The concept of bacteria in our gut affecting overall human metabolism (and by extension, our weight and overall health) has only been around for about a decade or so, but ancient healing arts have referenced this concept in other ways through the years.
Nature is fractal. Each cell is a microcosm of the whole that makes up the human being. As Bruce Lipton puts in his book, the Biology of Belief, cells work the same ways that communities of humans do. Each has a role to fulfill to allow society to function in a healthy way.
The gut microbiome is no different. The microbes within us create an ecosystem that allows us to live the lives we do. Without them, there is no us.
They produce substances like vitamins and minerals we need and keep our immune system functioning properly. When it isn’t, autoimmune “diseases” are more likely to occur. Some scientists have even gone so far as to call the gut microbiome its own organ! It is made up of cells (microbes in this case), develops over time, and is constantly in contact with other organs, including the brain, immune system, endocrine organs, and detoxification pathways.
We have been facing a massive problem with the overprescribing of antibiotics, known as antibiotic resistance. The most popular of which is known as MRSA, or Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and Clostridium difficile. Clostridium is known to cause diarrhea and other intestinal complications as a result of a wiped-out gut microbiome. C. difficile is the most serious cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) and can lead to pseudomembranous colitis, a severe infection of the colon. This often results from destroying normal gut flora with antibiotics.
Clostridia are anaerobic, meaning they thrive in environments where there is little or no oxygen. They are spore forming rods. They naturally populate the body and cause no issues in a healthy gut. However, overpopulation of C. difficile can occur with antibiotic use, giving them more space to occupy. This is a problem because they release toxins that can cause bloating, constipation, and diarrhea with abdominal pain, which may become severe.
When we talk about bacteria that are associated with certain symptoms, they tend to have cell membranes. Most antibiotics work by interfering with the cell membrane and preventing bacteria from replicating. As you might expect, if bacteria don’t have a cell membrane, then they don’t work.
Antibiotic resistant staph and C. difficile are major issues in a hospital setting. While antibiotics can certainly have a place in emergency situations, the side effects of them are devastating. The body must also process the antibiotics out, which can put a strain on the liver and kidneys.
There is a second type of bacteria that lack cell walls, called L-forms, or pleomorphic forms. L-forms are bacterial variants that lack a cell wall and divide by a variety of processes involving membrane blebbing, tubulation, vesiculation and fission. L-forms have many names, including L-phase bacteria, L-phase variants, or cell wall deficient (CWD) bacteria.
Bacteria that lack cell walls don’t get much attention because they will not grow in your standard lab culture. If a doctor collects a sample of fluid from a wound or a drop of blood and submits it to the laboratory for culture, the result often indicates “No Growth.” This is interpreted as an absence of bacteria. But that isn’t necessarily true. Bacteria without cell membranes are almost always present.
As you might imagine, since L-forms have no rigid cell walls, they have different morphology from the bacteria they are derived from. Typically, L-form cells take on a spherical or spheroidal shape. For example, L-forms of the rod-shaped bacterium Bacillus subtilis appear round under phase contrast microscopy or transmission electron microscopy.
In bacteria that have a cell wall, it plays an important role in replication. Since L-forms do not have a cell wall, their divisions can range from very small to very big.
L-forms can be considered stable or unstable. A stable L-form is unable to revert to the original bacteria, while an unstable L-form is capable of dividing or reverting back to the original form.
What’s interesting is that L-forms would not fit Koch’s Postulates (circa 1890):
- The microorganism must be present in individuals suffering from the disease and absent in healthy individuals.
- The microorganism must be isolated and grown in a pure culture.
- The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
- The microorganism must be reisolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.
As you might expect, these postulates have many limitations, and did not account for the gut microbiome at the time. However, it is still the standard used in mainstream medicine to prove or disprove infection.
The Microbes Within Us
We live in a world that sees science as cause and effect. But the truth is, in a quantum world, all things lie on a spectrum of probability. There is never “one thing” that causes “one disease.” It is an alteration of the environment that leads to certain species thriving or withering away.
Truth is, while many people do have parasites, it is many times not parasites that come out the other end. Unless you are testing the stool, you don’t really know for sure. What many folks may experience or see in the stool is something known as “ropeworm,” which isn’t a parasite at all. These “ropeworms” are usually the remnants of intestinal mucous, or biofilm, which builds up and can be discarded over time. These can include excess molds, yeasts, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Excessive or altered shedding of intestinal mucous may be a sign of gastrointestinal conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or colon cancer.
But what is the role of these anyway? Remember- we are symbiotic creatures. Our bodies are ecosystems, not individual entities.
In a sense, we are hosts to many (mostly) microbial parasites. There are many different types of “parasites” including yeasts, fungi, warts, viruses, bacteria, worms of all types, and flukes. Most people have many of each, creating this ecosystem, so let’s take a look.
Viruses are incredibly interesting in and of themselves. The truth of the matter is that we still do not know for sure what exactly a virus is. Some in the scientific community think that they are components of dead or decomposing cells. Others think they are microorganisms. However, we do know that they are some sort of protein structure, and that they have no known “life” to them, like bacteria or protozoa. They require other life (like living cells) to function.
Viruses are proteins that affect the consciousness or life of a cell. They weaken a cell, setting it up for an immune response. When a cell is weakened or damaged, it can release its own “virus” (protein) causing an immune response against itself for elimination. Weaker beings are always replaced with the stronger ones in this realm. It is the natural order of things so that life will continue. The strong survive, one way or another. This is true even in the microscopic world. It is vital that the body eliminates its weaknesses to increase its strength.
For the past few centuries, many scientists have tried to get to the bottom of what parasites are. If you were to look at the definition of a parasite in the dictionary it would read, “an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other’s expense.” But what if this isn’t the entire truth? Does something exist simply to attack a healthy host? If that is true, it would seem strange.
I propose we look at parasites slightly differently. In other words, what if they had a beneficial purpose? What if this was not just a one-way relationship?
Think about maggot therapy. I know, sounds gross, but hear me out. Consider an area of dead skin, following a cut or burn. If you want to take this a step further, consider the corpse of a dead animal (just for the purpose of this example). Flies are attracted to the now-dead tissue. Once the flies are there, their goal is to lay eggs, which eventually turn into maggots. The maggots’ goal is to decompose the dead tissue, whether it be skin or an animal carcass. This is a natural process; it is how nature cleans itself. If this was not the case, the corpses of dead animals would still be lying around. Nature, just like energy, is always changing form. For example, during World War I, maggots were used to help clean out wounds. Maggot debridement is still used today in hospitals.
All of this is to say perhaps there is another reason for the existence of parasites. Parasites are everywhere. They have a role on this planet. They aid Nature in eliminating the weak so that the strong survive. This is what allows nature to constantly evolve and grow. The atoms in this world are never destroyed, they are just morphed into different forms. These include oxidation, ionization, and parasites, among others.
Now, there are worms of all types that exist, like pin, hook, round, spiral types, and many different varieties of tapeworms, along with flukes. They can grow and travel throughout the body. They are especially partial to the liver, heart, and GI tract.
Different herbs are used at different times to target the different life cycles of parasites. This is why we incorporate several full moon phases of parasite cleansing.
I’ve broken the many types of parasites down into 3 main categories: Protozoa, Helminths, and Ectoparasites.
Helminths – usually the ones that get the most attention, worm-like in appearance.
- Pinworms – most common. Can sometimes be identified by doing the “tape test.” An itching anus can be indicative of pinworms.
- Roundworms – common in dogs or other animals. Can spread from animal to person, very common among indoor pet owners.
- Strongyloides – Can live in muscle and brain tissue. Strong correlation to neurodegenerative diseases.
Ectoparasites – bugs that attach to the skin and live off blood or skin tissue, feed off the host periodically
- Ex.: ticks, bed bugs, fleas, mosquitos
Protozoa- babesia is one of the most common types, carried by ticks as a coinfection with Lyme.
- single-celled, very small organisms
- can cause intense symptoms like migraines, brain fog, fatigue, body aches, heart palpitations, etc.
Doing several protocols over time will give you the most success when killing parasites because you’ll be addressing their differing life stages that, in many types of parasites, occur at different times throughout a given month.
In certain cultures (like in India), adults “deworm,” that is, remove the parasites, from children yearly. Day-to-day activities and the ingestion of toxic, unclean foods may bring parasites into the body. These parasites then feed on the toxins and weak cells in the body. Many people have flukes (which look like little jellyfish) and mainly grow and accumulate in the liver and pancreas. When they grow in the pancreas this can cause digestive problems and diabetes. Many times, worms grow in the intestinal tract, and can become a problem later on. The truth is, parasites have a role, and we have forgotten this when it comes to their role in nature.
Do not live in fear of nature’s laws and the creatures that uphold them. Learn how nature works. Parasites do not create nor cause disease, they are only feeders, the result, not the cause.
Bacteria also have an interesting history. We have used antibiotics to try and kill them- to the point where now folks develop severe allergies, excessive fungal growth, lymphatic suppression, tissue damage and new diseases, including strains like MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus). In many cases, the use of antibiotics has resulted in death. Even the conventional medical community is beginning to acknowledge this.
We are all familiar with the word “bacteria” meaning those single-celled organisms without a true nucleus. There are several different types of bacteria. The first are known as micrococci, which are round, single-celled bacteria. Then there are diplococci, which are paired-cell bacteria. There are also those that cluster, like staphylococci, and those that form chains, like streptococci. Other bacteria are shaped like rods and are known as bacilli. Coccobacilli are round in shape, and those forming chains are called streptobacilli. There are also spiral-types, known as spirochetes.
At their core, bacteria are microscopic organisms found in many areas throughout the body. There are bacteria (that make up the gut flora) all along the GI tract helping the body to break down foods. They create vitamins and other nutrients for us, and we provide a home for them. Again, there is a symbiotic relationship here. For example, various bacteria that live in your GI tract that create B-vitamins (including B12) from the breakdown of the foods you eat.
All people have yeast (like Candida) or fungus in them. In fact, most people have over thirty different strains of fungus at any given moment in time. The yeast-type fungus is mostly located in the mouth to aid sugar and starch digestion but can also be found in the digestive tract. Oftentimes, what you find in the mouth can be a reflection of what is going on internally, which is why tongue analysis is such a valuable tool. Those with overgrowths of a fungus type like Candida albicans, which grows throughout the body, may experience symptoms like fatigue, listlessness, itching, skin irritation, sugar cravings, and being more prone to infections.
Candida overgrowth creates a craving for sugars and starches, and patients are typically and incorrectly told not to eat fruits because of the sugars. Fructose and glucose are two of the principal energies or fuels for cells. These sugars are simple sugars and are the body’s primary fuel source. They are essential for optimal health. Fruits actually help the body eliminate Candida because they are loaded with antioxidants and have astringent properties. These characteristics are useful to help clean out lymphatic congestion. This congestion or sluggishness is what provides the “home” for these microbes. Using an herbal parasite-and-lymphatic-cleansing program will immensely help anyone suffering from disorders linked with Candida.
Voltage and Changes in Your Health
As the voltage and oxygen levels drop in the blood, L-forms can change from spherical to rod-shaped, then to yeast-shaped, and finally to fungal-shaped forms.
L-forms cannot be destroyed by volcanic heat, radiation, freezing, or any known method. They only change when the voltage (pH) of their environment changes. As environmental conditions improve, L-forms transition into nonpathogenic forms. On the other hand, as the environment becomes less healthy, they transform into increasingly pathogenic forms.
Here’s an example for you. Say you take antibiotics, and they can eliminate a high streptococcus load, but some of them morph into L-forms. L-forms are not affected by antibiotics. They can change their form based on their environment. If the environment is low pH, low voltage, low oxygen, etc., they will assume a form that is more pathogenic for humans. But they can only exist in that form as long as the conditions allow it. In other words, as you clean up your environment, you create a healthier ecosystem inside of you.
In cells, when voltage (pH) drops, so do oxygen levels. When oxygen levels drop, it creates an environment more suitable for anaerobic bacteria. This is why as long as pH is low (low voltage), what we call “infections” will be more prevalent. This may be the person that gets sick every few months or has had flu-like symptoms for long periods of time, to full blown symptoms of what we call “autoimmune diseases.”
There are many species that thrive in anaerobic environments. Facultative anaerobic species are able to exist in both, but become more prevalent in anaerobic conditions. A facultative anaerobic organism is an organism that makes ATP by aerobic respiration if oxygen is present, but is capable of switching to fermentation if oxygen is absent. These include Staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium, and Listeria. Additionally, organisms in the fungal kingdom, such as yeasts, can also exhibit facultative anaerobic behavior.
Your immune system is designed to eliminate the weak. It does not attack itself for no reason. The allopathic medical community cannot find a reason for an autoimmune response other than to say it is probably in the genes. However, the real reason for this response becomes obvious when you understand that in nature the strong survive while the weak perish. Nature never procreates the weak. Nature eliminates it.
Thus, when your voltage drops, you may be left with
- Chronic pain
- Inhibited cellular autophagy
- Inhibited cellular apoptosis
- Sluggish metabolism
- Lower oxygen levels
- Waste buildup
- Autoimmune symptoms
- Constant illnesses
- Swollen lymph tissue (appendicitis, tonsillitis, etc.)
- Bowel irregularities
- Mineral imbalances and more
Using antibiotics may be necessary for serious problems, but there are always side effects. Some of those side effects are an increase in L-forms, fungal overgrowth, and formation of bacteria resistant to the antibiotic.
Oxygenate Your Body!
Redox is short for reduction-oxidation reactions in chemistry and biochemistry.
To put it simply…
Oxidation = the loss of electrons / hydrogen OR gain of oxygen / increase in oxidation state by a molecule, atom or ion.
Reduction = the gain of electrons / hydrogen OR a loss of oxygen / decrease in oxidation state by a molecule, atom or ion.
Oxidants are highly electronegative substances that can gain one or two extra electrons by oxidizing a substance. The most electronegative atoms are oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine).
Reductants transfer electrons (electron donors) to other substances. In the process they become oxidized themselves. Lithium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and aluminum are all examples of electron donors.
White blood cells are able to use redox reactions as part of the healing process. For example, neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) use an electron stealer (oxidizer) to oxidize bacteria. Usually that oxidizer is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This is different from antibiotics that disrupt and destroy cell membranes so that they cannot reproduce.
Improving Redox Potential & Adequate Electron Flow
Electrons flow from higher redox potential (more negative values) to lower redox potential (less negative values), and this flow of electrons is coupled to the pumping of protons (H+ ions) across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This proton gradient is used to generate ATP in oxidative phosphorylation.
Effectively, the better your redox potential is, the better your internal battery works. It is a measure of the current of your electric charge in your semiconductors, and it is coming from water- the battery of life.
The redox potential of each protein complex in the electron transport chain (ETC) within mitochondria varies. It’s not a single, fixed value, but it can indeed range at its peak from around -320 mV to -420 mV (except for complex II).
- Complex I (NADH dehydrogenase): Approximately -320 mV.
- Complex II (Succinate dehydrogenase): The redox potential of complex II is around 0 mV because it receives electrons from FADH2.
- Coenzyme Q (Ubiquinone, Q): The redox potential of coenzyme Q can vary but is typically around 10-50 mV.
- Complex III (Cytochrome bc1 complex): The redox potential of complex III is around 100-150 mV.
- Cytochrome c: The redox potential of cytochrome c is approximately 250 mV.
- Complex IV (Cytochrome c oxidase): The redox potential of complex IV is approximately -420 mV.
Your body is always detoxing- every pee, sweat, poo, and breath is in one form or another a detox. However, when you aren’t getting the electrons you need in adequate amounts, the detox pathways will not function as well as they should.
I have seen people try to jump into a detox too quickly without laying the foundation, leading to an outcome where they think it “didn’t work” or “made things worse.” Like anything, there are steps you need to take.
When the body is already dealing with chronic inflammation, it’s already low on electrons. Adding things that are designed to mobilize toxins or combat pathogens create a substantial energy demand on an already-overburdened body.
Remember- we are electrically charged beings. We require a negative charge (electrons) in crucial areas, including:
- The cellular interior
- The inner mitochondrial membrane
- The extracellular matrix
- Around proteins
Maintaining an optimal electron status is vital for:
- Maximum ATP production
- Proper oxygen distribution
- Providing the necessary energy for optimal cellular function
- Clearing excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), which serve as crucial signals for processes like pathogen destruction, DNA expression, and immune signaling
- Generating a direct current for tissue regeneration
- And more
- To maintain an electron-rich status, the body must be capable of storing and gathering electrons effectively.
This is why it is important to “redox before you detox.” Accumulate electrons and build your body’s internal battery to handle what is to come! Sometimes, as you do this, you just might realize you don’t even need a detox at all!
There are plenty of signs of low redox potential, including:
- Loss of libido
- Poor sleep
- Poor quality of hair, skin, and nails
- Cataracts & blue light toxicity in general
- Low potassium levels
- Chronic hormone imbalances
- Cortisol & melatonin imbalances
- Low glutathione stores
- Low selenium levels
- Low hemoglobin or hematocrit levels (anemia)
So how do you improve your redox potential?
- Infrared Therapy
- Sunlight exposure
- Iodine-rich seaweeds
- Avoid alcohol if redox potential is low.
- Avoid fluoride as much as possible.
- Lowering stress
- Intermittent fasting
- Avoid unnecessary nnEMFs
- Fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Pay attention to dim lights at night and sunsets.
What does this mean?
Whether it is biofilm, mucus, viruses, parasites, fungi, yeasts, etc., the goal is to cleanse the body and keep it as free of impurities as possible. Parasites, fungi, biofilms, etc. are secondary to the cause! These only thrive in a toxic environment, conducive to them! Healthy cells do not feed parasites. The strong are the ones who survive in this world. The healthier and more vibrant you are, the less hospitable you become for overgrowths.
You may want to keep an eye on your stools as you cleanse. Some of the larger organisms/biofilms you may be able to see in your stools during your detoxification program. Smaller parasites can only be detected via a stool sample, which you can request via your healthcare practitioner or through a laboratory.
We are symbiotic creatures by nature. Our gut flora has a multitude of functions, including
- Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates
- Production of vitamins (like K2 and B12, along with others)
- Absorption of minerals
- Elimination of toxins
- Distinguish between pathogens and non-harmful antigens
- Keep harmful bacteria under control
- Aid in production of antibodies to pathogens
- Provide support to the Immune System
When the system is in balance, all of these function smoothly.
However, if there are imbalances, it can lead to fungal overgrowths. Imbalances can be caused by any number of things, including
- Antibiotics
- Antifungal drugs (surprisingly enough! Anyone who has ever had recurrent yeast infections can verify)
- Antacids
- Birth control
- Steroids
- Antidepressants
- Statins
- Glyphosate and other pesticides
- Chemotherapy
- Toxic Foods
- A Weakened Immune System
- nnEMF exposure
- Chemicals from self-care products
…And others.
Herbs that Heal
There is no particular order to these, and this is a short list. I tend to prefer combination formulas (see below). It is important to understand that it’s best to ease into ANY herbal protocol and use common sense. Healing crises may occur. If that is the case, take your foot off the gas a bit. Seek help or guidance if you need it. I’d be happy to support you if need be. Remember- none of this information should be misconstrued as medical advice. 🙂
Black Seed Oil
Black Seed Oil is one of my favorite remedies for fungal imbalances. There are over 800 peer reviewed studies on Black Seed covering its benefits, including:
- Analgesic (pain killing)
- Anti-Bacterial
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Anti-Ulcer
- Anti-Fungal
- Antioxidant
- Antiviral
- Bronchodilator
- Gluconeogenesis Inhibitor (Anti-Diabetic)
- Insulin Sensitizing
- Hepatoprotective (Liver Protecting)
- Hypotensive
- Interferon Inducer
- Renoprotective (Kidney Protecting)
Here’s a sampling of just some of the studies:
“These results indicate that the aqueous extract of Nigella sativa seeds exhibits inhibitory effect against candidiasis and this study validates the traditional use of the plant in fungal infections.” –Phytotherapy Research
“This study confirms the potential antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa which can be considered not only as a diet supplement but can be used against a variety of free radical induced damage diseases.” — Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
It’s one of my favorites, and has the history to back it up!
While yes, turmeric is mostly known for helping manage inflammations (acidity) it can also be used for fungal overgrowths. Turmeric is a yellow spice most noted for giving curries they yellow hue. Actually, turmeric comes from a root and is then ground down into powder form, which is available in many grocery stores today.
Curcumin (the active ingredient, has been found to specifically target pro-inflammatory enzymes and other inflammatory factors that can influence genetic expression. It has many other health benefits as well.
Here are just some quotes from studies:
“Turmeric (Curcuma longa), a commonly used spice throughout the world, has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-neoplastic properties.” — Phytotherapy Research
“The results of the present study clearly indicate that curcumin by its antioxidant activity showed neuroprotection against 3-NP-induced behavioral and biochemical alteration. (Fungal toxin causing neurotoxicity) ” — Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
I will be talking more about this in the future, but sunlight itself is the most powerful broad-spectrum medicine on the planet.
Between primarily the work of Niels Reiberg Finsen and Dr. Auguste Rollier in the first half of the twentieth century, they found that heliotherapy can actually have an enormous amount of benefits, including:
- Helping with acne, psoriasis, burns, eczema, and other skin disorders
- Regulating muscular stimulation and relaxation
- Improving Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Lowers blood pressure
- Decreases cholesterol
- Lowers high blood sugar in diabetics
- Increases white blood cell counts
- Improved cardiac output
- Improved blood oxygen carrying capacity
- Reducing body odor
- Boosting the body’s immune system
- Boosts metabolism
- Reducing bacteria count by as much as 50% from infections
- Decontaminating blood transfusions
- DNA repair
- Irradiating the blood of cancer patients
- Improving symptoms of hyperbilirubinemia (neonatal jaundice)
- Improved kidney function
And here’s some snippets on vitamin D:
“Vitamin D exerts important regulatory functions on cells from the innate as well as from the adaptive immune response. Indeed, accumulating evidence has shown that insufficient vitamin D levels may lead to dysregulation of immune responses, and thus contribute to autoimmune diseases.” — Frontiers in Immunology
“Vitamin D supplementation decreases Aspergillus fumigatus specific Th2 responses in Cystic Fibrosis patients with aspergillus sensitization” —Asthma Research and Practice
- UVB exposure from the Sun is the best way to optimize your vitamin D levels
- At least 20 minutes of sun exposure daily during mid-day
- Your shadow shouldn’t be longer than your height
- Remember, humans are tropical beings! 🙂
- Most regions of the planet don’t get proper sunlight for 6 months out of the year
Another absolute favorite of mine. Clove essential oil or the dried herb helps protect against worms, amoebas, fungi, bacteria and viruses involved in things like malaria, cholera, scabies, dengue fever and tuberculosis. It can also be beneficial for stomach ulcers and H. pylori overgrowths.
“These findings demonstrate that oral intake of an herbal food, clove, may suppress the overgrowth of C. albicans in the alimentary tract including the oral cavity.” — Nippon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi
“It is clear that clove oil shows powerful antifungal activity; and it can be used as an easily accessible source of natural antioxidants and in pharmaceutical applications.” — Journal of Mycoses
Garlic is one of the most old-school ways to kill parasites and maintain a healthy microbial ecosystem. It contains powerful broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.
One compound, called allicin, is thought to provide much of its antimicrobial effect. It is especially useful for intestinal parasites and dysbiosis (including yeast, viruses, and fungi), as well as for heart and circulatory conditions.
“The ubiquitous opportunistic pathogen C. albicans is sensitive to garlic; resistance to the broad spectrum of active principles present is unlikely so that its anticandidal effects may provide an important alternative route to chemotherapy.” — Journal of Applied Microbiology
“The antimicrobial effects of aqueous garlic extract (AGE) against 133 multidrug-resistant gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial isolates … and against 10 Candida spp. were studied.” — Journal of Medical Food
Not only is it (most famously) known to help bring candida overgrowths under control, it can be useful for a variety of bacteria, fungi, and parasites. In some cases, oregano essential oil has been effective in cases of MRSA.
Two powerful compounds found in oregano are carvacrol and thymol, which have powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. Carvacrol reverses the disease processes of viral infections, allergies, tumors, parasites, and other microbes that can cause inflammation.
Pau D’Arco
Historically, it was used by Incas, the Callawaya in Brazil, and other Native South Americans as a cure-all. They used it to treat a variety of conditions, including wounds, fever, dysentery, and intestinal inflammation, cancer, and snake bites.
Pau D’Arco is an important, natural antibiotic for bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, especially of the nose, mouth, and throat, and digestive tract. It is fantastic at helping build the immune system, likely due to its ability to help clean up gut imbalances (80% of the immune system is found around the intestinal tract).
Black Walnut
Also called Juglans nigra, black walnuts are one of nature’s most powerful anti-parasitic herbs. Black walnuts increase cellular proliferation, improve oxygenation, promote healing of virtually all tissues, can help restore tooth enamel, is a strong detoxifier, and can help maintain stable blood sugar. It also is known to strengthen the immune system, improve lymphatic flow, and promote bowel peristalsis.
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is one of nature’s best herbs for parasites and liver health. It has many actions, including antiseptic, anti-venomous, aromatic, astringent, carminative, febrifuge, hepatic, nervine, stimulant, tonic, and antiparasitic properties. Wormwood is the source of absinthe, an addictive drink favored in 19th-century France. Wormwood contains anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and immunoregulatory benefits as well.
My Favorite Blends
With these I recommend starting with one and rotating every 1-2 months or so. It also is worthwhile to note that you HAVE to make sure your digestive system is functioning properly first – meaning you’re having at least one bowel movement per day – and your kidneys and lymphatic system are flowing.
I generally recommend starting with ONE month of the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation for 30 days before starting with the protocols below. I also recommend referring above as far as where to start from a food standpoint)
- Parasite M (Dr. Morse’s Botanicals)
- Biocidin (Biocidin Botanicals) 5-10 drops 3x/day
- Wormwood Complex (MediHerb) 2 tabs 2-3x/day for 10 days, then take a 10-day break.
- DiGest Forte (MediHerb) 1 tab 3x/day
- Candibactin-AR (Metagenics) 1-2/meal 2-3x/day
- Candibactin-BR (Metagenics) 1-2/meal 2-3x/day
- The rest of these can be found on my Fullscript Dispensary here.
Other Essential Oils & Herbs
- Clove
- Tea Tree
- Oregano
- Lemongrass
- Cinnamon Bark
- Thyme
- Lavender
- Geranium
- Chamomile
Where to Find Herbal Formulas
Ideally, if you can find an herbalist near you that is familiar with these herbs and their purpose, that is great! You would want to make sure their herbs are organic and/or wildcrafted. I personally use formulas from a variety of companies that are third party tested for safety and potency. Many of which can be found on my dispensary through Fullscript, linked here. Again- I tend to gravitate towards whole-herb products, not ones with individual nutrients as I believe that whole plant constituents are much greater than the individual components. If you join my dispensary, you get a 10% discount on everything you order through it!
There are certain companies I will link in the order of the ones I tend to gravitate towards the most:
- Dr. Morse’s Herbs (code DRVINCENT to save)
- Purium
- Avini Health
- DoTerra Essential Oils
- Mediherb/Standard Process
- Biocidin Botanicals
- Orthomolecular Products
- Cellcore (use code UKsTZJGS [case sensitive] when visiting www.cellcore.com – NOT available on Fullscript)
- Designs for Health
- Ora Organics
- Microbiome Labs
- Biotics Research
- Barlean’s
- Gaia Herbs
Putting It All Together
I hope that this has been a helpful letter. There are certainly more nuances that can go into this, but I hope that this provides a solid foundation on where to get started.
What’s most important is this:
- The first step is to clean up the gut and lymphatic system. If things aren’t flowing smoothly, it doesn’t really matter what you’re putting in. You have to be sweating, pooping, and peeing regularly.
- Put in the foods that agree with you most. The most healing foods are fruits, leafy greens, herbs, nuts, and seeds. Start with the ones you can tolerate and transition as slowly as you need. See this post for how to use the system that I recommend.
- Add in the herbal protocols that may be helpful. See above for suggestions to start.
- Enjoy life and focus on the Core 8 Pillars of Health!!
Remember, the body is designed to heal itself. You just have to get out of the way and support it.
Start Today!
Bottom line, we must increase our voltage and to do that we have to keep our pH in a specified range. The body does this on its own, but if it constantly needs to use buffers, it leads to long-term problems. It seems simple, but I cannot tell you how much time repetition of basics gets people to where they want to be with time.
A mindset that is open and tuned to what is going well amplifies results. You owe it to yourself to give yourself a chance.
Dr. Vincent Esposito
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Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:
- I’m excited to announce the launch of my new book: How to Get World Class Sleep! If you’ve struggled with insomnia, have trouble falling asleep, or wake up feeling sluggish, then this is for you! Fall Asleep Faster. Recover More Quickly. Wake Up Refreshed! Find it here!
- I am offering Iris, Tongue and Fingernail Analysis & Results! There are limited spots available! Check out the link here for more info!