Much like modern-day societies, a healthy cell has a role to play in maintaining life function. Each community, whether it be a tissue group or even an entire organ, collectively strives to maintain the overall order of the society as a whole. They aim to work in harmony for the greater good.
Each community or tissue group has its own roles- almost like having a job. For example, red blood cells transport vital oxygen. Pancreatic beta cells secrete insulin, enabling the body to utilize consumed glucose, while exocrine pancreas cells produce digestive enzymes essential for food digestion. The liver cells help us detoxify and create water soluble waste products to be excreted through the bile and eventually stool. Neurons facilitate electrical impulses to initiate various actions in the nervous system, and so on.
If this community is going to thrive, all of its members have to be working in harmony together. Cells must have all their needs met and cannot be impeded by physical, chemical, emotional, or energetic burdens.
As far as the primary components of what cells need, we need to go back to photosynthesis. Remember, when all else fails, the only way to continue the life cycle here on Earth is for animals to reverse photosynthesis within their mitochondria.
We create what plants need in the form of water and carbon dioxide. They create the oxygen and glucose we use for energy. Sunlight is the mediator for plants but also animals. It is as simple as that. This is so important that you would not survive for any longer than a few minutes without oxygen.
We have a role to play in Mother Nature’s ecosystem, and this is why we need to show Her the utmost respect! Working in concert with Mother Nature is much more beneficial to our well-being than trying to play God at her expense.
Bring the Energy
For cells to work, we need energy. We take carbohydrates from plants, break them down into glucose, which is ultimately broken down into pyruvate, and then converted to acetyl CoA (acetyl coenzyme A) to enter the TCA cycle. Fats can also be used, but carbohydrates are the preferred energy source.
This is the bane of most medical student’s existence. While you don’t need to know all of the steps, you do need to take note of the end products. NAD+ is reduced (gains electrons) to create NADH, and FAD is reduced FADH2. These two are the primary electron donors to mitochondria, which have incredibly important functions.
With these end products, we enter the electron transport chain.
The one thing everyone remembers about the ETC is that you end up with ATP- the body’s energy currency? But is it really? I know we are all taught this, and ATP IS important, but is it everything? This is what we will get to the bottom of today, and this is where physics, Gerald Pollack, Gilbert Ling, and Robert Becker all collide.
There are widely-known functions of ATP like,
- Transporting ions across cell membranes (active transport)
- Intracellular signaling
- DNA & RNA synthesis
- Blood circulation
- Muscle contraction
- Synaptic signaling
However, we are at a crossroads here. Yes, ATP is important, but when you consider that the body is largely made of a liquid crystal semiconductor called water, the math doesn’t add up in the way we were once taught. Maybe it isn’t all about sodium-potassium pumps. Gerald Pollack’s Fourth Phase of Water, the work of Gilbert Ling, and others like Mae Wan Ho all suspected that it couldn’t work the way we were taught. We’re going to explore how and why today.
There are two more incredibly important things that happen here in the ETC.
- Electrons are used to create water- and oxygen is the final electron acceptor
- Protons are shuttled across the membrane to create a negative charge inside the mitochondrial matrix and a positive charge outside of it. In other words, you create an electron gradient.
Of course, other molecules are needed to live, including amino acids (building blocks of proteins), fatty acids (building blocks of fats), minerals in and around the cell, vitamins, and, of course, water.
As you can see, the system does not just generate ATP. Yes, ATP is important, but you must understand- most of what we learn in biochemistry is actually done in the absence of water. Considering the fact that roughly 99% of the molecules in your body are, in fact, water, would it surprise you to think that it might be an important aspect?
Water, Light, & Energy
Water and light are in fact the primary drivers of biochemistry and electrical current, not ATP.
We need this electricity for a lot of things, including…
- Energy for information processing in the brain
- Energy for visual perception in the eyes
- Energy for sustaining the heartbeat
- Energy for the production of insulin by pancreatic beta cells
- Energy for muscle movement, including walking, running, and performing displays of strength
- Energy for white blood cells to phagocytize foreign cells, microorganisms, and particles, and this energy requirement extends to every body part
- Energy for reshaping proteins
The chemical reactions that drive these cellular processes can only happen with light energy input (photons). Once photons excite a particular reaction, they become available for other reactions at the speed of light.
Why is that important? Nerve conduction velocity can range anywhere from 50 to 70 meters per second when healthy. The speed of light is about 3×108 meters per second, or approximately 42,857 times faster than nerve conduction.
We evolved in a sea of light oscillations, and can only see and hear a very small bandwidth of wavelengths. We are simply blind and deaf to most of the magic that happens on this planet in and around us. They occupy other wavelengths at small scales and your cell membranes do sense them.
Without sufficient water and ATP, cells begin to shut down and stop working. At this point, cells will simply sit there, and function simply as a brand-new car out of gas. The more cars out of gas or have died due to a toxic, acidic environment, the worse the function of the associated tissue or organ.
The Cell Membrane
Life really begins with the cell membrane. It is where the cell interfaces with the environment. Collagen is the hydrophilic wiring that connects cells and allows for the travel of electrical signals. As this study puts it:
“Collagens interact with cells through several receptors, and their roles in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and migration through the binding of their receptors is well documented.”
Collagen is also flexoelectric (a property of a dielectric material whereby it exhibits a spontaneous electrical polarization induced by a strain gradient) and piezoelectric. The Piezoelectric Effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. Our cell membranes also demonstrate both of these properties.
99% of the molecules in our body are water, and it makes up the battery of life. Water acts as a depot for electromagnetic solar radiations. Water interacts most with the infrared (IR) part of the electromagnetic spectrum of our sun. Once infrared (IR) light hits the water it shrinks while it increases its exclusion zone (EZ). As the EZ grows throughout the cell it squeezes mitochondria down in size while creating large voltages inside cells naturally.
Water breaks down to a positive and negative charge when it just touches a hydrophilic substance. Proteins have charges as well. The net charge of a protein decreases linearly with molecular weight, with small proteins being mostly positively charged and large proteins negatively charged. Proteins (including collagen) carry a negative charge and are hydrophilic.
All these things in a cell touch the cell membrane at some point to make communication and transfer energy. The cell uses these large electric charges to control the hydrogen bonds in water inside and outside the cell to amplify signals in their cell membranes. This makes cell membranes very sensitive to electromagnetic fields from the environment.
In fact, if the cell membrane is unmyelinated like your skin is, the cell becomes more sensitive to electromagnetic vibrations, and can act as an antenna for the cell. The stronger the electric voltage on the membrane, the stronger the antenna is to sense a magnetic field of the Earth.
In other words, our electric capacity does not necessarily work through the sodium-potassium pumps like we all thought. It has more to do with water and its liquid crystalline nature.
Environment Dictates Health
Instead of looking at each human as an individual isolated being, it is more accurate to say that we are living, breathing, walking, talking ecosystems.
Ecosystems thrive or fall apart depending on the inputs they receive. The reason tropical rainforests look different from the arctic regions of this planet is because of their environmental inputs. It is that simple.
Since Nature is fractal (we talked about this in Part 3), it is important to understand that we are reflections of those same environments, just at a different scale.
Just as we are influenced by and dependent on our environment, so are each of our cells. Just as we live in towns, cities, beaches, and forests, our cells live very much on a tiny river of interstitial (spaces between the cells) fluids. We call these fluids lymph (80%) and blood (20%). We will be getting into these in greater detail in the weeks to come.
For now, we are keeping it to the cells. What’s important with cells, going back to the days of Bechamp and Pasteur, it has been known for a long time that cells are subject to their environment – or biological terrain – that dis-ease or healing will manifest.
How Did We Get Here?
Theobald Smith (1859–1934) was a pioneer epidemiologist, bacteriologist, and pathologist who made many contributions to medical science that were of far-reaching importance. He is credited with developing the initial concepts on the conventional, present-day germ theory. Among Smith’s many fundamental contributions to immunology, the most important was demonstrating that animals develop hypersensitivity to bacteria upon repeated injections. What is now called anaphylaxis was long known as the “Theobald Smith phenomenon.”
Basically, his concept of germ theory boiled down to this:
(Virulence of Pathogen X Number of Pathogens X Opening size) / Resistance of Host = Severity of Disease
Louis Pastuer took Smith’s concept of germ theory, and ended up running with it. As all things happen in science, it was initially met with some pushback.
Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechemp battled vehemently between adopting terrain or germ theory of disease. Ultimately, the conventional germ theory prevails in Modern medicine.
John D Rockefeller ended up funding most of the conventional medical schools as a way to get back at Teddy Roosevelt for forcing him to break up Standard Oil (more on this some day in the future). Rockefeller and Abraham Flexner proceeded to denounce, and de-legitimize any form of medicine that wasn’t allopathic. You can still find the now-infamous ‘Flexner Report’ to learn more about this.
This was done because Rockefeller knew he could use his petroleum to manufacture derivatives of compounds normally found in Nature. Rockefeller knew you can’t patent anything Mother Nature provides. By making similar derivatives of compounds found in Natural herbs, foods etc. Rockefeller ultimately went on to birth what we now know as modern day conventional allopathic medicine. With the help of Abraham Flexner, he really put every “alternative” form of healing behind the 8-Ball, because Rockefeller ended up using his fortune to start funding the “legitimate” medical schools.
These schools were able to receive financial help if they adopted Pasteur’s germ theory model. The germ theory model bodes well for the modern scientific method because it allows for experiment repeatability easily in petri dishes, using bacteria or animals like mice that can be quickly bred, making experiments easily repeatable over a short period of time. This was the beginning of modern medicine.
And while this method can certainly be helpful, the drawback is that it is incredibly reductionistic, looking for cause-and-effect relationships, treating them as “proof.”
There are two major problems with this approach.
- Health is not black and white. You cannot pin a health outcome on one intervention or one factor (germ theory).
- Cause-and-effect is incorrect, despite what most who follow “evidence-based” science will tell you. Einstein proved this with his theory of relativity. Everything is a matter of probability, it is just a matter of degree, no matter how certain something might seem. People to this day still don’t understand this basic concept, and this misunderstanding partially underpins why medical science moves incredibly slow, looking for cause-and-effect answers.
You don’t even need to look that far to realize how great a mistake this was. I’ll leave it with a quote from the International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination:
The adoption by science of Louis Pasteur’s germ theory as the whole truth, without regard to the subtleties and deep insight of Bechamp’s microzymian principle, represents one paraphrased:
“There is no medical doctrine as potentially dangerous as a partial truth implemented as whole truth.” Any medical professional, bioscientist, health care practitioner, or lay person for that matter, who wishes to gain insight into the origins and nature of infectious and chronic illness, against the backdrop of a marvelous view of the life process, must consider Bechamp.
And they must entertain one of the most important concepts to come out of his illustrious career-microbiological pleomorphism as it relates to disease and its symptoms.
It is now famously known that Louis Pasteur reluctantly admitted on his deathbed that “The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything.” Yet to this day, germ theory is the predominant model, and Rockefeller Medicine concepts still are the most predominant.
Cells Are the Engines of Life
Take it from one of the best doctors and healers of the 20th century, Dr. Bernard Jensen and his book, Empty Harvest:
“I am not saying that the germ theory of medicine is totally without basis, but, rather, without perspective. The germ theory of medicine is a nineteenth-century concept, promoted by Louis Pasteur before vitamins, trace elements, and other nutrients had even been discovered. The germ theory is still believed to be the central cause of disease, because around it exists a colossal supportive infrastructure of commercial interests that built multi-billion-dollar industries based upon this theory. To the scientific satisfaction of many in the health field, it [the germ theory] has long been disproven as the primary cause of disease. Germs are, rather, an effect of disease.”
As we continue through these blogs, keep that in mind- “germs” are not the cause of a dis-ease, rather the effect.
Without background context, it is hard to appreciate just how far we have gone down this road, especially in the US.
So what does all this have to do with cells? Remember, everything is fractal.
Cellular life is, in many ways, perpetuated by the environment. In an effort to find balance and mitigate allostatic load, we do it through electrolyte or salt balance, along with light and water. The primary two are sodium and potassium. At its core, every cell must maintain this sodium-potassium balance and bring in the water, minerals, and nutrients it needs.
Since we know that the water inside of us is not the same as the water in your glass, rather a liquid-crystal, gel-like structure (called EZ or structured water), we know that we can produce and send electrical signals not only with our nervous system, but through any hydrophilic surface that water comes into contact with in the body. This electricity powers cells and generates a voltage and the electrical field (which is captured by Kirlian photography) established around the cell.
This is partially what creates the beautiful images you find in Kirlian photography.
For cells to build and maintain enough charge, there must be enough oxygen needed to accept electrons at the end of the ETC to make water. This is how the fructose/glucose we consume ultimately end up powering our mitochondria, which create the water that our cells use to build electrical charge via EZ water and ATP in aerobic oxidation.
Another important factor is the balance between potassium and sodium ions. To put it simply, potassium (K+) concentrations are higher inside the cell and sodium (Na+) concentrations are low. In the extracellular fluid, the opposite is true: Na+ concentration is high and K+ concentration is low. This balance must be maintained for life to continue.
If there is no or little oxygen input or the mineral balance is altered in some way, then cells begin to malfunction. You may see inflammation, or acid build up, most commonly seen in the form of heat and swelling. As the electrical potential is diminished, cells begin to “shut off” and their electrical fields begin to diminish as a result.
In other words, to maintain the health of your cells, they must always have access to abundant oxygen stores, maintain mineral balance (like Na+ and K+), AND we must replenish the electrons needed for the ETC, of which the best source is the glucose and fructose found in fruits and vegetables, along with grounding and sunlight exposure. Perhaps even more importantly, we must abstain or avoid the activities that inhibit these processes.
Oxygen is the Key
At the Max Planck Institute of Cell Physiology in Germany, Dr. Otto Warburg found that if healthy cells were deprived of 35% of their normal oxygen intake, every single cell would turn into a cancerous one.
Does this make you think a little bit differently about cancer and genetics? Go back to the life cycle. Why have we focused on photosynthesis and mitochondria so much to this point? What is the final acceptor of electrons in the electron transport chain? It’s oxygen. That oxygen then is turned into the liquid crystal water that lines our entire body and creates a battery.
Do you still think cancer is a genetic problem? Or do you think it’s people who live in environments that inhibit your mitochondria’s ability to generate water? THAT is what dehydration really is.
As Dr. Warburg sums up:
Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of the physics and chemistry of life this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great that one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a fermentation of glucose.
In other words, when you hear people scream online that sugar causes cancer, you now know why that statement is idiotic. It is an inability of your mitochondria to use glucose in the ETC efficiently. It has to go somewhere. If it isn’t used for aerobic respiration, then fermentation is the only other route it can go to make energy. In other words, it is a mitochondrial inefficiency!
Without abundant oxygen, everything in the body will slowly begin to degrade. Even the microbes inside of us that are normally beneficial will begin to shift as a result of this.
Fundamentally, a lack of oxygen upsets the delicate mineral balance in the body. This leads to excess fluid building up in tissues (inflammation) and the release of excess sodium from the bloodstream into the tissue spaces around the cells. In other words, according to Arthur Guyton (the guy who is famous for his physiology textbooks), excess fluid and excess sodium (Na+) results in lack of oxygen (O2).
This is the fundamental prerequisite for energy depletion (reduced cell voltage), discomfort, inflammation, acidosis/hotspots, and all known disease conditions, including degenerative, infectious, and genetic health issues.
The Role of Water & Magnetism
One of the main issues in modern biochemistry is that MOST of it omits water. Even Albert Szent-Györgyi, the father of modern biochemistry, suspected that there were electrical inputs in the body that were yet to be discovered. These inputs somehow must have impacted all the machinations within the cell. Turns out he was onto something, and a man by the name of Dr. Robert Becker confirmed that indeed, humans have semiconductors within us.
This brings us to the work of Gerald Pollack, who later performed quite a few experiments with water, and realized that you can create a battery using water and sunlight AND that water in fact has a fourth, liquid crystalline phase. Structured water differs from regular water, H2O, as its hydrogen atoms are more tightly bound, forming a hexagonal lattice structure.
Water is a chemical dipole, meaning it has a positive charge on one side, towards the hydrogen atoms, and a negative charge on the other, towards its lone oxygen.
This makes it the primary substance on Earth involved in both active and passive energy exchanges with the planet’s magnetic field. When water is present in our native magnetic field (or biofield), it increases the ability to transmit more of the sun’s light energy to living organisms. In many ways, you can look at water as “liquid sunshine.”
In the past, prior to 1850, water existed solely in an extremely low frequency EMF known as the Schumann Resonance (known as the heartbeat of the Earth and calculated to be 7.83Hz, but can oscillate a bit depending on the time of day and year).
First, we must discuss standing waves. A standing wave pattern is a pattern that results from the interference of two or more waves along the same medium. All standing wave patterns are marked with specific positions within the medium where there is no motion. The points are called nodes, or nodal points. A node is a point of no displacement. This particular type of interference, known as destructive interference, leads to a point of “no displacement”-a node.
Standing waves can also be characterized by antinodes– positions along the medium that oscillate between their maximum upward and maximum downward displacements. Antinodes are situated where the two interfering waves are constantly undergoing constructive interference. In essence, antinodes represent points of maximum displacement.
Various patterns can be generated by the vibrations in a string, slinky, or rope, with each pattern corresponding to vibrations occurring at a specific frequency, known as a harmonic. The lowest possible frequency at which a string can vibrate to create a standing wave pattern is known as the fundamental frequency, or first harmonic. The frequency linked to each harmonic is dependent upon the speed at which the wave moves through the medium (v) and the wavelength of the medium.
Furthermore, harmonics can occur in a linear pattern, as seen above, or a circular pattern, as takes place on Earth. Interestingly, this is the same concept used to explain the wave and particle behavior of electrons as explained in quantum mechanics and demonstrated by the double slit experiment.
Water & Harmonics
As I mentioned before, while we assign the Schumann Resonance a specific number, we know it actually oscillates frequencies at frequencies of 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, and 45Hz. This change occurs due to seasonal fluctuations and the sun’s magnetic field. These changes in pulsations can modulate DNA and RNA expression. In other words, they play a role in epigenetics!
The underlying mechanism involves the number of oscillations induced by these natural, extremely low-frequency EMFs. They can induce favorable changes in the hydrogen bonding of water molecules, changing the bonding angles of them. As these bonding angles change, they can facilitate efficient energy transfer from the Sun to our cells.
So where do nnEMFs come in? Excessive nnEMF exposure increases the leaching of ROS during cellular respiration. This happens in the mitochondrial membrane, the gut, gut bacteria, and lung barriers, ultimately causing the blood-brain barrier to become permeable to inflammatory substances.
If you don’t believe that nnEMFs can cause this type of damage, I encourage watching this short three-minute video. Bear in mind, as of writing this, it is a decade old.
As we learned from Pollack’s work, water can exist in different physical states with temperature and light variations here on Earth. These changes significantly influence its capacity to convey energy to cells. Liquid water, for example, can be transformed into structured or coherent water when given the input of sunshine. This input allows for the transferring of electrons, which are released by sunlight, to both plants and animals on our planet. The Sun’s photons and electrons split water and generate additional energy for various life processes.
Bone, Cells, and Semiconductors
Back in the 1960s, there was an orthopedic surgeon by the name of Robert O Becker. During his career, Dr. Becker decided he wanted to go into doing more research at Syracuse University because he was interested in bone regeneration.
Now, this might sound crazy if you’re not aware, but bone does not actually heal. It regenerates. There’s a difference. When you break your arm or leg, the broken bone is actually resorbed and brand-new bone tissue is laid down and connected. This is true regeneration!
Becker was fascinated with this concept, and he dedicated a lot of his research to understanding regeneration. He did this by studying amphibians, primarily salamanders, because he knew that they were able to fully regenerate limbs that have been cut off or lost. He was incredibly curious and wanted to understand why and how.
Effectively, what Becker found is that bone is made up of two main tissues: collagen and apatite. These two materials are actually semiconductors, one an N-type (collagen) and the other a P-type (apatite).
Bone is primarily composed of protein and minerals. Roughly 90% of the protein found in bone is collagen, and is the most abundant protein in the body. Collagen is incredibly versatile and strong, forming bone, cartilage, skin, and tendons in our bodies. The mineral matrix of bone is roughly 60% apatite, which is mainly composed of phosphate and calcium. The rest of bone is largely composed of water.
Mother Nature was able to create a strong yet lightweight material through the twisting or braiding the threads into strings. These strings would be glued together to form ropes. These ropes would then be arranged in a specific pattern, much like the way concrete is poured over steel rebar. This is precisely the method employed by Mother Nature to regenerate bone, which is what Dr. Becker found.
Through his research, he described bone regeneration not in terms of biochemistry, but in terms of semiconductors. His research group quickly recognized that bone exhibited signs of regeneration, as the electric pulses emitted by bone were significantly smaller than those generated by the stresses applied to it during experiments. This led to his conclusion that a minute pulsed piezoelectric current serves as the signal to trigger bone growth.
In order for the piezoelectric effect to work you need a crystalline structure like quartz, Rochelle salt, topaz, tourmaline, or… bone.
Bone uses the piezoelectric effect, a property of semiconduction, to work under mechanical stresses, and the periosteum of bone gets innervated by a nerve and a small amount of interfacial water that creates a current.
This finding, as you might imagine, absolutely stunned the bone and orthopedic communities. Even to this day, many people still believe that human bone heals like every other tissue in the body. This is an incorrect assumption. In humans, bone regeneration is the same as the full-scale regeneration seen in other species. Human bone regeneration closely resembles the way a salamander can fully regenerate its entire leg after amputation. It does not ‘heal’ in the conventional sense, rather it truly regenerates using a direct current (DC) to stimulate bone marrow cells, prompting them to differentiate into osteoblasts.
ATP and Quantum Mechanics
Becker’s work is important because he looked at humans as electrical beings using physics moreso than the biochemical model we use today. Mainstream biology has been accepting the hydrolysis of ATP as the driver of biochemistry, but electron and proton super conduction via water is what actually does it. Remember, the main semiconductor in our body is the liquid crystal we call water.
This actually makes more sense, considering we are, well, mostly water. The conventional cell theory looks at a cell like a bag of fluid with organelles and cell water, but this static state cannot explain how enzymatic flux happens.
One of the reasons fluoride is awful for you is not necessarily what you might think. Fluoride is harmful because it blocks water semiconduction, which ruins cell signaling and can cause cancer.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about Becker’s work is that it never required huge amounts of ATP for it to function. However, it did require a DC electric current to work. He found that this current was delivered from two places:
- The periosteum
- The nerves that innervate the area.
He found that this DC current would make collagen align itself correctly once it was hydrated. Once hydrated, a current can pass into it.
This is hard for most people to understand (including myself because I do not have any formal training in sound/electrical engineering or quantum physics) because semiconduction is based in quantum field theory and not classical physics.
We are not taught any of this in the medical field, and it is why when you bring this up, you will generally get a blank stare back. Their belief system is founded in classical physics, which has no answers for Becker’s findings and semiconductors in bone.
If Becker is right, bone uses piezoelectric current to regenerate, and the collagen matrix of bone acted as the N-type of semi-conductor of bone while apatite crystals were the P-type semiconductor.
ATP has an important role, but it is secondary to water and light. Water charged by light- liquid sunshine- helps move the electrons from food to oxygen in our mitochondria to make ATP. That ATP is then used to unfold proteins to bind water to protein to electrify them, creating a liquid crystal electric current.
In other words, what Becker found in bone actually applies to all hydrophilic surfaces in the body. Water is the major player though, not ATP.
ATP & Energy Efficiency
No one really realized that we are quantum life forms, and classical physics, chemistry, and biology have all taken a hit because of this. All of what Modern doctors are taught in school is based on Newtonian physics and NOT Einstein’s principles- myself included.
Life operates through the interaction of protons and electrons within an electromagnetic field that resonates with the Earth’s Schumann Resonance at 7.83Hz. This is why the impact of the Modern Day’s pulsed nnEMFs is massive. They have modified and disrupted the natural magnetic field that all life has evolved within. When you alter the magnetic field, you constantly lose more electrons to the environment. This is precisely why grounding and sunlight are VITAL components to health!
If you look into the work of Gilbert Ling, you will begin to realize that water is being used to generate immense energy by liberating electrons to power the enzymatic processes that drive biochemical reactions. This energy generation cannot be solely attributed to ATP because it does not produce the rates of energy activation needed in biochemical processes. Gerald Pollack followed Ling’s work, and was able to elucidate the liquid crystalline structure of water- what is now commonly known as exclusion zone (EZ) water.
In biochemistry, electrons released within the liquid crystal phase of water within a cell and surrounding organelles play a pivotal role in fostering coherent energy transfers.
So what does this have to do with water and ATP? It goes back to Becker’s work and semiconductors.
The collagen found in fascia is constructed from tropocollagen. Tropocollagen is the basic structural unit of collagen, with a triple helix of polypeptide chains of approximately 1000 amino acid residues each. These tropocollagen nanotubules exist at a nanoscale level, and exhibit quantum phenomena. Gerald Pollack and his team from the University of Washington demonstrated that when exposed to infrared energy, structured water, H3O2, forms both on the exterior and interior of collagen tubules.
When tropocollagen is subjected to a direct current (DC) within cells, it aligns into elongated cylinders known as collagen fibrils, which is what we find in all animal tissues. On the other hand, when tropocollagen isn’t electrified, it transforms into a gelatinous substance.
Structured water lines sides of the collagen tube and it propels a stream of water and protons, often referred to as the proton neural network by MaeWan Ho. As structured water accumulates along our hydrophilic surfaces like fascia, it displaces positively charged hydrogens, creating a proton-rich zone called the “proton wire.”
The charge separation created from the negatively-charged structured water and the positively charged proton zone effectively forms our water battery. Gerald Pollack actually tested this, and it turned out the separation was strong enough to power a light bulb. This water is created by the mitochondria in our cells, and is the basis for energy in the body.
ATP doesn’t serve as an energy substrate, as traditionally believed by many biochemists. Instead, its primary function lies in unfolding proteins and exposing their -NH and -COO functional groups, enabling water to bind to them through water’s remarkable hydrogen bonding network.
However, when the electromagnetic field is altered for any reason or obstructed by man-made EMF signals, all forms of life experience an energy loss due to the de-coherence of these energy transfers. As a result, when life loses energy, illness and dis-ease begin to appear. This is Nature’s world. We need to play by Her rules.
The laws of physics governing our liver and blood vessels are no different from those influencing our oceans and atmosphere.
Currents and Semiconduction
What is interesting about semiconductors is that you don’t need the massive current your typical electrician might expect using classical physics. Small inputs can lead to non-liner (or exponential) outputs. In other words, you don’t need many photons from the sun to have a massive impact on your health and body.
In fact, this is why many folks who think grounding is pseudoscience and wacky are incorrect. They are assuming you are using a classical physics model when that is not how life works. You actually only need a very small amount of electrical current to keep the water in your body structured and coherent.
Since semiconductors operate best in quantum coherent fields, it can approach nearly 100% energy efficiency. What serves as life’s primary semiconductor? The answer is WATER. The Schumann resonance establishes the electromagnetic field necessary for water’s superconduction to occur- at 7.83Hz.
Life and energy are intrinsically interconnected. If you change the electromagnetic field in your environment, then you change the coherence of life systems.
All hydrophilic surfaces in the body, from bone, to fascia, to muscle contain some of these piezoelectric and viscoelastic characteristics. This means that when they are compressed or deformed in some way, it generates an electric current, similar to the behavior of a quartz crystal.
Much like the technology that produces stunning images on our screens, our fascia possesses the qualities of a liquid crystal. It displays properties of both a solid and a liquid, forming a crystal-like structure. This liquid crystal can maintain fluidity and flexibility while concurrently producing an electrical current. The molecules within a liquid crystal align and organize collectively, responding to and being influenced by various forms of frequency information, such as electromagnetic fields, light, and sound.
What Is Dehydration Really?
All this to come to this point: when water levels get low in humans, so do oxygen levels. This is why cellular dehydration- an inability of mitochondria to create water as part of cellular respiration- is so important.
Without water exposed to its proper magnetic field, it could diminish oxygen stores within us. As we have already seen, a hypoxic environment is a sickly one.
Water chemistry and the electromagnetic field are two of the three basic natural laws and foundations of life that have been radically changed on Earth by Modern Humans. Anyone who has ever put a steak in a microwave knows if they don’t put a wet paper towel around it, it dries out and becomes rubbery. Excessive man-made nnEMF dehydrates us of water, causing forest fires, deforestation, and oxygen depletion. The industrial use of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Think about it on a broader scale. Look at the massive increase in nnEMFs over the past 100 years, but especially since WWII. Freshwater is being discharged into the oceans at unprecedented rates, leading to alterations in the pH and water density. This leads to ocean acidification, which poses a severe threat to photosynthetic plankton—the primary source of oxygen production for marine life. The plankton are the foundation of the marine food chain, ultimately supporting all terrestrial life through the abundant generation of oxygen.
When humans experience intracellular dehydration, the consequences are deep. Mitochondrial function is profoundly affected. Dehydration triggers changes in serum pH and alters the density of water in the plasma, causing an increase in suspended particles within our blood plasma.
To put it plainly, an altered magnetic field in our environment causes constant alterations in our normal oscillations of protons and electrons. This eventually leads to dehydration.
Proper hydration is essential for maintaining intracellular water balance. Intracellular dehydration can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction—a condition where mitochondria fail to produce sufficient ATP for cell functioning.
Dehydration of a cell leads to increased molecular crowding within, resulting in a state of molecular disarray. This, in turn, disrupts the normal enzymatic processes of biochemistry.
Supporting the Cell from a Nutrition Standpoint
If we consume foods or ingest substances that have the potential to harm cells or impose physical stresses on the body, then damaged cells will release proteins like bradykinin, histamines, and serotonin, which trigger the dilation of blood capillary pores. This initiates the inflammatory response.
These substances include:
- Heavy metals
- Drugs
- Environmental toxins
- nnEMFs & artificial lighting
- Physical traumas
- Emotional traumas
- And many more
The response, other than avoiding the main perpetrators, is to fulfill our nutritional requirements with clean, organic whole foods, with an increasing focus on fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, as well as sunlight exposure and grounding. Not only will this provide the baseline nutrition, these foods will improve the body’s ability to eliminate toxins with time.
Sometimes, high-quality whole food supplementation may be necessary, depending on the individual’s ability/willingness to adopt a new approach. At some point, the change must be made, but it can be a sort of transition.
Additional superfood supports can be chlorella, spirulina, dulse, black seed, alfalfa, moringa, and many others. Superfood blends can also provide a comprehensive source of nutrition, although it’s important to note that nutritional demands are greater in an inefficient and toxic system.
This transition may take some time, as Professor Arnold Ehret always mentioned, the transition phase is most important. For some, the transition to a healing system may take longer than others. I highly recommend The Mucusless Diet Healing System and this blog to learn more.
Energy Moves Fluids in and Around Cells
Much of life has to do with flow, in one way or another. If that flow is disturbed, then dis-ease can begin to manifest. With this in mind, we need to expose ourselves to various sources of bioelectric energy to maintain flow, create charge separation, and continue to power the water battery within us.
This energy can come from various sources, including…
- Raw foods (primarily fruits and chlorophyll-rich, astringent greens, and sprouts)
- Sunlight
- Grounding
- Herbs
- Movement via piezoelectricity & lymphatic flow
- Acupuncture or acupressure
- Homeopathic remedies
- Light/color therapy
- Gemstone essences
- Negative electromagnetic polarity (such as through bioelectromagnetic therapy or magnetic beds)
- The utilization of the subtle bioelectric energy generated by our cells (often referred to as ‘the laying on of hands’)
- The amplification of thought-waves for targeted energy direction, electricity generated via a rapid-stroke technique or skin brushing, as well as applied or implanted electrodes.
- Reiki
- Reflexology
- Tai Chi
If you would like to learn more about some of these energy healing modalities, I highly recommend the book Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies by Dr. Richard Gerber.
Preserving the integrity of our collagen matrix and cells is crucial. Factors such as exposure to pesticides like glyphosate, sun damage, chronic stress, trauma, nighttime exposure to artificial light, sleep deprivation, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of physical activity, and industrial toxins, including fluoride and other pollutants, can degrade the collagen in our fascia. Lifestyle choices can have a substantial impact on fascia health.
Consuming foods rich in fiber (onions, leeks, and asparagus), colorful fruits and vegetables (including peppers and berries), can provide essential support and electrolytes needed for our cells and fascia. Nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C, zinc, copper, vitamin A, and manganese are vital for collagen production.
Movement and hydration are also fundamental pillars of cellular and fascial health and functionality. Movement generates an electrical current while facilitating the absorption of hyaluronic acid, which in turn promotes the formation of structured water. Movement is not only responsible for generating a charge but also for building structured water within the fascia.
Proper hydration can be achieved through mineralized water and raw foods to drive intracellular hydration. Nasal breathing is crucial to prevent dehydration and enhance oxygen intake. Consuming more coherent, structured water, preferably from fruits and vegetables, are excellent ways to support the health of our cells and fascia.
Zooming In to Look Outward
Congratulations! You made it this far. I know this has been quite a wild ride into the minutiae the past month or so, but it’s an important trip. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, my goal with this blog is to lay the foundation first because when we get to different body systems, we will be referring back to these because, despite how conventional medicine operates, everything IS connected. Nature is fractal. She does not play by the rules of RCTs. It is our job as Humans, doctors, researchers, and just curious people to learn how She works and live in harmony together.
We will be talking about Rockefeller medicine in more detail in the future, but I felt it was important to touch on here because if we don’t appreciate how we got here, we cannot fix it in the future. History has a nasty habit of repeating itself when it isn’t taken seriously.
I also think it is important to at least look at this article by Gilbert Ling (also cited above). This is a far cry from how I learned biochemistry, but it makes a lot more sense than the current model. Even with my neophyte level of understanding as of this writing, it is clear we have largely missed the mark on what to prioritize in health and nutrition- but that is my journey. I have been told his other work is incredibly complex, but is in direct contrast to the sodium-potassium pump model we all learned at some point. Gerald Pollack touches on some of this in about as simple terms as possible in his book The Fourth Phase of Water. It is a must read.
Selfishly, this blog also gives me an avenue to explore concepts that I am learning, and helps with my own understanding. I don’t expect a lot of this to click the first time because not all of it has for me. It’s just about getting closer to the truth.
We will start getting into larger systems as to how the body works in the upcoming weeks, and I can’t wait to dive deeper. There is so much to cover and learn.
For now, the main points here are:
- Water is the main driver of biochemistry in the body. ATP just allows for water to propagate electrical signals by changing protein structures
- We actually need less energy input than you might need because semiconductors like water can work in a non-linear fashion- meaning, a little input can have a dramatic effect.
- We need to stop looking at food as carbs, proteins, and fats, and start looking at food as a way to shuttle electrons through the ETC. This is why most diet wars are a complete waste of energy in the black hole of social media.
- Supporting your ability to create structured water is king. This is defined largely by light, water, and electrons (from the food, Sun, Earth, oceans, movement etc.) inputs.
I’ll see you next week.
Much Love!
Dr. Vincent Esposito
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Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:
- Start transforming your health with the best foods & herbs Nature already provides. Detox, lose weight, and boost energy- today! There is information on over 150 other herbs and superfoods in my book Nature’s Kitchen & Cabinet!
- I have a BRAND NEW 10-minute video to show you how to Transform Your Life and Overcome Insulin Resistance… FOR FREE! You can check it out here! I hope to see you there!