All cells run on energy. That energy comes from the sun either directly (sunlight) or indirectly (food). You may have heard me mention acid-alkaline balance multiple times throughout the blogs and on social media. pH is a measurement of acidity and alkalinity, but also a measurement of voltage in the body.
Everything in this universe is made from building materials. These include atoms, whereas the basic building blocks of cells are amino acids. At first, an atom appears as a simple structure—a nucleus (or center), made up of protons, which are positively-charged, and neutrons (neutral charge), with negatively-charged electrons orbiting magnetically around this nucleus. The number of electrons and protons that an element has will determine the type of element that it is. These include oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, etc. Water, for example, without which life could not exist, is simply two hydrogen atoms combined with one oxygen atom (H2O).
The pH factor (“potential of hydrogen”) is the measure of a chemical solution’s acidity versus its alkalinity, on a scale of 0 (more acidic) to 14 (more alkaline). It is a logarithmic scale, meaning a pH of 6 is 10x more acidic than a pH of 7. If you want to test this at home, I recommend that you buy litmus (pH) paper to test yourself. The ideal urine pH is around 6.0 to 6.5 and blood should be between 7.35 and 7.45. This will help you observe firsthand the reactions that foods have on your body’s chemistry.
Opposites Attract
Life consists of opposites and the movement of them in relation to each other. This movement creates electromagnetic energy. Magnetism is where opposites attract and likes repel. You too are like a magnet, attracted to the opposite of yourself. This “magnetism” helps you learn, and brings a balance to your experience in life.
Life in creation is controlled and expressed by two opposite forces, either positive or negative in nature (Yin & Yang in Traditional Chinese Medicine). Without this polarization life would not exist. Life depends upon these opposites to exist. You see this in your own life, as you have days that you call “good” or positive, and other days that you consider “bad” or negative. Yet, both aspects of life are essential to your experience of growth and awareness.
An element can start out negatively charged, which is called alkaline, creating a cationic reaction (cationic means to “disperse” or “break apart”). Through the process of ionization (which is chemical magnetism) the same element can become positively charged or anionic (acidic). Anionic means to “compound, saturate, or come together.” An example of such a change from negative (alkaline) to positive (acid) can occur with the element calcium.
Plant calcium is alkaline, and works with magnesium, sodium, and potassium to alkalize the fluids of the body. These elements are called electrolytes in the body. Electrolytes are substances that have a natural positive or negative electrical charge when dissolved in water.
Once in the bloodstream, they can become ionized, or attracted to, other elements, magnetically, joining with these other elements and creating an anionic or acidic complex. This is seen where calcium joins with phosphorus to create calcium phosphate to form or rebuild bones. However, this process can happen with free radicals, like oxalates, which can then form calcium oxalate stones. This type of anionic reaction causes inflammation and tissue damage. Conventionally, if something is an electron donor, it is negative, and if it is an electron stealer, it is positive.
As an example, if your pH voltmeter measures +150 millivolts, it means that the solution is an electron stealer with 150 millivolts of stealing power. If your pH voltmeter measures −15 millivolts, it means that the solution is an electron donor with -15 millivolts of donating power.
Simply put, this measurement in millivolts can be converted to pH. A pH of 7 is equivalent to 0 mV. Anything lower than a 7 pH is something more acidic and known as an electron stealer (+X mV). Anything lower than a 7 pH is something more alkaline and known as an electron stealer (-X mV)
What Does pH Tell You?
The problem is, doctors rarely look at pH levels unless a person is in an emergency or intensive care. pH can actually be used as a measurement for voltage in the body.
Imagine a copper wire connected to a switch. When it is switched on, you have a constant stream of flowing electrons. When it is off, you have no flow.
In a solution, it is a little bit different. You can have things that donate electrons or steal them. You can measure whether something is an electron stealer or an electron donor using voltage.
Luckily, this is something you can easily measure at home as well using litmus paper. Salivary and urine pH are great rough indicators of voltage at home, using pH as the marker. Generally speaking, your salivary or urine pH is about 0.8 pH units less than cell pH. So if optimal cellular health operates at a pH of 7.35-7.45, a healthy urine pH is going to be between 6.5-6.65 (roughly). Salivary pH is a rough indicator of intracellular pH, while urine pH is a rough indicator of the voltage in the extracellular fluids.
Important NOTE: The normal physiological pH of mammalian arterial blood is strictly maintained at 7.40 (+/- 0.05); blood has pH buffers such as Hb (hemoglobin) and albumin. Cellular pH has more variability. For example, lysosomes, a type of organelle in cells, are acidic and can have a pH as low as 5. What we are referring to in this blog is cellular pH and NOT blood pH unless stated otherwise.
Litmus paper is easy to find and purchase and could be an easy way to keep you on track.
pH, and therefore voltage, can change depending on the situation. And this is how you can track healing responses down to the cellular level. When we see chronic health issues, you generally see lower voltage (lower pH/more acidic) environments.
Defining Acids & Bases
Acids are chemical compounds that always have hydrogen as part of their makeup. They have the ability to supply positively-charged hydrogen ions in a chemical reaction (H+). The degree of acidity is determined by the number of hydrogen ions in the solution. Acids give protons to a substance creating a “bonding” effect, as in bone or stone formation. The more acidic a substance, the more it is an electron stealer. A pH value of less than 7 is considered acidic.
Bases, or “alkalies” in chemistry, are negatively charged and are attracted to protons (OH-). Bases neutralize acids. An example of this would be the toxic acids created from digestion (e.g., sulfuric acid and phosphoric acids), which are converted to non-toxic salts when combined with alkaline electrolytes. These non-toxic salts are then passed from the body through the kidneys. This neutralizing effect is vital because of the highly toxic and damaging effects these acids have upon the tissues of your body. The more alkaline a substance, the better it is at donating electrons. A pH value of greater than 7 is considered basic.
The pH balance—the balance of bases to acids—within the body is vital, and should be approximately 80% alkaline to 20% acidic. If we become too acidic from poor food and lifestyle choices, we create too much of an anionic condition in the body, causing stone formation and inflammation.
To reverse this is to alkalize, which is cationic and anti-inflammatory. This will break apart and liquefy calcium deposits, cellulite, and lipid stones. These deposits can grow or accumulate anywhere in the body, especially in the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. Neutralization of acids requires the alkaline electrolytes. If you’re not eating a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables, you’re not getting enough of these vital electrolytes. This compounds the over-acid condition within the body and creates dehydration.
Differences Between Acids & Bases
- Acids burn and inflamed tissues causing tissue failure.
- Bases are cool and are anti-inflammatory to tissues.
- Acids can destroy tissues (cells).
- Bases can heal tissues.
- In an acid medium, nutrients become anionic (coagulate).
- In an alkaline medium, nutrients become cationic (disperse).
- Acidosis creates bonding of fats, minerals, and other constituents creating stones of all types, including liver, gallbladder and kidney stones.
- It also creates the adhesion of blood cells and platelets.
- All this causes cellular starvation (through lack of nutrient utilization), strokes, and cell malfunction.
- Acidosis and congestion (toxicity and mucus) is the root cause of 99.9%of all diseases.
- Some foods (carbohydrates) require alkaline digestive juices to be broken down; others (protein) require gastric acid juices.
Alkalization is the key to tissue regeneration, so understanding these processes is essential for you in the achievement of vibrant health because it increases your voltage. If you have chronic dis-ease, it simply means you have low voltage. Low voltage = low number of electrons.
If you don’t have enough electrons in the system, it is going to be very difficult to heal or maintain your health, and chronic dis-ease may result. This will also impact your ability to recover from injuries. You don’t need drugs or pills for healing. You need adequate electron supply to make healthy cells. You also need to remove the electron stealers from your life to maintain a healthy environment.
A New Framework
Once you realize that chronic health problems and healing are dictated by voltage (change in pH), you then need to start asking yourself the following questions?
- Why did my voltage drop?
- What do I do when the voltage is low?
- How do I increase voltage?
- How do cells store voltage?
When voltage is low, you simply don’t have the horsepower you need to heal or the energy to get rid of the toxic waste that may be accumulating.
Oxygen also plays a role in this equation. Recall that pH is a potential for hydrogen, meaning in an acidic (low voltage) environment, there are more protons present in a solution. Our cells are 70% water. If the solution becomes more acidic, oxygen begins to leave the cells. This is a problem because oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the ETC.
As we saw in last week’s blog, when oxygen saturations are low, the cell does not perform cellular respiration as well as it should. Instead, it begins to rely more so on glycolysis or fermentation to generate ATP. What are some substances made during fermentation? Lactic acid.
Where Does Voltage Come From?
An area of high voltage always flows toward an area of low voltage. This is why grounding is so helpful. The Earth itself is a large electromagnet. Since the Earth’s surface is negatively charged and has an infinite supply of electrons, grounding can help recharge your body with the Earth. However, rubber-soled shoes will block this. You must be barefoot or have 100% cotton or wool socks (if it’s really cold, bare feet and hands are best).
Other things can drain voltage, for example chlorine and fluoride.
Fluoride is harmful because it blocks water semiconduction in the body, which ruins cell signaling and can cause cancer. Fluoride is the most electronegative element in the periodic table, meaning it easily attracts a pair of electrons to form a chemical bond.
Fluoride is known to impact the cardiovascular, central nervous, digestive, endocrine, immune, integumentary, renal, and respiratory systems, and exposure to fluoride has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, infertility, and many other adverse health outcome.
The prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, has defined fluoride as neurotoxic, and can play a role in developmental disabilities and is linked to lowering one’s IQ. There are also studies that show increases in the development of osteosarcoma in boys who drink fluoridated water during their childhood. In fact, it has gotten so concerning that 98% of Europe, China, India, and Japan do not fluoridate their water at all for health and ethical reasons.
There are two forms of fluoride that end up in our water: sodium fluorosilicate and fluorosilicic acid. Both are by-products of the refining and fertilizer industries. These are so toxic that the CDC clearly labels these chemicals extremely toxic in both animals and humans. So why not put it in our drinking water?! We are able to excrete about 50% of the fluoride we ingest through urine. The rest gets stored in our bones and pineal gland. The pineal gland is extremely important for releasing the antioxidant, anticancer, and sleep-regulating hormone, melatonin.
Food Choices
It might be unsurprising to learn that unprocessed foods have the most voltage, or “life force.” Frenchman Andre Simoneton (an electromagnetism expert), experimented with measuring the electromagnetic waves of food. He determined that for a human being to maintain optimal health, one must maintain a vibration of 6,500 angstroms. He created five categories of food and concluded that food measuring between 6,500-10,000 angstroms (which included raw, fresh, and ripe fruit as well as fresh-squeezed juice), contained the highest vibration. He emphasized that just-ripened fruit had the highest vibration. Other top vibrational foods include raw vegetables, nuts, seeds.
- Fresh raw fruits = 8,000 – 10,000 Angstroms
- Fresh raw vegetable = 8,000- 9,000 Angstroms
- Cooked vegetables = 4,000 – 6,500 Angstroms
- Pasteurized milk = 2,000 Angstroms
- Cheese = 1,800 Angstroms
- Refined white flour = 1,500 Angstroms
- Cooked meat = 0 Angstroms
- Average human = 6,000-7,000 Angstroms
- Cancer Patients = around 4975 Angstroms
The fresher and less processed your food is, the better it is for you and the better your body feels. It’s been drilled into our heads over the last few years and yet for convenience we hit the processed food aisles.
According to Christopher Bird in his book “The Secret Life of Plants”, at approximately 4500 to 5200 angstroms, you are more susceptible to cancer or other seriously degenerative issues.
Furthermore, consuming processed foods has a kind of “double whammy” effect on the body. Not only are you not getting the nutrients you need, you also need to use nutrients to break them down. It is like constantly withdrawing from the bank account, but not replenishing what is left. Eventually you’ll have nothing left.
For example, if we do not have enough B vitamins in our bodies, proper digestion of carbohydrates cannot take place. Interestingly, B vitamins are removed from many carbohydrates during the refining process. Sometimes they are replaced with synthetic vitamins (a process known as “enriching”), but they do not function the same way as their natural counterparts.
Simply put, when you eat processed foods, your body needs nutrients and electrons to properly digest the food you eat.
Those foods that are going to increase your voltage most are raw, fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
If you take a quartz crystal and squeeze it with a pair of pliers, it will emit electrons. This is called the piezoelectric effect. The Piezoelectric Effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress.
Our muscles are piezoelectric crystals. When we move our bodies, they generate electrons. In this way, they act as rechargeable batteries. They replenish their electron stores through movement, effectively recharging their batteries.
Modern Humans are made to generate voltage (electrons) the same way our grandparents did, and their grandparents before them. It was about moving your body in the sun, drinking clean water (usually from a spring or well), eating unprocessed foods, and they were not afraid to put their bare hands and feet on their Earth, hugging their family, and spending time outside.
Liquid Crystals
Dr. Bruce Lipton discovered that our cell membranes can function as liquid crystals. Crystals are an example of a solid, but one that is ordered and periodic.
Because the surface layers of fatty acids that make up our cell membranes are polar, they allow for water to form an exclusion zone, which is a type of liquid crystal. This type of water can also be defined as a quasicrystal.
Cell membranes are made up of phospholipid bilayers.
A quasicrystal is a unique type of solid material characterized by an ordered structure that is not periodic.
An ordered structure means that the components of the material (atoms, molecules, or other building blocks), are arranged in a specific and organized manner. As you might expect, this order creates discernable patterns that are predictable and regular.
In a periodic structure, the arrangement of components would repeat at regular intervals in space. In other words, if you were to move a certain distance in space in one direction, you would encounter the same arrangement of particles. Non-periodic means that this repetition does not occur.
When you combine an ordered and non-periodic structure, you get a quasicrystal. This means that the material has a systematic and organized arrangement, but the structure does not repeat itself in a regular pattern.
Above is a quasicrystal surface of aluminum, palladium, and manganese.
In regular crystals, the arrangement of atoms forms a repeating and regular lattice structure (ordered and periodic).
Quasicrystals differ from regular crystals because while the arrangement is ordered, they do not have the regular lattice structure (non-periodic).
In liquid crystals, like structured water, molecules can move about but act like solids. Liquid crystals are influenced by electric current and/or temperature.
The phospholipids that make up a cell membrane have legs that can twist or untwist to permit light or water or other molecules to be blocked or pass through the cell membrane. They open and close depending upon the voltage applied. When one applies electricity to these liquid crystals, they begin to unwind.
Cells require sufficient voltage for optimal functioning, and the onset of chronic disease correlates with a decline in voltage.
All hydrophilic surfaces in the body, from bone, to fascia, to muscle contain some of these piezoelectric and viscoelastic characteristics. This means that when they are compressed or deformed in some way, it generates an electric current, like the behavior of a quartz crystal.
Take a look at the periodic table below.
We’re focusing on the column with carbon (C), silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge), along with the two adjacent columns. The elements carbon, silicon, and germanium are called semiconductors. They each have four carbon atoms in their outer shell. This allows the atoms to form a uniform crystalline structure called a lattice. We know a carbon lattice, for example, as a diamond.
As you can see, the column to the right contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and arsenic. Each of these atoms contain 5 valence electrons in their outer shell. To the left, you see boron, aluminum, and gallium, and these atoms only have three valence electrons in their outer shells.
Conductivity can be intentionally increased by adding electrons (n-type doping) or decreased by taking electrons away, creating a “hole” (p-type doping).
When you place one of these atoms that have an extra electron, like phosphorus, you have now added an extra electron per set of four atoms. This extra electron can move from place to place, turning the crystal into a semiconductor. Since this type of semiconductor has an extra electron (meaning it has a negative charge), it is known as an N-type semiconductor.
Boron or gallium make up a different kind of semiconductor. In this care, they only have three electrons in the outer shell, binding them to carbon, silicon, or gallium (each has four electrons). This creates a “hole” in the crystal lattice and is called a P-type semiconductor and is positively-charged.
You don’t need the massive current your typical electrician might expect using classical physics. Small inputs can lead to non-liner (or exponential) outputs. In other words, you don’t need many photons from the sun to have a massive impact on your health and body.
When you have an N-type and a P-type semiconductor placed next to each other, you create something known as a diode.
Diodes are unique in that they allow electrical current to flow in one direction but not the other. This is the way your sink faucet works. Diodes are the same in the sense they act as one-way streets for electric currents. This is different from conductors like copper that allow for flow in both directions.
When you add a voltage source, like a battery, you can allow for current to flow depending on how the source is connected.
For example, on the left part of the graphic, the positive part of the battery attracts and holds the electrons from the negative N-type semiconductor. Meanwhile, the negative side of the battery attracts the holes of the P-type semiconductor. This results in no current flow.
Now, look at the diagram on the right. When the negative portion of the battery is connected to the N-type semiconductor, and the positive portion of the battery is connected to the P-type semiconductor, you will now have current flow. Electrons can now flow from the N-type semiconductor to the P-type semiconductor.
Now, say you have three semiconductors stacked together instead of two. They only come in two forms: PNP (two P-type semiconductors sandwiching one N-type semiconductor) and NPN (two N-type semiconductors sandwiching one P-type semiconductor). NPN are more common when making silicon chips. Nature does not use silicon. She uses carbon and water.
This is called a transistor. A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electrical signals and power. It is one of the basic building blocks of modern electronics. Transistors are the active components of integrated circuits, or microchips, which often contain billions of these minuscule devices etched into their shiny surfaces.
When you apply voltage to the center layer, a large amount of voltage can move through the transistor, which makes it act as an amplifier. A small current can turn a larger current on and off.
The phospholipid bilayers of cell membranes act like a transistor and a microprocessor. A microprocessor is any type of miniature electronic device that contains the arithmetic, logic, and control circuitry necessary to perform the functions of a digital.
ADP/ATP Cycling
In effect, the cell membranes act as a storage capacitor for electrons for use when the cell needs them. This voltage primarily controls and regulates the electronic components of the cell membrane, as it serves as a semiconductor, a diode, a transistor, and a microprocessor.
Inside the cell, we have what we have known as the “main source of energy currency” known as ATP. In some ways, ADP/ATP are the rechargeable battery system used to make cellular functions work.
But first, what does ATP do? As we covered in this blog, ATP is designed to unfold proteins encoded by DNA, exposing water bonding sites on amino acid side chains. When you expose peptide bonds (-COONH-) to water, the bonds can be polarized. This forms an alternating chain of -COO and NH+ charges that can attract water.
During oxidative phosphorylation, one glucose molecule can yield as many as 34-38 ATP molecules in the electron transport chain. During fermentation (or glycolysis), During fermentation only 2 net ATP is produced, i.e. during glycolysis. These fermentation pathways consist of glycolysis with some extra reactions tacked on at the end. This inability to provide electrons for critical chemical pathways of the cell is part of chronic illness.
Moving Electrons in the Body
So how do electrons move around in the body? Well, you need a few things.
- Water
- Hydrophilic surfaces
- Source of electrons (light, food, Earth etc.)
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It turns out it is also hydrophilic in Nature! In fact, most biological surfaces are hydrophilic in some way. When water comes into contact with a hydrophilic surface, it creates an exclusion zone of liquid crystalline water. Next to the exclusion zone, electrons are separated from water molecules. Next to this layer is a concentrated layer of protons originating from the hydrogen in water. It seems that collagen (or other hydrophilic surfaces) facilitates the separation of water into its elemental components, forming clusters of charged particles.
As this study puts it:
“Collagens interact with cells through several receptors, and their roles in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and migration through the binding of their receptors is well documented.”
The collagen found in fascia is constructed from tropocollagen. Tropocollagen is the basic structural unit of collagen, with a triple helix of polypeptide chains of approximately 1000 amino acid residues each. These tropocollagen nanotubules exist at a nanoscale level, and exhibit quantum phenomena. Gerald Pollack and his team from the University of Washington demonstrated that when exposed to infrared energy, structured water, H3O2, forms both on the exterior and interior of collagen tubules.
Therefore, when you find fibrous tissue in the body, know that it serves two functions.
- Structural support
- A highway for electrons to move throughout the body
This is why some of Robert Becker’s work in The Body Electric is a must-read if you’re interested in healing. As an orthopedic surgeon, he became interested in the fact that if a human loses a piece of bone, his body will make more bones. This is not healing, rather true regeneration. So when I say that bones do not heal, that is a factually true statement. They regenerate. However, if humans lose a piece of any other tissue, it is replaced by scar tissue.
Regeneration is the ability for other animals to replace missing body parts. Salamanders are a fantastic example of this.
Salamanders share a virtually identical anatomy with humans, possessing the same number of bones, muscles, and nerves arranged in a similar manner. Unlike humans, salamanders have the ability to regenerate an exact replacement of an arm, leg, eye, ear, up to one-third of its brain, almost all of its digestive tract, and up to half of its heart.
If an eye is removed or an arm is severed, the salamander effortlessly regrows the lost part. The question is: “Why can salamanders grow new parts when humans can’t?”
In fact, salamanders are so efficient with regeneration that they cannot develop cancer (in Nature). There is no way to explain regeneration like this in the chemical mechanistic views of conventional medicine.
Becker studied regeneration by amputating limbs of salamanders and measuring the electric potential. He found that the remaining stump would have an electropositive nature (electron-stealing) of approximately +25 mV, which he termed the “current of injury.”
The skin would proceed to grow over the stump, and the severed nerve endings would connect with each skin cell through a neuroepithelial junction (NEJ).
As soon as the NEJ forms, the normal cell polarity is reversed, transforming them into adult stem cells—a phenomenon named “blastema” by Thomas Hunt Morgan. This cluster of primitive cells appears between the cut end of the stump and the NEJ (blastema or stem cells) are primitive cells from bone, muscle, etc. that have dedifferentiated back to the embryonic state. As soon as they form, the voltage goes to −30 mV (electron donor).
Then Becker made an intriguing discovery. If the blastema was removed and re-implanted after ten days, it would grow into a duplicate of the original organ. For example, if he amputated an arm and waited over ten days to harvest and re-implant the blastema near the tail, an arm would grow in the tail area instead of a new tail. This indicated that the blastema was being programmed for its future development within the first ten days.
Becker wondered how the blastema was being programmed and initially thought it was due to the nervous system. To test his hypothesis, he cut the nerves going to the arm and then amputated the arm. To his surprise, nothing changed.
So he began to look deeper. He then cut one-millimeter sections and found that the nerves didn’t regrow into the stem cells. Instead, the fibrous tissue surrounding the nerves was filling with stem cells rapidly, forming the blastema. These stem cells were the ones carrying the information necessary for programming the blastema.
Becker found that there was essentially a second nervous system in the fibrous tissue that surrounds the nerves, calling it the “analog perineural nervous system.” Our primary nervous system functions digitally, meaning that information is in discrete steps of on/off. It is sensitive to the frequency of the signal. This nervous system controls the conscious mind and autonomic nervous system.
The analog perineural nervous system consists of the glial cells, Schwann cells, and other materials that surround the nerves. While the traditional nerve-impulse system operates in discrete steps of on/off, sensitive to signal frequency, the perineural system operates as a continuously variable mechanism, influencing the strength of signals, their direction, and the presence of wave patterns. It controls growth, healing, and biological cycles.
It was once thought that this fibrous tissue was only there for structural support. Turns out, this is the tissue that allows for the body to conduct electrons throughout it, much like the copper wires that run in your house.
In a nutshell, the analog perineural nervous system
- Delivers Information: The perineural system delivers crucial information to the blastema, guiding the regeneration of body parts independently of nerves. This challenges the traditional belief that nerve signals alone govern regenerative processes.
- Play a Role in Injury Sensing and Repair Control: this system acts as a sensor, detecting injuries and actively participating in organizing the repair process. This capability extends beyond the traditional nervous system’s role.
- Local Environment Control: The perineural system exercises control over local environments, influencing the conditions surrounding specific body parts. This helps the body maintain health and optimal functioning.
- Primary Role in the Brain: Contrary to the conventional emphasis on the digital nerve-impulse system, the perineural system emerges as the primary system in the brain. Its analog nature suggests a nuanced and continuous influence on cognitive processes.
- Consciousness Regulation
- Regulates Decision-Making
To this day, most scientists do not believe that cells can dedifferentiate from normal cells back to adult stem cells. In other words, once a cell differentiates into a liver cell, it can’t be anything other than a liver cell. Becker showed that this is not true. Cells that have differentiated into organ cells can dedifferentiate into adult stem cells with the appropriate voltage. He found that when a frog’s red blood cells were exposed to small electron-stealer currents, they turned back into stem cells.
We have fibrous connective tissue that connects to every structure in our body. We call this connective tissue fascia. Fascia penetrates and surrounds muscles, bones, organs, nerves, blood vessels, and other structures. It extends from head-to-toe, and from front-to-back.
Fascia functions as the hydrophilic surface that allows for semiconduction to take place in the body. Tiny fibers of fascia link the layers surrounding each organ to down every small cell cluster. In this way, every cell in the body is connected to the fascial wiring system.
When water interacts with collagen energized by sunlight photons, the water right next to collagen forms an empty space called the exclusion zone.
Next to the exclusion zone, electrons are separated from water molecules. Next to this layer is a concentrated layer of protons originating from the hydrogen in water. It seems that collagen (or other hydrophilic surfaces) facilitates the separation of water into its elemental components, forming clusters of charged particles.
Fibroblasts help build the collagen matrix of fascia by actively responding to movement. Because fascia is piezoelectric and flexoelectric, it can create electrical currents when it moves. These well-arranged molecules are receptive to and react to frequency data, including electromagnetic fields, light, and sound.
Fibrous tissue (like fascia) has the least resistance to the flow of electrons through the body.
The collagen found in fascia is constructed from tropocollagen. Tropocollagen is the basic structural unit of collagen, with a triple helix of polypeptide chains of approximately 1000 amino acid residues each. These tropocollagen nanotubules exhibit quantum phenomena. Gerald Pollack and his team from the University of Washington demonstrated that when exposed to infrared energy, structured water, H3O2, forms both on the exterior and interior of collagen tubules.
Structured water lines sides of the collagen tube and it propels a stream of water and protons, often referred to as the proton neural network by MaeWan Ho. As structured water accumulates along our hydrophilic surfaces like fascia, it displaces positively charged hydrogens, creating a proton-rich zone called the “proton wire.”
This is what allows voltage and electrical flow in the body.
So How Do You Increase Voltage?
Here are some things that boost electron production:
Sunlight (especially UV and IR light)
Liquid water can be transformed into structured or coherent water with sunlight. In modern environments today, if you do not get enough sunlight, the exposure to blue light alone is enough to cause issues with glucose metabolism and contributes to insulin resistance. Most conventional medicine ignores that lack of sunlight suppresses thyroid hormone and progesterone (which balances estrogen and testosterone) production. Infrared light (which is always present in sunlight, helps mitochondria use oxygen effectively and create more water internally.
Nasal Breathing
Nasal breathing is crucial because it is a more effective way to bring oxygen to cells. Your mitochondria produce ATP AND water! But you need oxygen to do it. If you mouth-breathe, snore, or struggle with sleep apnea, then this should be addressed sooner than later (even if you’ve broken your nose 🙂 )
See my course on this to learn how to correct this on your own.
Mineral Rich Water and EZ-rich foods
This is the best way to do it! The most hydrating foods are fresh, raw (ideally organic) fruits and vegetables. Not only do you get the minerals you need, but you also get the greatest amount of coherent water in these foods. Getting to a point where at least 50% is fresh fruits and veg will do wonders for hydrating your cells.
Raw alkaline foods are going to be your best friend for this. Consider the chart below. The bulk of what you consume should be on the alkaline side and at least 50% should be raw. See my first blog post for more details on this.
Grounding and Swimming in Sea Water or Leaning Against a Tree
The Earth’s surface possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons because of a global atmospheric electric circuit. You need those electrons to create more water in the mitochondria!
Other Ways to Increase Voltage
- Movement (piezoelectricity + moving water; discussed above)
- Hugs transfer electrons from one person to another
- Breathwork
- Extended time in Nature
- Various forms of meditation
- Laughter
- Gratitude
- Chanting/singing
- Other sound-based practices
Conversely, we want to avoid the things that steal electrons:
- Toxins, like parabens phthalates and other chemicals found in conventional everyday products
- Dental infections
- Pesticides & processed foods
- Wind steals electrons
- Emotional stress
- Caffeinated beverages
- Alcohol
- Acidic water sources (tap, chlorinated water, fluoride, most bottled waters)
- Fluoride
- Blue light
- Indoor living
- nn-EMFs
- Trauma
- Too many ROS or RNS (like nitric oxide)
- Not enough antioxidants, from grounding, sunlight, fruits, and vegetables
- Reduced oxygen flow
- Poor breathing patterns (mouth breathing of any kind)
- UV/IR light imbalance
- Lack of EZ water
- Lack of movement
- Reduced subcellular melatonin
Start Today!
Bottom line, we must increase our voltage and to do that we have to keep our pH in a specified range. The body does this on its own, but if it constantly needs to use buffers, it leads to long-term problems. It seems simple, but I cannot tell you how much time repetition of basics gets people to where they want to be with time.
A mindset that is open and tuned to what is going well amplifies results. You owe it to yourself to give yourself a chance.
Dr. Vincent Esposito
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Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:
- I’m excited to announce the launch of my new book: How to Get World Class Sleep! If you’ve struggled with insomnia, have trouble falling asleep, or wake up feeling sluggish, then this is for you! Fall Asleep Faster. Recover More Quickly. Wake Up Refreshed! Find it here!
- Start 2024 off right! Start Transforming Your Health 90 Days and apply for private one-on-one support here!