including cats, dogs, and cows, all have genes that allow them to create their own vitamin C.  Frugivores, however, do not.  This trait on its own is unique to species that consume a large portion of fruits, because that is where it’s found!

There are studies that have found that those species that consume large amounts of fruits do not have the ability to synthesize their own Vitamin C, because it isn’t necessary.  

Only the fruit-eating species have lost their functional vitamin C genes.  Non-frugivores have kept their internal vitamin C production. There sure seems to be a correlation here.  

All apes (including humans) and most primates need to consume vitamin C from external sources (fruits). Lemurs are an exception in the primate family: Lemurs still produce vitamin C themselves – and to no surprise, lemurs “consume much fewer fruits than other primates.”

It shouldn’t be surprising that humans consuming high amounts of vitamin C have a beneficial effect on our overall health and microbiome:

“High-dose vitamin C supplementation for two weeks shows microbiota-modulating effects in healthy individuals, with several beneficial shifts of bacterial populations.”

  1. Trichromatic Color Vision

This is another trait that is unique to frugivore species.  This allows brightly-colored fruits to pop out in our environment, especially when ripe.

As one study puts, “Amongst mammals, primates are the only ones that possess true trichromatic color vision.”

This is an advantage that most frugivores have over omnivores, carnivores, and herbivores.  It makes them more efficient at- you guessed it- finding fruits!

  1. Humans Share Digestive Anatomy and Microbiome with Other Frugivores

I have spoken about the anatomy of the digestive tract in great detail, and I am of the opinion that the curiosity in the microbiome will lead conventional and alternative medicine towards a brighter future- if we don’t eradicate ourselves first!

One of the key ways to determine the optimal diet of a species is by looking at the digestive tract of said animal.

Some may find the comparison between omnivores and frugivores controversial.  However, the size of the human’s GI tract and the mucosa are specific for a frugivorous primate. Because of this, humans are grouped with the frugivorous primates, not with the folivorous (leaf-eaters) nor faunivorous (meat-eaters) primates.

What has changed the microbiome of the modern human is the toxic environment and foods.  

It is true that some frugivores do consume raw meat (intentionally or unintentionally).  However, they are consuming fruit, leaves, nuts, and seeds as primary sources of nutrition.

Frugivores take bites with their incisors and chew their food with molars.  While this is happening, enzymes are released in the mouth to further break down sugars (ptyalin, also called salivary amylase).

  1. Dentition Similar to Frugivorous Primates

The shape of the teeth defines the function and what type of food a species can process most effectively.  As you can see in the picture above, humans have a similar dental pattern to other frugivorous apes and primates.  In this case, pictures can say more than words.

  1. Complex Hand with Opposable Thumbs Needed for Foraging.

We use hands for… almost everything.  In Nature, opposable thumbs allow animals to grab and hold things and enable climbing.  It also allows us to pick fruits off trees!   Paws and hooves can’t do that!

  1. Humans Have a Sweet Tooth

Not all species have the same taste receptors.  All frugivores crave sweet foods.  This attraction to sweet foods is what draws us towards ripe fruits.  

This can be easily displayed with children.  As children we are much more instinct-driven. 

If I were to fill a large table with every type of food that humans eat, and put a small child in front of the table

guess which foods they will always go to? 

Fruits and flowers— the high energy, colorful foods. 

This is due to our nature, being frugivores, not omnivores. 

Put it another way: if a human were truly a carnivore, he or she would enjoy catching a live animal (with bare hands, no tools or weapons), ripping it apart, and eating it, uncooked, in the moment.

There are not many people who enjoy this.  

In fact, for most people, just looking at meat and blood is repulsive!  This may be one reason why we do not take a trip to a slaughterhouse with our kids. 

But who doesn’t enjoy apple or cherry picking?

  1. Frugivores Like Sour Tastes.

Acidic tastes are off putting for many animals.  Exceptions to this are humans, apes, and birds.   This may be linked to our need for vitamin C.  As you may notice, foods rich in vitamin C, like citrus fruits, tend to have a sour taste profile.  

We discussed why we need vitamin C above.

  1. Instincts: Sensory Cues Strongly Attract Us to Ripe Fruits (Color, Smell, Taste), More Than Other Foods in Nature.

Other than taste, there are sensory cues that attract us to fruits, particularly tropical ones.  We tend to find them incredibly attractive and appealing.  And the best part, they taste and smell great!  Similar to all other animals, these are all instincts that naturally guide us.

As mentioned above, infants and young children are instinctively attracted to fruits.  And if you don’t believe me, try feeding your cat a slice of a mango and get back to me.

But what about the cooked steak?  Here lies the issue.  You must understand that no animal cooks its own food before eating it.  If you talk to a zookeeper, they have learned to never feed cooked foods to any animal, as this will cause them to get sick and die.  Even most vets will acknowledge this and tell pet owners to avoid feeding pets from the table.

  1. Humans Originated in the Tropics: The Only Sustainable Habitat Larger Frugivores

As mentioned above, humans are a tropical species by nature.  We are not adapted to cold climates.  Only tropical climates can sustain larger frugivore species.  If you strip away the technology, tools, clothing, etc. and were simply one with Nature, it is plain to see that humans would only be able to survive in tropical regions. 

Our physiological processes and our anatomical makeup are virtually the same, no matter if we come from China, Nigeria, India, England, or America. However, the consciousness (awareness), the activity level, and the parts of the body used all make a difference in the types of foods we generally eat or crave. Don’t make getting healthy complicated. It really doesn’t have to be.  Keep it simple.

How to Level Up Your Nutrition

Now that we understand that…

  1. It is more important to rid the body of wastes first
  2. Humans are frugivores by nature
  3. The further from nature we get, the sicker we tend to be

For many, consuming mostly or exclusively fruit, will be the best bet for healing.  

In other instances, a more transitional approach, which is higher in greens, will be the most rational and health conducive approach to meet the individual’s needs without putting them out of balance. 

You can make the same argument for raw food vs. cooked food. Both have their place, depending on the individual.

Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier, nutrition conversations focus largely on

This is because we have the most information on these properties.  However, we tend to forget or disregard other important factors like

…and other important elements and phytochemicals found in raw plant-foods.  These deserve vastly more attention than currently given.

This is especially true when it comes to the astringent and flavonoid departments that most fresh, tree or bush-ripened fruit rank supreme over vegetables, also making them better detoxifying foods.

I tend to not focus on the nutritional components too often because they take us in the wrong direction, as well as bring forth the concept and fear of nutritional deficiency. 

This myopic approach shifts us towards orthomolecular supplementation and treatment-based approaches.

We have seen this taken to fanatical extremes in the case of nutrition, calorie, and biomarker tracking tools all of which rarely, if ever, addresses the root cause of the problem in the first place.

Creating an Action Plan

We need an action plan to level up our health.

Life, in many ways, mirrors that of a video game.  In life, and in games, we come across challenges.  Initially those challenges are simple and straightforward.  Generally, they are fairly easy in the beginning- or at least the steps to take are obvious.

Once you gain experience, you begin to level up.  As you level up, it requires more time, energy, and commitment to reach the next one.  In other words, it takes A LOT MORE experience to go from level 99 to 100 compared to level 1 to 2.

The easiest way to go about this is to understand what is required at each level, and then understanding what it takes to level up.  Your body will begin to cleanse and detoxify itself as you begin to level up.  

But just like infants, you have to crawl before you can walk.  

It is VITAL to understand that it is not wise to skip too many levels at once!   This can lead to a bit of a healing crisis, and what people often confuse as cleansing foods, allegedly “harming” them, are actually the body’s way of cleansing the garbage that has been in the system for so long.

With this said, it is not essential that everyone jump into this type of approach 100% overnight.  However, if you are really looking to level up your health, there is a way to transition that I find most effective.

Each Person is Different.

No two people are the same.  Some may take longer to transition to this lifestyle than others, and that is going to be dictated by both the constitution and overall toxicity of the person.

There is both a scientific and artistic component to cleansing and detoxification.  On one level or another, it is a process that continues throughout life to different degrees.   It is a natural process.  Most natural life consumes food intuitively.  However, many humans have lost this intuition.  

They will largely consume what society teaches them to eat.  You must understand that money is THE major motivating factor in today’s world, including the Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Ag industries.  Many products and foods are sold for financial gain and at the expense of the consumer’s health. As a result, humans have become the sickest and most disease-ridden species on this planet.

When the natural healing process or “healing crisis” is in progress, it should be helped along and monitored. This purging is referred to in many health journals as “Hering’s Law of Cure,” or simply the Healing Crisis.

His law states: “The cure must take place from above downwards, within outwards, from more important organ to less important organ and in the reverse order of the appearance of the symptoms.”

Cleansing cycles can last anywhere from one hour to three weeks. It depends on the level of toxicity in an individual. These are all great signs that your body is responding and cleaning out the toxicity and also rebuilding the weakened areas.

The body is always trying to keep itself clean and strong by means of detoxification. This is done through sweating caused by fevers, by vomiting, diarrhea, frequent urination, colds, flus, and daily elimination. The more toxic a person becomes, the stronger the purging will be.

During the cleansing and healing process, old symptoms of past dis-ease, inflamed or weakened tissues may return and then disappear as the body heals that particular area.  These are old, toxic problems that were originally suppressed.  Now, the body has worked its way into these areas to rebuild and restore normal tissue function.  You may also feel areas of weakness that you never even knew you had! Don’t panic!  Just relax and let your body continue its journey into vibrant health!

That being said, detoxification can happen too fast, and you may want to slow things down.  If this happens, it is usually because you quickly transition from a typical Western diet loaded with toxic chemicals to a highly pure and cleansing one of fresh, raw fruits.  Fruits can cleanse quickly, leaving you with some very noticeable side effects.

For this reason, it is important to go slower and incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.  You may also want to avoid water fasting initially if you have very low energy or are experiencing a fair bit of degeneration.  Low and slow may be better for you.

The goal here is to accomplish a few things…

If you are adamant that you want to skip some levels here and take a more aggressive approach (which I do NOT recommend personally), you must understand some fundamentals.

  1. You may run into very intense and uncomfortable healing crises.
  2. It’ll take rigorous discipline to maintain a strict high or all-fruit diet (especially if up against fungal or parasitically induced cravings).
  3. It is going to be a journey, not a sprint.
  4. It can drain your energy when done too quickly or intensely.

As in any game, we will start at level 1 and work our way up as we gain experience. So let’s take a look:

Level 1: The Standard Industrialized Diet

These are the most harmful foods in terms of acid load and are very mucus-forming. They include trans fats, hydrogenated oils, dairy, cheeses, conventional wheats, refined sugars, meats, and heavily processed and chemically-laden products. Many Standard American Humans are still stuck on Level 1.  Sadly, the modern industrialized human is the sickest animal on the planet.

I only hope that more begin to realize this.

First off, it starts with taking inventory of what you have, and eliminating the most harmful foods.

In an ideal world, you will eliminate all of these. I suggest phasing out of the oils, white rice, and white refined grains first. 

Level 2: Removal of Dairy, Alcohol, Caffeine, Fried Foods, Processed Foods, and Other Food Additives

These are all incredibly acidic in nature and can lead to major health issues down the road.  All roads to chronic disease lead through inflammation (acidity).  Many are living in acidic bodies.  They are on fire…

In my opinion, the reliance on stimulants is a major problem, and all you have to do is look down any city block to see how rampant this really is. Reliance on stimulants eventually weakens glands, like adrenals, which will sap you of energy.  This will have you going back for another cup of coffee, and the vicious cycle continues.  You may need to slowly wean yourself off of these.  If you go cold-turkey, you may experience some fatigue or withdrawal effects. This will pass quickly when you start including more living foods.  

Dairy foods create mucus in the body.  Thus, removing dairy is essential for anyone detoxing, and is especially important for those looking to heal from any skin ailments. 

I understand that dairy is addictive. It actually contains compounds called casomorphins.  These have opioid-like effects in the brain.

But I urge you to take a step back and consider examining nature. In many ways, life is a process of transmuting matter and energy into different forms.  We know matter cannot be created or destroyed.  However, in the nutrition space we seem to have lost our way.   

What is an absurd idea is that you must eat protein to build, to grow, protein of muscles and tissue.  Most certainly not; for instance, is it necessary that a cow must drink milk to produce milk?

A baby’s stomach cannot digest what a calf can.

Simply observe Mother Nature, and the most magnificent creatures on this planet.  Look at how elephants, horses, or cows eat.  They consume mostly grass and leaves.  

Consider wild silver-back apes, with a diet consisting of fruits, sweet tubers, berries, and flowers.  These are among the strongest animals on this planet.  We need to open up our mind as to how the body and nutrition really works.  We are not walking digestion calculators!!!

The sooner you eliminate these, the sooner you will level up!

Level 3: Removal of All Animal Products

This is the “Transitional Level” that will allow one to overcome his/her addictions to dairy and animal products.  This level is by far, the hardest to overcome!  Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, are optimal for maintaining the body’s natural balance and supporting its detoxification processes.

While the body is healing as you rise through the levels.  Reaching Level 4 is where you truly start to cleanse and heal in a physical, mental, and spiritual way.  

This is where understanding human biology comes into play.  Humans originate from tropical habitats.  We are adapted to warm climates and foods found in the tropics for nourishment.  It is no wonder why so many folks spend vacations in tropical climates!

As humans ventured out of their natural habitat into colder climates, we had to find new foods and survive by cooking otherwise inedible food sources- like meat, but also eggs, dairy, fermented foods, and grains.  These were fallback, survival foods!  Simply surviving does not equate to optimal health!

Level 4 & Beyond

As we move closer towards more raw foods, you’re going to have to learn how to cook new foods!  I would invest in a quality blender and/or juicer to start.  Also, if you have a microwave, now would be the time to get rid of it.

Part of this journey must include learning how to prepare delicious meals using your favorite fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts, and seeds.

To start, think of combinations including

What would a typical day look like while transitioning?


It is important to recognize that the work breakfast literally means “breaking a fast,” which is why it is associated with the first meal of the day.  It is also worthwhile noting that the “three-meals-per-day” concept was manufactured by the food industry itself to sell breakfast cereal in the 1940s.  There was no real science behind it.

I find for most people, two meals per day is best, eaten between 10:00 and 11:00 in the morning, and the second around 5:00 or 6:00 in the evening.  

If you are constantly eating all day, this is going to put a burden on the digestive tract, ultimately impeding its ability to absorb and utilize nutrients.

With that said, if you want to go the more common route, this is what I would recommend:

Start your day with exclusively fresh fruit as the first meal. Prior to this meal, some people like slowly drinking 8-16 oz. of lukewarm water with freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. 

Lunch & Dinner

The go-to options here are going to be soups and salads.  Plain and simple.  Light is the way.  Whether cooked or raw, blending soups will ease the load put on the digestive tract, which is important here.  Dinner can consist of raw salad, two cooked vegetables, one protein (mainly nuts/seeds during this program but also peas, organic tofu/tempeh, lentils, and green beans), and a broth or health drink (smoothie, juice or tea) if desired. 

Depending on the time of year, you may lean more heavily on one or the other.  During the summer, for example, you may want to omit hot soups altogether.  That is a completely viable option!  For salads, use plenty of greens.  Choose 4 or 5 vegetables from the following: leaf lettuce, watercress, spinach, beet leaves, parsley, alfalfa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, cabbage, young chard, herbs, any green leaves, cucumbers, beansprouts, onions, green peppers, pimientos, carrots, turnips, zucchini, asparagus, celery, okra, radishes, etc.

Here are some simple examples, but plenty of recipes will be provided as well.

Now, leveling up from here becomes very straightforward:

Level 4

All-cooked vegetable meal with or without a side of grains (amaranth, quinoa, or wild rice), nuts, seeds, beans

Level 5

Raw salad with a side of cooked grains (amaranth, quinoa, or wild rice), nuts, and seeds

Level 6

Green juice, raw salad, or green smoothie, nuts, and seeds

Level 7

Green juice, raw salad, and fruits

Level 8

All Fruit Meals

It is important to note that as soon as reaching Level 4, you can begin to see real changes for the better!

Give yourself as much time as you need.  This isn’t a race.  

Generally speaking, I recommend leveling up every 3-4 weeks until you’ve reached the point of being perfectly comfortable having fruit meals for breakfast and lunch while having raw salads for dinner. (Level 7)

When you reach Level 7, it is time to consider implementing a thorough detoxification plan.

Beyond level 8, you’re getting into deeper detoxification.  These levels are meant to be temporary periods of time.  We’ll dive deeper into this in later letters.  I personally live between levels 5-7 day-to-day.  Beyond that, you get into more intensive cleansing and detoxification- which we will in a later newsletter.

If you’re consuming 80% raw fruits and vegetables, and 20% nuts, seeds and cooked vegetables, you will experience tremendous health.  Long term, the goal should be roughly 80:20 alkaline:acid balance.  This means you’re spending most of the time between levels 5-7.

Remember, there was a time when humans never consumed any cooked foods.  Humans have no major biological adaptations to them.  An exception may be for a higher tolerance to fire toxins and a decreased immune response to cooking! 

Humans do not need to cook their food for optimal health and nutrition.  Humans can thrive on raw, nourishing foods IF they eat according to our biology as tropical frugivores!

What to Do with Cravings

There are five major cravings you may run into along the way.  You can experience them either individually or together.  They include:

Let’s take them one at a time…


Salt is one of the more common cravings you may experience as you level up. 

This usually occurs with adrenal gland weakness.  The adrenals are responsible for the creation of mineralocorticoid steroids.  Decreasing the output of mineralocorticoid steroids (thus compromised mineral utilization) affects the internal sodium and potassium balance.  

First off, you must strengthen the adrenal glands.  This is done with adrenal-specific herbs or glandulars in more serious cases.

As you improve, you can consider using Himalayan Crystal salt or Celtic Sea salt on either your fruit or salads.  This is a nice tool to use as you transition, and can be very helpful for some.

You may also want to consider green juices, especially ones high in celery and cucumber.  

With time, your salt craving will decrease, and you will no longer feel as if you depend on having salt.  When this happens, you are fully free to choose whether you wish to still consume salt or not.


Many people claim that they “crave” carbohydrates.  However, there is an important distinction to make here.

It is not the simple sugars (monosaccharides) from fruits and vegetables they are craving.  Rather, it is complex and starchy (polysaccharides) foods.    

These cravings are from two main sources: weakened pancreas and weakened adrenals.  This is largely due to the over-reliance on starches in the form of potatoes, rice, pasta, rye bread, regular white bread, etc.  

A weak pancreas will produce a lesser amount of carbohydrate digestive juices and enzymes. 

Weakened adrenals are another story.  The adrenals also produce glucocorticoid steroids.  When you impair their production, it results in varying degrees of impeded sugar metabolism.

In either case, you end up with the fermenting sugars.  Fermenting sugars leads to the growth of fungi.  In turn, the fungi ramp up the cravings for starches and fermented food (bread, cheese, yogurts, sauerkraut, kimchi, etc.). 

There are two steps you must take to fix this.

  1. Strength the adrenals and pancreas
  2. Control the microbial activity in the gut

You accomplish this through herbal formulas and lifestyle changes.

Fatty or Sugary Foods

Again, in this case, it is very likely related to the adrenal glands or fungi imbalance.  However, it can also include potential involvement of the liver.

Fermented Foods

See above on “Starches.”  Bring back balance to microbial activity through herbal formulas and lifestyle changes.

Animal Flesh

When there is a craving for meat, it usually means on of two things (or both):

  1. Parasite/ microbial imbalance
  2. Low iron

I believe it is a good idea to have anti-parasitic herbs available once you begin a detoxification protocol.   If you see worms in your stools or have strong cravings for meat, you should continue taking the herbs. 

For low iron levels, you must address mineral utilization by strengthening the adrenal glands.  The difference is with iron, it also is worthwhile to look at the liver and spleen as well. 

Keep in mind, you are not using herbs to treat symptoms.  You can use herbs to strengthen the function or organs and tools that serve you on your journey to better health!

Putting It All Together

I hope this gave you some understanding on why it is so important to respect nature and understand our role in it as human beings.  

Your nutrition approach should mostly consist of raw fruits, raw vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, and pure spices and herbs.  Consuming mostly raw fruit and vegetables will not only help restore proper balance to the gut flora, but it can help flush the organs of retained waste, optimize lymph flow, and allow for proper elimination. 

It may take you some time to get there.  Enjoy the journey.  This isn’t a race.  So how do you get started?

  1. Take an honest assessment of where you’re at right now.
  2. Really figure out the 2-3 things you can commit to changing.
  3. Start leveling up every 3-4 weeks.
  4. Repeat Steps 1-3.

That’s what it takes.  We’ll dive deeper into specifics in the future.

Much Love-

Dr. Vincent Esposito

Want more?

Whenever you re ready, there is two ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to live a life that is beyond the average human being, then start by giving it the nutrition it needs!  There is information on over 150 other herbs and superfoods in my book Nature’s Kitchen & Cabinet! 
  2. If you want to learn the system I used to lose 15lbs, eliminate joint pain, have boundless energy, and unlock the body’s healing potential, then check out my free webinar here to learn more!

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