
We are made up of almost 40 trillion cells and about 100 trillion more bacteria, fungi, and other microbes that make up the microbiome.  

It is more accurate to say that the body is an ecosystem composed of many different types of cells that work together rather than an individual organism.  If you just add up all the cells, we are more microbial than we are human.  Something worth thinking about…

If we are to heal, the body needs to start at the foundational level, which is within the cell.  But how are these wastes removed?  How do we process all of this?  What keeps us healthy?

That’s what we’re covering this week!

Getting Into Flow

The body has a massive supply and clean-up system, known as the circulatory system and lymphatic system, respectively.  They supply goods and take away waste products as needed.  We have the cardiovascular system, which functions more like the kitchen, and the lymphatic system, which acts more like a sewer system or septic tank- your bathroom.

The vessels themselves play an important role.  We talked last week about many proteins in the body having a net negative charge, making them hydrophilic.  This includes collagen, the primary protein the body makes.  Blood and lymphatic vessels are made of collagen, making them hydrophilic in Nature, meaning that they can serve as an electrical circuit.  Each individual cell has a cytoskeleton that provides structure and strength.  Additionally, this cytoskeleton provides an internal electrical supply.

Structured water surrounds cells and provides protons for energy production  Structured water is a special liquid-crystal form of water that induces charge separation which allows cells to ship protons into the cell along the cytoskeleton.

If you remember from earlier posts, structured water itself has a net negative charge, meaning it can attract protons towards the cell.  This structured water surrounds the cell, allowing for a difference in charge to manifest.  This video by Dr. Stephanie Seneff explains this in more detail.

Sunlight helps cells produce more energy by building and maintaining the exclusion zone.  Protons can be brought into the cell in this manner and brought to areas in the cell that need them to function.  

For example, lysosomes require positive charge to function properly and clear molecular debris.  If you can’t get these protons into the cell, the lysosomes don’t function as well and it can lead to debris accumulation and diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Mitochondria rely on protons to generate ATP, water, and carbon dioxide- and need a lower pH in their intracellular membrane.

Red Blood Cells & Zeta Potential

To get a better idea of how this negative charge works, consider the red blood cell.  Blood gets thicker when red blood cells clump together.  This occurs when they lack the negative surface charge required to repel each other. 

What’s the old adage?  Opposites attract.  That’s what happens with blood when the negative surface charge dissipates.

This negative exterior charge is referred to as zeta potential.  Increased zeta potential indicates thinner blood and a greater negative charge.  Grounding increases the negative surface charge (remember, electrons are negatively charged) of our red blood cells.  This can decrease blood viscosity and increase zeta potential.

On the flipside, when they lose charge, they are more likely to clump together, increasing your blood viscosity. Increased blood viscosity and poor cardiovascular health are strongly linked.

This has an impact in a multitude of ways.  Red blood cells travel through capillaries and shed negative charge.  The shedding of negative charge creates a battery between the artery and the vein.  So the red blood cells are propelled away from the negatively-charged arteries towards the capillaries and more positively-charged veins.  

This is pretty ingenious because it takes some of the work off of the heart pumping, relying more on magnetism to propel blood flow.  The battery propels the red blood cell through the artery and capillary.  This reduces the workload of the heart in pumping.  In other words, this charge separation drives blood flow independent of the heart contracting!

This charge separation takes place not only on red blood cell surfaces, but happens in all cells within the body.

Electric Flow

Ever wondered why the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump?

As you know, the circulatory system relies on the heart as its pump.  But that pump alone can’t explain why blood flows the way it does.

Consider this: red blood cells are notably larger than the capillaries they must navigate.  Calculations reveal that relying solely on the heart to propel red blood cells through these narrow capillaries would result in blood pressure levels much higher than observed.

So there must be another way. It involves charge separation.  As we have talked about, structured, or EZ (exclusion zone) water, creates negatively-charged surfaces that repel each other.  Blood and lymphatic vessels are lined with negatively-charged EZ water.  The contents of these vessels such as blood cells, proteins, etc, are also surrounded by a shell of negatively-charged EZ water.

Like charges repel each other.

The repelling action propels flow, also known as the movement of substances through the vessels. Consequently, even without a heartbeat or a pump in the lymphatic system, flow persists.

Infrared light amplifies this flow by increasing EZ, leading to enhanced repulsion and flow. 

As Dr. Seneff points out, sulfate ions, found in the extracellular matrix of structures like the endothelial lining and on the surface of red blood cells, form substantial EZs, further amplifying these processes.  

Sunlight contributes to this by sulfating elements like cholesterol on red blood cells.  Sunlight plays an even greater role when you consider the vasodilating effects of UVA light and the proton wire that further propels flow.

In other words, this separation of charge, or voltage, allows for things to flow. When this charge is weak, then we can get stagnant lymph or blood, which leads to a whole host of problems.

The Five Keys to Regeneration and Reversing Disease

To put it simply, there are five main processes our bodies perform on a regular basis:

  1.  Assimilation of nutrients– The body needs nutrients to build cells, fuel activity, repair damage. It extracts what it can from the food taken in and passes the rest on through the digestive tract for elimination. Nutrients are also used to detoxify and flush out metabolic waste.
  2. Excretion of waste– The body needs to excrete the metabolic waste of cellular activity and digestion as well as remove toxicity to maintain optimal homeostatic expression.
  3. Growth- The body grows to maximum size, shape, and dimensions dictated by the blueprint contained in its DNA.  Once the Body achieves full maturity, then it moves towards homeostasis by replicating itself year after year through cellular regeneration and repair.
  4. Reproduction- The body replaces itself on a continuum to maintain homeostatic expression over time. All cells wear out within a given time frame and need replacement by new cells, thus the body is always reproducing itself year after year. It also needs to reproduce itself in form by having offspring to insure the survival of its species
  5. Adaptation- The body needs to continually adapt to its ever-changing environment in order to survive and express its greatest homeostatic potential long term.

Fundamentally health can be defined as the following:

Any action you take that supports these five actions will improve your health.  Conversely, anything that you do that inhibits or impairs these processes will hinder your health.

The truth is that there is an innate intelligence within the body.  Some may call it, “intelligent design.”  The body is able to heal and regulate itself.  Bottom line: Mother Nature knows what she is doing.

Somewhere between 97-99% of all illnesses and what we call “disease” are really intelligent adaptive responses to Physical, Chemical, or Emotional stressors (blood pressure, tumors, cholesterol levels, inflammation, etc.)

Yes, we all inherit certain genetic traits, but how those genes are expressed is determined by your perception of your environment.

Tissues and cells can undergo damage through two fundamental mechanisms: 

  1. Mechanical trauma
  2. Chemical injury

In some form or another, these are going to manifest from physical, chemical, or emotional stress.

Regardless of the mode of occurrence, whether the body experiences injury or trauma, tissues and cells consistently exhibit the same response.

Chemical damage, often induced by toxins, originates from these primary sources:

  1. Plant poisons (such as poison ivy, stinging nettle, poison oak, etc.),
  2. Animal venoms (bee stings, snake bites, spider bites, etc.), and
  3. Chemical elements (heavy metals, drugs, fumes, solvents, pesticides, additives, preservatives, etc.).
  4. Metabolic waste by-products resulting from our cellular metabolism.
  5. Metabolic waste by-products released by microorganisms and parasites, including fungi, bacteria, flukes, worms, etc.
  6. Mechanical damage refers to adverse physical stress resulting from any form of physical injury.
  7. Unfavorable electromagnetic and light environments (nnEMF, artificial lighting at night, fluorescents, WiFi, Bluetooth devices, etc.)

When cells undergo damage, their membrane ruptures, allowing intracellular chemicals to be released into the extracellular fluids surrounding the cells. 

The release of bradykinin, histamines, and serotonin initiates the inflammatory process by causing dilation of blood capillaries. This leads to the rush of plasma proteins, water, and sodium, resulting in a lack of oxygen, which in turn induces the characteristic signs of inflammation.

What are the Five Cardinal Signs of Inflammation?

  1. Rubor (redness)
  2. Calor (warmth)
  3. Tumor (swelling)
  4. Dolor (pain)
  5. Functio laesa (loss of function)

The Road to Regeneration

Luckily, you have the internal mechanisms you need already built into you.  You don’t even need an owner’s manual!

Every minute, several hundred million new cells are generated to replace irreparable or deceased cells, leading to swift tissue regeneration.  

According to Prevention’s Giant Book of Health Facts: “Every minute 300 million cells in your body die and are replaced immediately by the division of living cells, so that the number of cells in your body remains constant throughout adult life.”

As we have learned over the previous weeks, cells create water through cellular respiration, which we can functionally use as a battery when we use sunlight (specifically infrared wavelengths) to separate charges.

In a way, each cell acts as a battery unit, contributing subtle energy to its associated tissue group.  The more cells within a group that cease electrical activity or undergo cell death, the greater the overall failure of the tissue group.  Consequently, without the continuous reproduction of healthy cells, tissue degeneration occurs, affecting various physiological processes depending on the affected body part.

To regain a healthy cellular environment, the body takes measures to prevent plasma proteins from getting trapped around cells. The entire lymphatic system must be consistently activated to remove excess fluid, sodium, dead or irreparably damaged cells, cellular metabolic waste by-products, and other waste materials from tissue spaces.

If symptoms improve but you stop working on the problem or ensure the lymphatic system is functioning well, trapped proteins or poisons may reproduce the problem, drawing fluid and sodium or damaging cells and maintaining dilated capillary pores.

In other words, the key to healing is to continue to work at it even after symptoms subside.  Prevention and healing efforts go hand-in-hand, involving appropriate nutrition and lifestyle changes.  Additionally, and perhaps even more importantly, it is vital to address the factors that add to the body’s toxic burden.

Consider factors like…

Each person faces a unique set of challenges, circumstances, strengths and weaknesses, and behavioral patterns that determine the complexity of their situation.  We are all on diverse paths of personal growth, learning the “hows and whys” of life.

Whether reconfiguring relationships, reprogramming habits, overcoming addictions, releasing emotional baggage, or practicing forgiveness, each person’s journey is unique.

Instead of judging or criticizing others for perceived shortcomings, we should recognize that these challenges may serve as transformative wake-up calls, leading to significant accomplishments. It is the unseen potential within each of us that contributes to our greatness.

No matter what though, if we are to get this body up and running at its best, it starts with a lymphatic system that is up and running well!

Two Types of Circulation

The Cardiovascular Circulation System

As I mentioned previously, a helpful analogy for looking at the lymphatic system is comparing it to the circulatory system.  The cardiovascular circulatory system functions as the body’s “kitchen.”  It delivers the “food” oxygen, sugars, dissolved minerals, and other nutrients) ready for transportation and direct delivery to cells.

The vascular system itself consists of three main types of vessels: arteries, capillaries, and veins.  Freshly-oxygenated blood moves from the arteries, coursing through capillaries.  The blood undergoes rapid diffusion multiple times, to deliver vital contents to cells while picking up carbon dioxide. 

The now deoxygenated blood travels through veins, returning to the heart.  The heart pumps this blood through the lungs for re-oxygenation, expelling the collected carbon dioxide to perpetuate the life cycle on Earth.  

From here, blood cycles back to the heart, ready to be pumped out again through the arteries. This continuous cycle repeats about every 60 seconds.

Capillaries are the smallest of the blood vessels.  They extend to the cellular bed, permeating every solid tissue structure, including bones, muscles, and organs in our body.  They have porous membranes filled with microscopic holes, which facilitate the flow of water (plasma) and bloodstream constituents into the tissue spaces, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

In this way, the cardiovascular system works in concert with the lymphatic system, ensuring optimal nourishment for cells.  After cellular metabolism and various chemical reactions, cells release waste by-products into the extracellular fluids surrounding them.  Quickly removing this waste material, along with substances from the bloodstream, is crucial to prevent cell damage and tissue space swelling.

The Lymphatic System

All this to say: if the cardiovascular system functions as your kitchen, the lymphatic system may be likened to “the bathroom,” “garbage collector,” “the tree of life,” “the purification system,” and the “internal vacuum cleaner.”  Operating as a unidirectional circulatory system, it courses through the body like a network of blind-end tubes, ending at the feet, head, and hands.

Generally speaking, our body is about 60% fluid.  Of that, it may surprise you to know that 62.5% is found within our cells, with only 7.5% making up our bloodstream, and the other 30% constituting our interstitial/lymph fluid.  

Essentially, the body consists of two primary extracellular fluids: blood (20% of total fluid) and lymph (80% of total fluid).  We spend so much time focusing on blood, when it only accounts for 20% of the overall fluid in the body.  The lymph consists of 80% of the body’s total fluid, yet goes largely unappreciated.  The medical profession and many holistic practitioners have overlooked the essential issue of your body’s great sewer (lymph), and instead focus strictly on the blood & colon, and main immune system…

Our lymphatic system traces our circulatory system, so wherever you find blood vessels, you can be sure to find lymphatic vessels running alongside and parallel to them.  

This arrangement is essential because blood capillaries, which penetrate every solid tissue structure, consistently release plasma proteins, fluids, sodium, dissolved minerals, and other nutrients, driven by the inherent osmotic (positive) pressure maintained by plasma proteins in the bloodstream.

Amazingly, we have more lymphatic vessels (approximately 240,000 miles) than we have blood vessels (about over 90,000 miles), and only lymphatic capillaries extend between cells.

If you check out this presentation by Dr. C Samuel West, he describes the lymphatic system as such:

“The lymph system in the body is like a tree […]. As I tell about what the lymph system looks like, then I’d like you to repeat it, as I give it to you, and you’ll never forget it again.

The lymph system we will [simply] describe like this – let’s repeat – the branches go up in the head, the roots go down in the feet, and the tree trunk is in the chest; and it’s called the thoracic duct.”

Reaching Far and Wide

Lymph vessels allow lymph fluid to travel to lymph nodes.  Lymph nodes are where macrophages filter the lymph fluid.   The main regions of lymph nodes include cervical lymph nodes (neck, upper shoulder and chest area), axilla (the armpit), thoracic (chest), groin (inguinal nodes), and mesentery (for the GI tract).  Macrophages are large white blood cells that engulf and destroy pathogens.  

The primary lymphoid organs are the red bone marrow and the thymus gland. The bone marrow produces B-cells maturing within, while T-cells mature in the thymus gland.

Secondary lymphoid organs encompass numerous lymph nodes, spleen, appendix, specific mucosal linings, and Peyer’s patches in the gut. This network activates immune cells, monitoring and filtering lymph and blood.

Additionally, B lymphocytes (or B cells) reside in lymph nodes, which are able to create antibodies specific to each pathogen, allowing for a quicker immune response should the same pathogen return at a later time.

Lymphatic fluid is roughly 96% water, and mirrors a natural watershed system.  It comprises rivers, streams, and tributaries (capillaries).  It continuously absorbs, scans, and neutralizes unwanted organisms, acting as a vital organ of elimination.

The lymphatic system itself is incredibly extensive.  It consists of capillaries, tributary vessels, and minute interstitial channels (called ‘prelymphatics’). It operates like a vacuum, gathering and circulating waste material to be filtered through our 600-700 lymph nodes.

Once filtered, the wastes are actually brought to the kidneys for removal.  Again, this is NOT something you will learn in your traditional A&P class.  Traditionally, it has been thought that the purified fluid, along with plasma proteins, is returned to the venous system to rejoin the bloodstream, maintaining blood volume.

By filtering, you have successfully reinstated the operational efficiency of one of the body’s crucial pathways for eliminating acidic lymphatic waste—the kidneys. This includes the elimination of tissue-damaging acidic wastes that, until this point, the body would have struggled to expel.

The Lymphatic System’s Function

The Lymphatic System has three major functions.

  1. Cellular Highway: Picture the lymphatic system as a bustling highway, transporting large molecules—metabolic waste, damaged cells, dietary fats, and hormones—from tissues to the bloodstream.  Dr. Morse champions this system for detoxification, ensuring metabolic waste and bacteria are efficiently removed.
  2. Fluid Homeostasis: The lymphatic system maintains fluid balance, safeguarding normal blood pressure. As fluid accumulates, lymphatic capillaries act like diligent custodians, mopping up excess interstitial fluid and returning it to circulation.
  3. Immune Signaling: A superhero in immune defense, the lymphatic system serves as a transport pathway for immune cells. Lymph nodes diligently screen for unfamiliar elements, triggering immune responses when needed.

The lymphatic system does not have a pump-like structure like the heart.  Instead, lymphatic vessels boast millions of miniature one-way check valves.  These valves serve as impromptu pumps when compressed and massaged, ensuring a unidirectional flow and preventing the backward movement of lymph.

Contrary to popular belief, the primary driving force behind lymphatic flow is NOT exercise or muscular activity, but deep, nasal, diaphragmatic breathing!  Dr. Jack W. Shields highlights the limited efficacy of exercise (without deep nasal breathing) for health preservation and recovery, and underscores the detrimental impact of persistent shallow breathing.

To ensure efficient circulation of the lymphatic tissue consider incorporating the following techniques:

  1. Deep nasal breathing (including yawning)
  2. Bouncing (with or without a quality trampoline, a yoga ball, or the edge of one’s bed)
  3. Muscular movement (supplementary to deep breathing for long-term health)
  4. Tissue-manipulation techniques (massage, neurolymphatic reflex massage, stroking, tissue compression or isometrics, stretching, percussion, vibratory techniques, contraction and relaxation, suction cupping, etc.)
  5. Energy-related practices

Moving Lymphatics with Energy

Any appropriate sources of bioelectric energy, whether internal or external, can effectively disperse and release clustered plasma proteins enveloping cells.

This energy can come from raw natural foods, particularly fruits and chlorophyll-rich, astringent greens, and sprouts.

Additionally, it includes herbs, homeopathic remedies, light/color therapy, gemstone essences, negative electromagnetic polarity (utilizing bioelectromagnetic therapy or magnetic beds), harnessing the subtle bioelectric energy from our cells (such as ‘the laying on of hands’), channeling mental energy for directed healing, employing electricity through light-fast-stroke techniques or skin brushing, using applied or implanted electrodes, engaging in, reiki, reflexology, tai chi, acupuncture needles, chi machines, and various other energy-focused healing modalities, products, devices, or machines.

Energy medicine and vibrational medicine are gaining increasing acknowledgment.  These evolving arts and sciences are expected to significantly contribute to the future landscape of medicine and general healthcare.  If you would like to learn more about some of these energy healing modalities, I highly recommend the book Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies by Dr. Richard Gerber.

Multiple approaches exist to facilitate cellular regeneration, and while the effectiveness of certain products and therapeutic methods may vary, each has its appropriate time and application for diverse individuals and situations.

Remember though, these aren’t passive therapies.  There is a difference between true healing and “cures.”  You must be an active participant in your own healing process.  If you don’t support a treatment-based approach with the necessary nutrition and lifestyle changes needed, many patients or clients will inevitably be met with a relapse and return of their problems.

Fruits, vegetables, herbs, sprouts, and homeopathic remedies are highly energetic.  From a physics perspective, it is understood that everything has resonant frequencies, and nature utilizes the law of resonance for healing.

This involves aligning the electrical frequencies of plant-based foods, herbs, homeopathic remedies, gemstone essences, nutrients, and the like with the corresponding electrical frequencies of our 11-12 body systems or specific tissues.  This alignment, particularly in affected areas, aids in unlocking and dispersing plasma proteins, activating lymphatic function, increasing oxygen intake, restoring the delicate mineral balance (triggering the electrical generators and reversing the acidic pH environment), and achieving physiological homeostasis.

Do the Work

All the various herbs, products and protocols can’t replace regular nasal diaphragmatic breathing.  There is also no substitute for adopting a clean nutrition plan or making necessary lifestyle changes.  

In fact, in many cases, the opposite tends to be true.  Adhering to mental, nutritional, and physical principles, along with incorporating practices like deep breathing, bouncing, stroking, stretching, tissue compression, relaxation, flexing, and powerful electrical healing techniques—each of which cost nothing to actually apply, and should be engaged within the context of transition, and eliminate the need for heavy dependence on products.

In instances where exceptions arise, products and various modalities can be viewed as an extraordinary array of tools that complement detoxification, drainage, and healing processes.

Redox Before You Detox

All of the healing arts involve getting oxygen to cells and removing waste products via the lymphatic system.

The goal is to unify and utilize as many healing arts as possible.  These do not replace each other, rather, they enhance each’s own efficacy.  For example, as cells begin to become more oxygen-efficient, the effectiveness of botanical products and other supplements is heightened.  This is why it is so important to get your redox potential up before you detox!

The body is 70% water and none of it looks like the water in your glass right now.  It actually takes on a liquid crystalline structure that allows for the flow of electricity throughout the body at rates even faster than the nervous system can account for.

In fact, it is more accurate to say that we contain semiconductors made of carbon and water, charged by sunlight.

Electrolytes (and a few other elements) provided the doping for our semiconductors.

If you don’t know what doping is- it is simply adding elements to a lattice to allow electrons to flow more easily in semiconductors.

This liquid crystalline structure provides the basis for ALL of the redox reactions that power our bodies to take place.

And in order to create an environment that functions at its best, we need electrolytes.  Electrolytes, as the name implies, provide the electrons that power our cells.

There is ample evidence to date that over 90% of Americans don’t even consume RDA levels of fruits and vegetables per day, which IMO is very low.  Where are most of these electrolytes found?  Fresh fruits and veggies.  Nature provides everything you already need.

What is Redox?

Redox is short for reduction-oxidation reactions in chemistry and biochemistry.

To put it simply…

Reduction = gaining electrons

Oxidation = losing electrons

Your body runs on a net negative charge, just like the Earth’s surface.  The more electrons you have in your system, the better the body runs.  We actually know this happens below the cellular level in the mitochondria.

In simplest terms, our mitochondria reverse photosynthesis, making water and CO2, along with ATP.

In the simplest way possible, your body needs a steady supply of electrons to function well. 

In fact, a high number of protons (low pH), is associated with an acidic, inflammatory environment.  While you do need this environment in a few places (like the inner membrane of the mitochondria or lysosomes), an entire body in a highly acidic state leads to problems.

Your body is always detoxing- every pee, sweat, poo, and breath is in one form or another a detox.  However, when you aren’t getting the electrons you need in adequate amounts, the detox pathways will not function as well as they should.

I have seen people try to jump into a detox too quickly without laying the foundation, leading to an outcome where they think it “didn’t work” or “made things worse.”  Like anything, there are steps you need to take.

When the body is already dealing with chronic inflammation, it’s already low on electrons.  Adding things that are designed to mobilize toxins or combat pathogens, create a substantial energy demand on an already-overburdened body.

Remember- we are electrically-charged beings.  We require a negative charge (electrons) in crucial areas, including:

Maintaining an optimal electron status is vital for:

To maintain an electron-rich status, the body must be capable of storing and gathering electrons effectively.

This is why it is important to “redox before you detox.”  Accumulate electrons and build your body’s internal battery to handle what is to come!  Sometimes, as you do this, you just might realize you don’t even need a detox at all!

Gather electrons by:


Minimize things that deplete electrons and diminish EZ water:

Getting Rid of The Waste

Once we are getting the electrons we need and we’re not depleting our supply too much, we move on to step two.  

Elimination is key!  Making sure you are eliminating well should be the first step on anyone’s healing journey (if no acute symptoms are present).

We have four primary methods of elimination:

  1. Lungs (breath)
  2. Colon (feces)
  3. Kidneys/Bladder (urine)
  4. Skin (sweat)

Ensuring that all of these are functioning at a high level is the foundation of healing and preserving health.  

The Lungs

The lungs actively expel waste material during exhalation. In the process of cellular aerobic respiration, we generate CO2 while we reverse photosynthesis to maintain the balance of life here on this planet.

The lungs play a crucial role in supporting our inherent purification system—the lymphatics—through deep inhalation and effective removal of carbon dioxide.

Learning how to breathe correctly should be highlighted and ideally taught as one of the foundational principles of health, prior to anything else.

If you are breathing through your mouth, or even alternating between mouth and nose at rest, or you can actively hear your breathing throughout the day, you’re not getting the best you can out of your lung function, diaphragm, lymphatic system, immune system, and everything downstream from that.


70-80% of the toxins in your body are eliminated through the breath.  If your breathing patterns aren’t on point, those are going to get recycled and can potentially cause some problems.

Addressing all of those things is really important, but did you know there is a connection between your gut and your lungs too?

The gut-lung axis is a microbial-immune connection allowing the immune system in the gut to detect imbalances in the lungs.

In a way, microbes in the lung are ‘breathing’ for us.

Mouth breathing completely bypasses the upper nasal immune system, which acts as a pre filter for the lungs.  We know that shallow mouth breathing can cause quite a bit of tension, leading us further into a sympathetic dominant state.  If we rely on shallow breaths or mouth breathing to fill up our lungs long-term, it can cause the muscles of the shoulders, back, neck, and chest to work overtime.  

Mouth breathing not only increases risk of asthma or respiratory infections, but also sleep disorders like apnea. Sleep disorders are also known to affect the diversity of the gut microbiome.   And you wonder why sleep issues and parasites or other gut issues are connected…

So for gut issues, make sure you are breathing through your nose, especially during sleep.  You may want to try mouth taping too.

The Colon

This is, in my opinion, where the shift in nutrition specifically needs to change the most.  Nutrition should be focused primarily on maintaining and enhancing the function of the elimination organs as well as the passage of protons and electrons in the mitochondria moreso than strictly on carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and even micronutrients.  The latter does not matter if you cannot absorb what is needed and eliminate wastes effectively.

Dr. Bernard Jensen was one of the visionaries on this topic.  He understood the importance of maintaining proper bowel regularity and ensuring the effective drainage of mucus and other waste materials from the colon.  Dr. Jensen made tremendous contributions to the area of detoxification and regeneration.  In particular, he established connections between colon health (or its absence) and the subsequent impact on various body tissues, as evidenced through iridology.

In his book, ‘Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management,’ he states:

“I must admit that I did not realize the importance of good bowel care until years of experience in the science of iridology proved to me, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the condition of the bowel tissue is often the key to the state of health or disease of the individual. I am convinced and truly believe that our problems begin more in the bowel than any other part of the body. The body depends on a clean bowel. The cleanliness of any tissue, i.e., kidney, stomach, brain, depends upon what is found in the bowel.”

To put it simply, if you aren’t having at least one bowel movement per day, this must be addressed before any detox.  Usually, improving your redox potential alone SHOULD start to fix this.  If not, then we may have to look to herbal formulas while we increase the amount of hydrating, living foods and fiber to support this process.

Kidney Filtration & its Misunderstood Role

There is perhaps no better practitioner today that understands the importance of the kidneys and its ties to the lymphatic system than Dr. Robert Morse.  Dr. Morse’s research has highlighted the vital role of the kidneys in serving as emunctory organs, emphasizing the necessity for these organs to function effectively. This intricate process relies on kidneys and adrenal glands that function well.

Your kidneys are the main eliminative organs for your body’s lymphatic (sewer) system.  When your kidneys lose their ability to filter the cellular wastes (acids) out of your body, they back up, just as sewage from any other sewer system would.  

The body has TWO predominant types of waste (by-products) to get rid of:


These are byproducts of digestion and what you consume or don’t absorb.  These wastes are removed by the large intestine (the colon).  This includes food and stool.  The liver can dump byproducts this way as well.


These wastes and byproducts come from the cells and their metabolic processes.  Consider that your physical body has over one hundred trillion cells that make up all the tissues, organs, glands, structures, etc.  Each cell in each structure creates waste.  That is a lot of material that needs to be filtered through!

There are other minor wastes from bacteria, fungus, and/or parasites.   These wastes, as well as a lot of cellular wastes, are dumped into the lymphatic system, and from there are filtered through the kidneys.  

Your kidneys are the main eliminative organs for your body’s lymphatic (sewer) system.  When your kidneys lose their ability to filter the cellular wastes (acids) out of your body, they back up, just as sewage from any other sewer system would.   

This “backup” of acids is called inflammation.  This is where symptoms like pain, swelling and tissue destruction become a reality.  Pimples, boils, cysts, rashes, and tumors begin to form.  The unfortunate part is that this inflammation becomes systemic, affecting you from head to toe! 

We’ll be covering kidney function in greater depth in the future.  For now, know that many common trends, including the consumption of acidic foods, negatively impacts kidney function.  

The Skin

Lymphatic waste can also be filtered out the skin (which is sometimes referred to as the body’s “third kidney”).

Sweating is another important process in which the body removes unwanted waste material. The primary regulators of body temperature are the hypothalamus and thyroid gland, with the pituitary gland acting as an intermediary in this process.  If there are issues with the hypothalamus or the thyroid gland, then an individual may have problems sweating.

In such instances, it is crucial to address and reverse these weaknesses, while simultaneously alleviating the burden on the skin. This can be achieved through practices such as skin brushing, guasha skin cleansing, cleansing herbal, or salt baths, and inducing sweat through sauna sessions (with or without essential oils, as permissible). If experiencing difficulty in achieving effective sweating, engaging in at least one of these activities daily is recommended.

You should be breaking a sweat at least 3-4x per week.

Wrapping Up

Regeneration is governed by five key processes:

  1. Assimilation of Nutrients
  2. Excretion of Wastes
  3. Growth
  4. Reproduction
  5. Adaptation

Every action we take either enhances or mitigates these functions.  The more you do to enhance them, the healthier you will be down to the cellular level.  

It is vital to get your redox potential up first so that mitochondria can function well in ALL cells before a detox.  Once you have improved redox potential, then it is time to move on to making sure our elimination pathways are up and running.

Like us humans, cells generate their own metabolic wastes.  Those must be dealt with appropriately!

The best way to make sure the body is functioning at its best daily is to…

  1. Choose organic foods as much as possible
  2. Get sunlight daily- especially in the morning
  3. Get grounded
  4. Breathe nasally

You Can Heal & Regenerate

If we have learned anything from Robert Becker’s work, it is that the body has an extraordinary ability to heal and regenerate.  

Healing requires a clean, non-toxic environment and healthy body systems that can cycle through the wastes it needs to.

To borrow a quote from BJ Palmer: “Nature needs no help, just no interference.”

I’ll see you next week.

Much Love!

Dr. Vincent Esposito

Want More?

Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:

  1. Start transforming your health with the best foods & herbs Nature already provides. Detox, lose weight, and boost energy- today!  There is information on over 150 other herbs and superfoods in my book Nature’s Kitchen & Cabinet! 
  2. I have a BRAND NEW 10 minute video to show you how to Transform Your Life and Naturally Reverse High Blood Pressure… FOR FREE!  You can check it out here!  I hope to see you there!

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