There is fungus among us!
But wait… what does that even mean?
I have been incredibly lucky to meet and connect with folks who really appreciate health sovereignty and want to make each individual his or her own best doctor.
At the end of the day, that’s really what it is about.
Even Hippocrates once stated:
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”
Pretty smart dude if you ask me.
What I’m not sure Hippocrates foresaw is a time when there is so much information that it’s literally impossible for one person to sort through all of it.
It’s kind of hard to wrap your head around. This is the first time in history that information on more or less anything is available to you at a click of a button (if you know how and where to look for it).
While that comes with tremendous advantages, it can easily lead to overwhelm and confusion. Believe me, I get it. It still happens to me occasionally.
When it does happen, I find zooming out and using the big picture as my North Star. It’s less about the minutiae and more about how it all fits together.
We’re all navigating a new world that NO ONE can be an expert in because it’s just too new.
So, what does this have to do with fungus?!
I have many colleagues and friends who recommend avoiding fruit to help clear fungal overloads, and I feel that approach is overly simplistic and misses the root issue. So, my aim with this article is to set that record straight.
With that said, let’s jump right in.
What is Fungus?
By definition, a fungus is “any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including molds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools.” They lack chlorophyll, leaves, true stems, and roots, reproduce by spores, and live as saprotrophs (an organism that feeds on or derives nourishment from decaying organic matter) or parasites.
Yep, the P word- parasites. In fact, what most people think are parasite overload (worms, flukes, etc.) are usually not that. Fungal overgrowths are much more common- at least here in the West. While it’s possible to have worms or flukes, it is not as often as the internet leads on.
In third world countries, it’s a different story. But if you’re reading this (based on the demographics I have access to), chances are much more likely we’re looking at fungal overgrowths.
THIS is where definitions matter, and why you should ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS!
I think this is where some of the confusion lies honestly. Technically, by definition, fungi are parasites. Just not the ones that come to mind first (for most people).
All people have yeast (like Candida) or fungus in them. In fact, most people have over thirty different strains of fungus at any given moment in time. The yeast-type fungus, for example, is mostly located in the mouth to aid sugar and starch digestion, but can also be found in the digestive tract.
Oftentimes, what you find in the mouth can be a reflection of what is going on internally, which is why tongue diagnosis is such a valuable tool. Those with overgrowths of a fungus like Candida albicans, which grows throughout the body, may experience symptoms like fatigue, listlessness, itching, skin irritation, sugar cravings, and being more prone to illnesses in general.
Fungi, Candida albicans most famously, have been blamed for hundreds of dis-eases, including:
- Chronic headaches
- Sinus problems
- Depression
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Skin Issues like Eczema or Dermatitis
- Sexual dysfunction
- Digestive disorders like IBS, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis
- Autism
- All Types of Cancer
- Autoimmune Diseases
There was even a book called The Yeast Connection, by Dr. William Crook in 1986, claiming that systemic candidiasis or candida hypersensitivity was responsible for a host of common conditions and non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, sexual dysfunction, asthma, and psoriasis.
There are different types of Candida overgrowths, but generally come in three major varieties:
- Thrush (oropharyngeal/esophageal candidiasis)
- Vaginal Yeast Infections (genital/vulvovaginal candidiasis)
- Invasive Candidiasis
Thrush symptoms can include
- A white coating on the tongue
- Redness
- Soreness
- Difficulty swallowing
- Cracking at the corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis)
When it comes to vaginal yeast infections, symptoms can include “genital itching, burning, and sometimes a “cottage cheese-like” vaginal discharge. Men with genital candidiasis may experience an itchy rash on the penis.”
I mentioned earlier that Candida gets a lot of the spotlight. But the truth is, there are many different types of fungal infections, including:
- Aspergillosis
- Blastomycosis
- Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever)
- C. Neoformans
- Cryptococcus Gattii
- Histoplasmosis
- Mucormycosis
- Pneumocystis Pneumonia
- Sporotrichosis
- Exserohilum
- Cladosporium
So why does Candida get the shine? It is one of the only fungi that “lives” on our skin and in our mucus membranes.
But here’s the thing. Fungi are a part of nature. There are approximately 1.5 million different types of fungi, and only about 300 of them are associated with dis-ease in the body.
Here is a list of common symptoms of fungal overgrowth:
- Uncontrollable cravings for starch, sugary foods and fermented food (but generally never fruit)
- Brain fog (sometimes severe)
- Listlessness (lethargy; unmotivated to engage in activity)
- Fatigue (periodic and chronic)
- Itching, nail fungus, jock itch, or skin infections (especially following highly- processed carbohydrate meals)
- Uric acid crystal formation in joints
- Moles (and “beauty marks”) appearing liberally on skin
- Foul smelling bowel movements
- Mucus in the stool
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Feel worse in moldy places
- Muscle twitching or jerking
- Feel better after eating
- Anxious for no reason
Understanding Fungal Overgrowth
Nature doesn’t make mistakes. The body is never working against itself. It will do its best to survive given the circumstances.
Earlier, I mentioned: fungi are classified as parasites.
In a sense, we are hosts to many (mostly) microbial parasites. There are many different types of “parasites” including yeasts, fungi, warts, viruses, bacteria, worms of all types, and flukes.
If you were to look up the definition of a parasite in the dictionary it would read, “an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other’s expense.”
But what if this isn’t the entire truth? Does something exist simply to attack or harm a healthy host? If that is true, it would seem strange.
I propose we look at parasites slightly differently. What if they had a beneficial purpose? What if this was not just a one-way relationship?
Consider maggot therapy. I know it sounds gross, but hear me out. During World War I, maggots were used to help clean out wounds. Maggot debridement is still used today in hospitals.
Consider an area of dead skin, following a cut or burn. If you want to take this a step further, consider the corpse of a dead animal (just for the purpose of this example).
Flies are attracted to the now-dead tissue. Once the flies are there, their goal is to lay eggs, which eventually turn into maggots. The maggots’ goal is to decompose the dead tissue, whether it be skin or an animal carcass.
This is a natural process. It is how nature cleans itself.
Fungi (and parasites in general) are Nature’s cleanup crew!
If this was not the case, the corpses of dead animals would still be lying around. Nature, just like energy, is always changing form.
All of this is to say perhaps there is another reason for the existence of parasites. Parasites are everywhere. They have a role on this planet. They aid Nature in eliminating the weak so that the strong survive.
This is what allows Nature to constantly evolve and grow. In this world, atoms are never destroyed, they are just transformed. Forms of transformation include oxidation, ionization, and parasites, among others.
Parasites and immune responses are always secondary to the cause of dis-ease. In other words, they tend to be the “side effect,” not the driver of symptoms.
Why Does Fruit Get a Bad Rap?
Don’t Blame the Fruit
Yes- you heard that correctly.
Depending on how connected you are in the health arena, you will notice at least some of the discussion circles around the deterioration of human health as a whole. When you filter through all of it, you will come to the conclusion that most people blame this on a few select culprits
- Bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, etc.
- Nutritional deficiency- in today’s world, vitamin B12 and minerals are commonly blamed
- Sugar- (including naturally occurring fructose in fruit, but for some reason not glucose from vegetables)
There are certainly others, but the collective consciousness focuses on primarily these three things. Unfortunately, this has led some to the incorrect conclusion that because fruit “has sugar” it “feeds fungi and bacteria”, and that a high fruit diet is “nutritionally deficient.”
Many of these folks never consider (or take seriously):
- The inner terrain/culturing medium and accumulative toxicity within the human body (lymphatic system)
- Damage caused to various tissues, organs and glands from multiple generations of poor lifestyle habits and “wrong-eating” generating genetic weaknesses
- The production of poor quality, often chemically sprayed fruit, some of which he even manages to pick unripe to ship halfway across the world
- This affects all conventionally grown foods (and animals), not just fruits
It is our behavior as a species that has put us in a very peculiar situation. Even though we’re “living longer,” the quality of life is at an all-time low. This generation of humans is the sickest animal on the planet, and it is completely our own doing.
Until more people come to grips with this fact, this is the road that we will continue down.
What is the point of a longer life if you can’t enjoy it? Getting older does not have to come with the chronic dis-ease so many people now suffer with.
This suffering is optional. For so many, most of that time is spent in debilitating pain and agony because we have forgotten how or refuse to take care of ourselves and the planet we live on.
In America, it is obvious to see how the destruction of soil with GMOs, monocropping, pesticide usage, and conventional agricultural practices coincide with the deterioration of the health of human beings (and other lifeforms that get in the modern human’s way). Less than 1% of soil here is considered nutrient-dense. That affects ALL of us, and we are paying for that with our lives.
If we want to leave this planet a better place than we found it, we must reverse the degeneration of the environment and our neighbors.
A tall task indeed. But like all things, it starts with the inside job.
Simply treating symptoms with antibiotics, medications, supplemental isolates, minor dietary changes, or going on a little “30-day detox” doesn’t cut it anymore. It may have worked in the past, but we have strayed too far from Nature. It requires a massive lifestyle overhaul and perspective shift.
Of course, this takes time, but you might as well start today. You have to embody this lifestyle, and be persistent.
Climbing out of the pits we dug ourselves is not going to be easy. However, if human beings want to survive and persevere for generations to come, it is the only option.
Finding Balance
In a healthy gut, there is balance.
If we were to count up all of the cells in the body, only about 10% of them would be human. If we were to count up all of the genetic material found in the human body, less than 1% would be of human origin.
Bacteria alone outnumber human cells 10 to 1. You have roughly 100 trillion bacteria inside of you at any given time. All together, they account for 2-3lbs of your total body weight.
We are not individual beings. We are walking ecosystems. The sooner you come to grips with this fact, the easier it will be to understand how digestion and health are connected.
So, let’s build on this.
80% of your immune system resides right around that gut lining. This is specialized lymphatic tissue called Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue, or GALT.
Remember- the lymphatic system houses the majority of what we call the immune system.
This is where our internal (self) environment interacts with the external (gut) environment.
The body contains a certain amount of Candida and other fungi as part of the ecosystem. They actually serve a purpose. Candida can help with the digestion and absorption of sugars, mainly.
When there is excess sugar (NOT CAUSED by fruit consumption) in the form of refined sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, breads, white rice, white flours, chips, crackers, pasta, ice cream, sweeteners, and everything in between, it can lead to fermentation.
More fermentation creates a demand for more fungi (along with bacteria like lactobacilli). These fungi and bacteria are not CAUSING any problem. They are a response to a suboptimal environment (or terrain). Fungi function as the cleanup crew. They are attempting to clean up the damaged terrain or aid the poorly functioning organs (like the pancreas) to help in the breakdown of undigested food.
In many ways, similar to cholesterol, it is like blaming the fire department for causing the fire because you saw them at the scene.
Even Rudolf Virchow, the man who is widely considered the “father” of germ theory once stated:
“If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissues, rather than being the cause of disease.”
Flies don’t cause garbage.
So, all in all, it is a terrain issue, not a germ one. There are certain things that will predispose you to Candida and fungal overgrowth.
- Improper digestive function, especially the weakness in the pancreas, adrenal, and thyroid.
- Gut dysbiosis or “leaky gut” – I think a better term is “microflora imbalance”
1. A Fermentation Story
Beer. Cheese. Wine. Yogurt. These all exist because of a process known as fermentation. Believe it or not, this plays a role in the fruit and fungus story as well.
In order to gain some insight as to why many folks believe that fruit feeds fungal overgrowth, we must understand what causes a fungal overgrowth in the first place.
So let’s talk about fermentation.
Fermentation is the process of breaking down sugars. It is performed by the enzymes found in microorganisms like bacteria, molds, and yeasts. Sugars are broken down into acids (like lactic acid) or alcohol (ethanol). This process does NOT require oxygen.
You can see how fermentation is used to create many common products today in the image below:
This process also happens in the body. Primarily, this can occur with dysbiosis, particularly yeast or fungal overgrowths. It also happens in muscle tissue, with the formation of lactic acid.
When foods are not broken down properly, you may experience gas formation from putrefaction and/or fermentation. This occurs if there is any kind of digestive weakness, whether it be from the pancreas, stomach, or intestinal tract. The weaker the digestive tract is, the more intense the gas problems will be. The same applies to poor food choices.
Remember, the body can only use foods broken down into their simplest forms.
- Carbohydrates- simple sugars (glucose, fructose) – fuel, energy
- Fats- fatty acids and glycerol – building, repair, and emergency fuel source (fasting would be an example of going into ketosis intentionally)
- Protein- amino acids – used for building and repair material
When you’re consuming primarily acid-forming, mucus-forming, and inflammatory foods, it inhibits our natural digestive processes. If digestion is impaired in any way, putrefaction and fermentation will take place. The more impaired digestion is, the more prevalent putrefaction and fermentation is.
This leads to imbalanced hormones, excess mucus formation, a toxic, clogged up lymphatic system, and inflammation (or acidity). We call these manifestations “diseases.”
Fermentation can also occur when excess starches are present. Starches are polysaccharides (complex sugars), or a chain of linked monosaccharides (simple sugars) or disaccharides (two simple sugars linked together). They can consist of a few or many saccharide bonds. Polysaccharides are more complex than disaccharides and monosaccharides.
In order for starches to break down, the polysaccharide must first be “trimmed” into singular monosaccharides, or simple sugars (fructose, glucose, and galactose) before entering the body. The complex sugars not only extend the digestive process, but they put more demands on the digestive organs and adrenals to secrete them.
This is yet another reason why it makes more sense to focus on the function of the elimination pathways first OVER outright macro/micronutrient needs.
If constipation is present, that means there is more time for the fermentation and putrefaction of your foods. The longer they sit there, the more can be absorbed. We absorb these toxins directly into our bloodstream. This can cause headaches, brain fog, bloating, abdominal pain, and even heart arrhythmias.
The goal should be to have at least 2-3 bowel movements per day. More specifically, it should roughly match up with the number of meals you have per day. Ideally, you shouldn’t be missing any days. If you are, then address this first.
Nature uses the parasitic kingdom to clean and eliminate what is not needed, damaged, or in some way loses its ability to support life in a healthy way.
Fermentation and putrefaction are the processes of decay, or breakdown, which require parasitic action.
Healthy cells and lymph do not require parasitic or fungal action. This concept extends to the cells in your body. With this understanding, what type of sugar could feed Candida (yeast, fungus, molds)?
That’s right… STARCHES and EXCESS COMPLEX OR PROCESSED SUGARS! They also can lead to more fermentation— especially with low adrenal function.
2. A Digestion Story
So now that we understand that fermentation can occur when the environment dictates it, you must gain an understanding as to how the digestive process works, in a nutshell. Mind you, understanding digestion can be its own course’s worth of material, so I will try to keep it to the important points relevant to this topic.
The Mouth
Digestion begins in the mouth, although you can argue it actually begins with the nose and eyes. The visual and olfactory (smell) cues actually trigger the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and salivary amylases (enzymes designed for sugar breakdown) in the mouth.
This DOES NOT HAPPEN as efficiently when you are in a sympathetic-dominant state. In other words, if you are eating while in a stressed state, it will DIRECTLY affect your digestive system in a negative way.
There are two types of digestion that occur in the mouth.
- Mechanical- the actual chewing of food
- Chemical- enzymes aiding in the breakdown of food
When you react to a food stimulus, you will notice that you start salivating. This is a good thing. Saliva contains enzymes known as salivary amylase. Amylases are specifically used to break down complex sugars into simpler ones. When chewing mixes these enzymes together with the food in the mouth, carbohydrate digestion officially begins!
This is why it’s so important to take your time and chew your food! The more work that is done in the mouth, the less stress is put on the digestive system further down the line.
Poor amylase production or poor oral microflora composition will cause issues with the breakdown of carbohydrates. This is why finding that balance is key. Your oral microflora is a reflection of the balance in your colon. If there is an imbalance in one, it is very likely there is an imbalance in the other.
The stomach actually plays very little role in the digestion of carbohydrates.
The Pancreas
The next major player is actually the pancreas. Your pancreas is both an endocrine and an exocrine gland, meaning that it produces hormones (insulin) that are secreted directly into the blood (endocrine), and other substances (enzymes, etc.) that are secreted by ducts (exocrine).
The pancreatic glands supply the bulk of the digestive enzymes needed to break down your food, along with sodium bicarbonate, which is necessary to alkalize the stomach contents (chyme).
Sodium bicarbonate and bile from the gallbladder join in the duodenum to activate the alkaline digestive enzymes of the pancreas and intestinal wall. If the stomach contents cannot be alkalized, then proper digestion doesn’t occur, meaning your food then ferments and putrefies, causing excessive gas.
When pancreatic function is inhibited, carbohydrate breakdown is significantly impaired. Again, when digestion isn’t functioning properly, fungi come in to pick up the slack.
Even though it often isn’t treated as such, your pancreas is one of your vital organs. It is destroyed by toxic foods, poor lifestyle choices, and harmful chemicals. Interestingly, what tends to harm the liver also harms the pancreas.
The Adrenals
The adrenal glands are located on top of each kidney. Except for the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands are possibly the most important glands in the body, for two main reasons.
First, they produce neurotransmitters, which are essential for brain and nerve function. These include epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine, and dopamine, which affect the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
The second reason is the production of corticosteroids or hormones in the adrenal cortex. These hormones include glucocorticoids (cortisol and cortisone for carbohydrate utilization and stress response), aldosterone (regulating our electrolytes, sodium and potassium), estradiol (an estrogen), and progestins (including progesterone).
Many of these steroids act as anti-inflammatory compounds, which are vital to curbing inflammatory processes within the body. These steroids affect muscle, nerve, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular tissues.
Weakened adrenal glands lead to insufficient glucocorticoid production. A lack of glucocorticoids leads to improper carbohydrate metabolism. Again, when these sugars are not metabolized properly, fermentation is often the result. Fungi and parasites come in to clean up the mess.
A Microflora Story
I mentioned earlier that we are walking ecosystems. We are symbiotic creatures by nature. Our gut flora has a multitude of functions, including
- Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates
- Production of vitamins (like K2 and B12, along with others)
- Absorption of minerals
- Elimination of toxins
- Distinguish between pathogens and non-harmful antigens
- Keep harmful bacteria under control
- Aid in production of antibodies to pathogens
- Provide support to the Immune System
When the system is in balance, all of these function smoothly.
However, if there are imbalances, it can lead to fungal overgrowths. Imbalances can be caused by any number of things, including
- Antibiotics
- Antifungal drugs (surprisingly enough! Anyone who has ever had recurrent yeast infections can verify)
- Antacids
- Birth control
- Steroids
- Antidepressants
- Statins
- Glyphosate and other pesticides
- Chemotherapy
- Toxic Foods
- A Weakened Immune System
- nnEMF exposure
- Chemicals from self-care products
…And others.
We know from the CDC that, “Chemotherapy and radiation cause many changes in the body. One major change is that these treatments weaken your immune system, which can increase your chances of getting an infection, including a fungal infection.”
This can even happen in hospitals:
“Even though you’re staying in the hospital to get better, it’s possible to get an infection while you’re there. If you’re staying in the hospital for an injury or an illness, you may be at risk for getting a fungal infection, especially if you’re very sick or have a weak immune system…These types of infections are called healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).”
Medications can do it too…
“Overall, most serious fungal infections are rare, but they do happen. They are most common among people with weak immune systems. People with certain health conditions may need to take medications with side effects that can weaken your immune system and put you at risk for fungal infections. Specifically, corticosteroids and TNF (tumor necrosis factor) inhibitors are two types of medications that can increase your chances of getting a fungal infection.”
Common side effects of antifungal drugs include:
- Nausea or stomach upset, vomiting,
- Itching
- Hives
- An unpleasant sensation in the mouth.
- Difficulty breathing
- Closing of your throat
- Swelling of your lips, tongue or face
- Severe blistering, redness, peeling, dryness, swelling, or irritation of the skin.
All in all, a healthy microflora can be wiped out by quite a few things average humans come across regularly.
This is why an investment in your health, where you’re less reliant on these things, is the best investment you can make.
So What is the Deal With Fruit?
The Power of Fruits
Fruits are the most powerful foods on the planet for human beings. Their combination of flavonoids, antioxidants, biophotons, saponins, tannins, and astringents make them the best foods for detoxification.
When you are trying to clean out your gut and lymphatic system, there are no better foods for the job than fruits. Period.
Fruit often receives a bad rap for its simple carbohydrate (fructose) content. It is important to note here that fructose from fruit moves through cell walls by diffusion, not active transport, as in the case of glucose. This means that the need for insulin to assist fructose into a cell is highly questionable, yet diabetics are commonly told not to eat fruit because of its sugar.
There is a similar misunderstanding with fruit in the realm of cancer, but that will be a story for another day.
It also receives a bad rap for the deeply misunderstood inherent astringent qualities as well as the pulling actions certain types of fruits have on tissues. This, admittedly, can become problematic only if the elimination pathways (kidneys, colon, skin, lungs) are not functioning well. This is why the first step of ANY plan is to make sure you are having at least one bowel movement per day and moving your body.
Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are the ideal foods for humans. When you throw in the power of healing and detoxifying herbs, especially ones targeting fungi, parasites, and yeast, you have a combination that is destined to succeed over time, when done correctly.
It is also important to understand that fungi do deal with the fermentation and breakdown of carbohydrates. In other words, fruit don’t “feed” fungi UNLESS the digestive system has already been impaired.
Instead of focusing on the overgrowth, focus on cleaning up the lymphatic system and gut first!
Instead of relying on the “fruit is bad” trope – which I hope you now realize is incorrect – consider potential weaknesses that may be playing a role in the manifestation of a fungal overgrowth.
This can include:
- Adrenal weakness
- Pancreas weakness
- Digestive weakness
- Thyroid weakness
- Heightened sympathetic nervous system
- Endocrine gland weaknesses
And these can be due to any (or a combination of) the factors mentioned above.
To help maintain hormonal balance, consume more green leafy vegetables and fruits every day. They contain important vitamins (especially vitamin C) and minerals that will help facilitate proper function of the adrenal glands. Selenium is needed for proper thyroid function.
Make sure that you are consuming a variety of vegetables and fruits (eat the rainbow) to make sure that you are getting a wide variety of nutrients. It is also important to consume organic produce as often as possible to avoid estrogenic compounds found in many pesticides and herbicides. This will help you prevent overloading those detoxification pathways.
Fruit As a Tool
This is where the art of detoxification comes into full effect. Each person has to learn how to adopt this new approach based on…
- Previous health history
- Constitution
- Current health status
- State of consciousness and awareness
- Environmental influences
- Emotional and mental state
- What the person feels prepared to do (and if professional guidance is necessary).
I would always recommend working with someone if this is new territory. Like any skill, this takes time and practice to master, and it helps to have someone with experience guiding you along the way.
What “balance” is for one person may not mean “balance” for someone else. A 10-day fruit juice fast may be very reasonable for someone, but completely off the table for a newbie.
Do NOT be afraid of or blame fruit. Learn how to use them.
If the body is overly toxic, fruits will…
- Help the lymphatic system release back up sewage
- Expose significant amounts of weakness- this is what is referred to as the “Healing Crisis”
- Can range from pain and dental problems, to hair and nails falling out, etc.
- Another reason why it’s important to go slow!!!!
- There are degrees to this, it can be more or less intense depending on the individual
- Help the function of elimination channels, like the colon and kidneys
In a nutshell, it boils down to how fast the lymphatic waste is going to be pushed towards elimination versus how well the elimination pathways are working.
Remember Arnold Ehret’s equation:
V = P – O
V = Vitality
P = Power
O = Obstruction
You will never realize your true power (V=P) unless you remove the obstructions first.
Ehret argued that consuming mucus-forming foods (and acid forming foods, environmental toxins, etc.) leads to the accumulation of mucus in the body, causing congestion and various ailments. In other words, the higher the “O,” the more difficult it would be to achieve optimal health.
The main focus should be removing the obstructions first and foremost!
- The kidneys are NOT filtering lymphatic sediment
- You are not having regular bowel movements
- The ability to sweat through the skin has been impeded (usually as a result of thyroid weakness)
- You are not breathing nasally and diaphragmatically
…Then there is an increased chance of the individual going through some intense symptoms of elimination, which can be both exhausting and discouraging. An example of this would be an accumulation of waste in the body in the form of mucoid plaques or “ropeworm.” This is going to inhibit digestion in a real way, which is really what leads to many nutrient deficiencies.
This is exactly what ends up scaring people away from high fruit diets or various detoxification/cleansing programs out there.
The solution lies in education. The real skill is learning how to successfully maneuver through the journey by slowing down or speeding up whenever needed.
If you can learn that, you will be well on your way to better health!
How Do I Put This into Action?
Like everything else, it comes down to the individual, as far as where to start. The end goals are more or less the same.
Whether its biofilm, mucus, viruses, parasites, fungi, yeasts, etc., the goal is to cleanse the body and keep it as free of impurities as possible.
Parasites, fungi, biofilms, etc. are secondary to the cause! These only thrive in a toxic environment, conducive to them! Healthy cells do not feed parasites.
The strong are the ones who survive in this world. The healthier and more vibrant you are, the less hospitable you become for overgrowths.
The General Basics I recommend are the following (with nuances to follow).
- A 100% food plan full of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
- However, since this type of diet will detoxify you very quickly, individuals with a high toxic load, who presently use a lot of chemical medications are advised to go about this transition more slowly.
- In some cases, like cancer, or spinal and neurological issues, you may want to consider moving rapidly toward consuming a diet of 100% raw foods.
- You may have to work your way up to higher fiber load over time. Try adding 5g of fiber/day each week to avoid any digestive challenges.
- Fruits are the best regenerators of brain and nerve tissue, and for removing cancer from the body.
- A plan of 80% alkaline and 20% acid food will still rebuild you and clean you out, to a certain level.
- However, you will eventually reach a point where you might need to detoxify even more deeply!
- Eat whole, unprocessed foods, ideally organic if available.
- Blending and juicing help is your friend, especially in the beginning when healing the gut.
- Consume at least 80% raw fruits and vegetables.
- Limit added oils (all kinds). At the same time, don’t be afraid of fat, just focus on getting healthy forms primarily from whole food sources (olives vs. olive oil for example), nuts, seeds, etc.
- Boost Omega-3 Fatty Acid intake by including hemp seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and seaweeds.
- Eat an assortment of different-colored vegetables and fruits (eat the rainbow).
- Drink clean water. Get a filter that can remove particulates and toxins like fluoride found in the standard tap water.
- Your mindset is just as important as what you put in your mouth. Feed your mind positivity and purpose, and you will get better results!
- Cut out inflammatory foods, like refined carbohydrates, sugars, processed foods, and candies.
- Limit packaged, boxed, and bagged foods, if possible.
- There are exceptions, like frozen berries, vegetables.
- The 90/10 Rule: 90% of the time eat right, allowing yourself 10% “wiggle room.” (Ideally this would be followed 100% of the time, but sometimes “real life” gets in the way).
- 80/20 lifestyle MAINTAINS progress. 90/10 (or greater) will continue the healing journey. Get comfortable with where you want to be.
- Listen to your body!
Do You Have to Temporarily Limit Fruits?
There may be times when fruit consumption must be limited. I must be very clear here though: this is only for a temporary period of time!!!
How this is approached is going to vary case to case. Avoid the “all or nothing” thinking that if you’re unable to eat fruit now, you may as well not bother. This is foolish.
Some people can handle select fruits, and not others at certain times on their journey. Listen to your body. Some people who may struggle with fruit initially include:
- Allergy-like reactions to fruit consumption (especially acid and sub-acid categories)
- Interstitial cystitis (acid and sub-acid fruits can invoke severe pain)
- High degree of sugar metabolism problems in type 2 diabetics
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Crohn’s disease
- Intestinal strictures (abnormal narrowing of intestines; can restrict most, if not all solid food items)
- Intense fungal reactions from fruit stirring up the lymphatic system (ie. itchiness and brain fog)
- Debilitating energy crashes from consumption of acid, sub-acid, and sweet category fruit
- Rheumatoid arthritis (acid fruits may invoke increased pain)
- When in excessive pain due to systemic acidosis (acid fruits can increase the pain)
I must make it clear here: ALL people should be able to consume, digest, and metabolize ANY fresh fruits (along with leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds). If you can’t, this is a sign that something must be fixed in the body, and it should not be ignored.
You may also want to consider a supervised water or dry fast to give the body a chance to rest and recuperate. However, you should be assessed to see if you are able to sustain a fast or not.
So What Are Some Alternatives?
Luckily, there are still many tools at your disposal. Depending on your circumstances, some may resonate with you more than others.
Consider these options until you are able to handle fruit again:
- Water fasting (allowing the body to rest; supervision highly advised)
- Green juices with or without apples (dandelion, parsley, and cilantro are great additions)
- Green smoothies
- Raw or cooked vegetable soups
- Vegetable broths
- Fruit juices*
- Fruit smoothies*
- Cooked vegetables
- Stewed/Roasted fruits*
*Starting with fruits that are tolerable for you
***Depending on your health status, you may want to start at a lower level, as outlined in my previous newsletter here.
Because fruits are so detoxifying and astringent, you may want to consider other therapies to aid you in during the beginning stages. These include (but are not limited to):
- Herbs
- Essential oils
- Flower essences
- Saunas
- Biomagnetic Healing
- Neurolymphatic Massage
- Exercise
- Sleep Optimization
- Green juices
- Grounding
- Reducing nnEMF exposure
- Compresses (like castor oil packs)
Without a doubt, fruits are nature’s greatest healers. They help dig up and release old chemical and heavy metal deposits that have settled in tissues up to several decades in the past. This can lead to symptoms of a healing crisis if done too quickly, and this is usually why folks will say “fruit makes me sick.”
The opposite is in fact true. Fruits stir up toxic, acidic residues in the body, attempting to push these wastes toward the nearest eliminative pathway. When these acid residues are “mobilized,” you may feel this in the form of pain where it is taking place.
With that in mind, it’s important to understand that the transition to more fruit will be gradual for some people. Use whatever means outlined above to help yourself start the healing process. Once there, you can now kick things up to the next level.
How to Manage Fungal Imbalances
Candida creates a craving for sugars and starches (but not fruits), and patients are typically and incorrectly told not to eat fruits because of the sugars. Fructose and glucose are two of the principal energies or fuels for cells. These sugars are simple sugars and are the body’s primary fuel source. They are essential for optimal health.
Fruits actually help the body eliminate Candida because they are loaded with antioxidants and have astringent properties. These characteristics are useful to help clean out lymphatic congestion. This congestion or sluggishness is what provides the “home” for these microbes. Using an herbal parasite-and-lymphatic-cleansing program to make a more effective “kill,” will immensely help anyone suffering from disorders linked with Candida.
Herbs that Heal
There is no particular order to these, and this is a short list. I tend to prefer combination formulas (see below). It is important to understand that it’s best to ease into ANY herbal protocol and use common sense. Healing crises may occur. If that is the case, take your foot off the gas a bit. Seek help or guidance if you need it. I’d be happy to support you if need be. Remember- none of this information should be misconstrued as medical advice. 🙂
Black Seed Oil
Black Seed Oil is one of my favorite remedies for fungal imbalances. There are over 800 peer reviewed studies on Black Seed covering its benefits, including:
- Analgesic (pain killing)
- Anti-Bacterial
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Anti-Ulcer
- Anti-Fungal
- Antioxidant
- Antiviral
- Bronchodilator
- Gluconeogenesis Inhibitor (Anti-Diabetic)
- Insulin Sensitizing
- Hepatoprotective (Liver Protecting)
- Hypotensive
- Interferon Inducer
- Renoprotective (Kidney Protecting)
Here’s a sampling of just some of the studies:
“These results indicate that the aqueous extract of Nigella sativa seeds exhibits inhibitory effect against candidiasis and this study validates the traditional use of the plant in fungal infections.” –Phytotherapy Research
“This study confirms the potential antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa which can be considered not only as a diet supplement but can be used against a variety of free radical induced damage diseases.” — Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
It’s one of my favorites, and has the history to back it up!
While yes, turmeric is mostly known for helping manage inflammations (acidity) it can also be used for fungal overgrowths. Turmeric is a yellow spice most noted for giving curries they yellow hue. Actually, turmeric comes from a root and is then ground down into powder form, which is available in many grocery stores today.
Curcumin (the active ingredient, has been found to specifically target pro-inflammatory enzymes and other inflammatory factors that can influence genetic expression. It has many other health benefits as well.
Here are just some quotes from studies:
“Turmeric (Curcuma longa), a commonly used spice throughout the world, has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-neoplastic properties.” — Phytotherapy Research
“The results of the present study clearly indicate that curcumin by its antioxidant activity showed neuroprotection against 3-NP-induced behavioral and biochemical alteration. (Fungal toxin causing neurotoxicity) ” — Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
I will be talking more about this in the future, but sunlight itself is the most powerful broad-spectrum medicine on the planet.
Between primarily the work of Niels Reiberg Finsen and Dr. Auguste Rollier in the first half of the twentieth century, they found that heliotherapy can actually have an enormous amount of benefits, including:
- Helping with acne, psoriasis, burns, eczema, and other skin disorders
- Regulating muscular stimulation and relaxation
- Improving Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Lowers blood pressure
- Decreases cholesterol
- Lowers high blood sugar in diabetics
- Increases white blood cell counts
- Improved cardiac output
- Improved blood oxygen carrying capacity
- Reducing body odor
- Boosting the body’s immune system
- Boosts metabolism
- Reducing bacteria count by as much as 50% from infections
- Decontaminating blood transfusions
- DNA repair
- Irradiating the blood of cancer patients
- Improving symptoms of hyperbilirubinemia (neonatal jaundice)
- Improved kidney function
And here’s some snippets on vitamin D:
“Vitamin D exerts important regulatory functions on cells from the innate as well as from the adaptive immune response. Indeed, accumulating evidence has shown that insufficient vitamin D levels may lead to dysregulation of immune responses, and thus contribute to autoimmune diseases.” — Frontiers in Immunology
“Vitamin D supplementation decreases Aspergillus fumigatus specific Th2 responses in Cystic Fibrosis patients with aspergillus sensitization” —Asthma Research and Practice
- UVB exposure from the Sun is the best way to optimize your vitamin D levels
- At least 20 minutes of sun exposure daily during mid-day
- Your shadow shouldn’t be longer than your height
- Remember, humans are tropical beings! 🙂
- Most regions of the planet don’t get proper sunlight for 6 months out of the year
Another absolute favorite of mine. Clove essential oil or the dried herb helps protect against worms, amoebas, fungi, bacteria and viruses involved in things like malaria, cholera, scabies, dengue fever and tuberculosis. It can also be beneficial for stomach ulcers and H. pylori overgrowths.
“These findings demonstrate that oral intake of an herbal food, clove, may suppress the overgrowth of C. albicans in the alimentary tract including the oral cavity.” — Nippon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi
“It is clear that clove oil shows powerful antifungal activity; and it can be used as an easily accessible source of natural antioxidants and in pharmaceutical applications.” — Journal of Mycoses
Garlic is one of the most old-school ways to kill parasites and maintain a healthy microbial ecosystem. It contains powerful broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.
One compound, called allicin, is thought to provide much of its antimicrobial effect. It is especially useful for intestinal parasites and dysbiosis (including yeast, viruses, and fungi), as well as for heart and circulatory conditions.
“The ubiquitous opportunistic pathogen C. albicans is sensitive to garlic; resistance to the broad spectrum of active principles present is unlikely so that its anticandidal effects may provide an important alternative route to chemotherapy.” — Journal of Applied Microbiology
“The antimicrobial effects of aqueous garlic extract (AGE) against 133 multidrug-resistant gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial isolates … and against 10 Candida spp. were studied.” — Journal of Medical Food
Not only is it (most famously) known to help bring candida overgrowths under control, it can be useful for a variety of bacteria, fungi, and parasites. In some cases, oregano essential oil has been effective in cases of MRSA.
Two powerful compounds found in oregano are carvacrol and thymol, which have powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. Carvacrol reverses the disease processes of viral infections, allergies, tumors, parasites, and other microbes that can cause inflammation.
Pau D’Arco
Historically, it was used by Incas, the Callawaya in Brazil, and other Native South Americans as a cure-all. They used it to treat a variety of conditions, including wounds, fever, dysentery, and intestinal inflammation, cancer, and snake bites.
Pau D’Arco is an important, natural antibiotic for bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, especially of the nose, mouth, and throat, and digestive tract. It is fantastic at helping build the immune system, likely due to its ability to help clean up gut imbalances (80% of the immune system is found around the intestinal tract).
Black Walnut
Also called Juglans nigra, black walnuts are one of nature’s most powerful anti-parasitic herbs. Black walnuts increase cellular proliferation, improve oxygenation, promote healing of virtually all tissues, can help restore tooth enamel, is a strong detoxifier, and can help maintain stable blood sugar. It also is known to strengthen the immune system, improve lymphatic flow, and promote bowel peristalsis.
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is one of nature’s best herbs for parasites and liver health. It has many actions, including antiseptic, anti-venomous, aromatic, astringent, carminative, febrifuge, hepatic, nervine, stimulant, tonic, and antiparasitic properties. Wormwood is the source of absinthe, an addictive drink favored in 19th-century France. Wormwood contains anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and immunoregulatory benefits as well.
My Favorite Blends
With these I recommend starting with one and rotating every 1-2 months or so. It also is worthwhile to note that you HAVE to make sure your digestive system is functioning properly first – meaning you’re having at least one bowel movement per day – and your kidneys and lymphatic system are flowing.
I generally recommend starting with ONE month of the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation for 30 days before starting with the protocols below. I also recommend referring above as far as where to start from a food standpoint)
- Parasite M (Dr. Morse’s Botanicals)
- Biocidin (Biocidin Botanicals) 5-10 drops 3x/day
- Wormwood Complex (MediHerb) 2 tabs 2-3x/day for 10 days, then take a 10-day break.
- DiGest Forte (MediHerb) 1 tab 3x/day
- Candibactin-AR (Metagenics) 1-2/meal 2-3x/day
- Candibactin-BR (Metagenics) 1-2/meal 2-3x/day
- The rest of these can be found on my Fullscript Dispensary here.
Other Essential Oils & Herbs
- Clove
- Tea Tree
- Oregano
- Lemongrass
- Cinnamon Bark
- Thyme
- Lavender
- Geranium
- Chamomile
Putting It All Together
I hope that this has been a helpful letter. There are certainly more nuances that can go into this, but I hope that this provides a solid foundation on where to get started.
What’s most important is this:
- The first step is to clean up the gut and lymphatic system. If things aren’t flowing smoothly, it doesn’t really matter what you’re putting in.
- Put in the foods that agree with you most. The most healing foods are fruits, leafy greens, herbs, nuts, and seeds. Start with the ones you can tolerate and transition as slowly as you need. See this post for how to use the system that I recommend.
- Add in the herbal protocols that may be helpful. See above for suggestions to start.
- Enjoy life and focus on the Core 8 Pillars of Health!!!
Remember, the body is designed to heal itself. You just have to get out of the way and support it.
Want More?
Whenever you’re ready, there is two ways I can help you:
- If you want to live a life that is beyond the average human being, then start by giving it the nutrition it needs! There is information on over 150 other herbs and superfoods in my book Nature’s Kitchen & Cabinet!
- Consistency and habit building are the cornerstones of any successful health transformation. Learn the systems that I used to lose 15lbs, eliminate joint pain, have boundless energy,unlock the body’s healing potential, then check out my free webinar here to learn more!