Humans Are Photosynthetic!
Just not in the way you might think. Over the past two weeks, we talked in depth about photosynthesis (read here) and water (here) to get here.
To illustrate this point, we need to bring back our graphic from last week.
Simply put, we understand photosynthesis as a plant’s ability to take light energy (photons) from the sun to split water and create carbohydrates. Equally important to remember: without photosynthesis, there aren’t any animals.
Photosynthesis is performed by a variety of species on this planet, not just plants. Bacteria and various other single-celled organisms are able to photosynthesize.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are mirrors. Cellular respiration is the process of reversing photosynthesis. In other words, mitochondria take the electrons and protons (from sugars and fats primarily) and oxygen to create water, CO2, and ATP. The electrons can only come from three sources, the Sun, the Earth, and the food you eat.
This is why when you consume fruits and vegetables, it is more accurate to say you are consuming light energy.
Essentially, what it comes down to is the distribution of information in the form of electrons, protons (hydrogen nuclei), and photons (light).
We look at radiant energy from the sun providing us heat and light, which is true, but there is so much more to it than that. The water inside of us takes this radiant energy and uses it to build order in water (what we call structured or EZ water), and separates charge into positive and negative. This separation of charge creates an electric current that we can then use to power all body functions!
This is pretty cool considered we are 70% water to begin with! Maybe Nature doesn’t make mistakes.
The body, and the mitochondria inside of us, can take sunlight and separate the charges of water, from H2O to H+ and OH–.
In other words, water acts as a transducer for radiant energy- sunlight. The water then builds order and separates charge by building the exclusion zone (EZ). It uses this separation of charge to power
- Physicochemical energy (in mitochondria)
- Optical energy (creating light)
- Electrical energy (allows electrons to flow in the electron transport chain as well as fascia, blood vessels, and other body tissues that have hydrophilic surfaces)
- Mechanical Energy (work- muscle contraction)
- Radiant energy (generating heat)
The inputs can come from different places. Electrons come from the photoelectric effect of the sun, the Earth, the food we eat, piezoelectric currents, and even the breakdown of body fat. Protons come from the dissociation of water via light (EZ water and melanin), the gut microbiome, and the buildup on EZ water. Photons energize electrons and build EZ water.
Mitochondria have plenty of functions in the body, not the least of which include….
- Make ATP
- Make intracellular water
- Make CO2
- Make pregnenolone
- Modify gene/DNA expression (biophotons)
- Sensors of the environment (internal/external)
- Signal times of stress versus times of plenty
- Sequester excessive intracellular calcium
- Control autophagy and apoptosis
- Regulate the immune system
Poor mitochondrial function can be behind most dis-ease in the body- to the tune of 90%- according to Doug Wallace!
Blue light & nnEMF (wireless radiation from cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth, magnetic/electric fields from wiring & electronics) create inflammation. Excess inflammation decreases mitochondrial function.
Mitochondria have optimized biophoton signaling when the electron transport chain (ETC) proteins are perfectly spaced for electron tunneling.
Electrons only like to tunnel (or jump) so far. If the distance becomes too great, lost electrons do not become water or make ATP and instead become ROS- potentially leading to inflammation if they build up.
Where Physics & Biology Meet
Did you like math? What about physics? Because we’re going to go over a little bit of it today, but I promise to keep it as simple as possible.
The commutative property in math states is a fundamental property related to the order of operations or the arrangement of elements in a mathematical operation.
In practice it looks something like this:
X + Y = Y + X
As an example,
3 + 5 = 5 + 3
3 + 5 is the same as 5 + 3, and both equal 8.
So now, let’s bring in the physics aspect. And don’t worry, because it’s the one physics equation EVERYONE knows, even the folks who failed physics:
E = mc2
Where E= energy; m= mass; c= the speed of light in a vacuum (a constant normally defined as 299,792,458 m/s – but you may see it rounded to 3×108 m/s.
Effectively, what this equation tells us is that mass and energy are interchangeable. It implies that a small amount of mass can be converted into a large amount of energy and vice versa. Nuclear physicists have taken this fundamental principle and use it to power nuclear reactions, such as those that occur in stars or nuclear power plants, and have used it to generate energy.
But how does this work in biology? It may make more sense to flip the equation around using the commutative property!
In other words…
mc2 = E
Technically speaking, this is the same equation. However, reading it this way may make one thing more obvious to the reader: in biological systems, we use light to create energy- NOT the other way around!
On a macro-level, this makes quite a bit of sense because we use sunlight to generate energy. In plants, we call it photosynthesis. In animals, we reverse this process and call it cellular respiration.
Bending Light
Now here’s the part that used to trip me up. Recall E=mc2, and c is a constant representing the speed of light when in a vacuum.
I did pretty well in physics, but in the years since I’ve taken it, I forgot the whole “in a vacuum” part. Why is this relevant?
Remember reflection and refraction?
Reflection is the more obvious of the two. This refers to the process by which light bounces off a surface, and it stays in the same medium. We have all experienced the glare of the sun off the ocean or a lake. That is reflection, bouncing off the surface of water in the real world. Mirrors and polished metals are also great examples of reflective surfaces.
Refraction, however, is much more interesting. Refraction is the bending of light (or any electromagnetic wave) as it passes at an angle from one transparent medium into another in which its speed is different (like from air to water).
Light typically slows down when entering a denser medium (like going from air to water), causing it to bend toward the normal line (an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface of the interface).
“That’s all cool doc, but what does this have to do with mitochondria?”
The part I initially didn’t consider is that c, when changing through mediums, means it also changes speeds. In other words, refraction can change the speed of light as it transitions from one medium to another. This means that in the real world, c is not just some constant.
Because c can be broken down into
c = vn or, more appropriately here: v = c/n
Where c = the speed of light in a vacuum; v = the speed of light in the medium; and n = the refractive index of the medium.
Everyone needs refreshers once in a while.
So why did we have to go through all this physics and math?
Biological systems change the speed of light to speed up or slow down certain body functions! This is especially important to powering the electron transport chain and building the structured water within.
Light & Energy in Mitochondria
Recall in Why Sun is the Best Form of Medicine Part 2, that the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) relies on many environmental inputs, including light (or lack thereof), magnetism, and gravity as its reference points to precisely regulate the circadian rhythms within the brain of an organism.
By reversing Einstein’s equation, we can see that if ATP production is slowed for whatever reason, it would have an exponential impact on energy production. Why is this impact exponential? Because of the electrical force that propels this is the “c2.” In biology, this equates to the loss of electrons OR loss of electron flow in the mitochondria.
In other words, to maintain a constant energy flow, a consistent supply of electrons is imperative to prevent any interruptions along the pathway.
Essentially, instead of thinking about food as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, we should think of them as electrons that move protons across membranes in cells.
We take the electrons from food and move them across the inner membrane of the mitochondria, and it results in heat, ATP, CO2, and water. This is effectively the reverse of photosynthesis, which uses the CO2 and water to create sugar and oxygen, using light.
What does this mean for you? Virtually all of what we call dis-ease may be translated into a loss in electrons! Conversely, if you could increase electron flow from any source it could reverse dis-ease and tap into the body’s innate healing potential!!!
Human Semiconductors
Just like modern technology uses semiconductors largely based in silicon, us Humans are effectively liquid crystal semiconductors composed of water and carbon.
Let’s take bone tissue as an example. Dr. Robert O. Becker (check out his book- The Body Electric) found that N-type semiconductors play a crucial role in bone health and regeneration. Bone tissue is broken down into two main substances: collagen and apatite. N-type semiconductors have a negative charge, and are primarily found in collagen. Conversely, apatite is the primary P-type semiconductor, characterized by an abundance of electron-deficient holes.
Here’s an interesting fact as well: biochemical reactions and electrical currents slow down, but semiconductive currents intensify, and the magnetic field strength grows.
Silicon Valley folks are beginning to test graphene for semiconductors. Graphene, a carbon-based material, has exceptional properties such as strength, lightweight, transparency to light, and excellent electrical conductivity.
Water in Mitochondria
The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a material’s surface when it is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, typically in the form of light or other high-energy photons. This actually affects the water in our body and especially in our mitochondria.
The water created in the mitochondria during cellular respiration is NOT the same water you find coming out of the tap or in the municipal supply.
This water, like I said earlier, is essentially the reverse mechanism of photosynthesis.
When one mole of hydrogen gas (H2) reacts with ½ mole of oxygen gas (O2) to form one mole of water (H2O), a chemical reaction takes place, and it releases energy in the form of heat. This reaction is highly exothermic, meaning it releases energy.
The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is:
H2(g) + ½ O2(g) → H2O(g)
The standard enthalpy change for the formation of one mole of water (H2O) from its elements (H2 and O2) is -285.8 kJ/mol.
In other words, creating water in mitochondria releases 286kJ to be available for cellular work. This is a massive amount of energy!
Mitochondria Structure
If you look closely, mitochondria differ from chloroplasts in a few ways. One of the main differences is the double membrane structure in mitochondria.
Mitochondria have two membranes, an inner membrane and an outer membrane. The center of the mitochondria – inside the inner membrane- is called the matrix.
ATP production occurs on the surface of the inner membrane. Mitochondria create energy in a similar way a car creates locomotion.
Mitochondria are primarily responsible for producing ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, the body’s energy currency.
The Kreb’s cycle takes place within the matrix of each mitochondrion. Here, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are metabolized. They enter Krebs cycle through a variety of pathways.
The primary end product of the Krebs cycle is called NADH (with a small amount of ATP and GTP). NADH is a way to package very powerfully reduced electrons. These are the electrons (and protons) that are ultimately used in the electron transport chain.
During this process the body does generate oxidative stress in the form of reactive oxygen species.
Creating energy generates heat. If a car “runs hot” that can lead to engine issues over time.
When you’re “running hot” and there is excess oxidative stress, you’re making yourself more vulnerable to all the major killers that are so common today:
- Cancer
- Dementia
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Learning disorders
- Mood disorders
- Heart disease
In essence, an overheated and acidic internal environment leaves you vulnerable to illness. If your body is hot and acidic for a long time, you’re leaving yourself open for dis-ease. This is a terrain issue!!!
The body has protective mechanisms to safeguard the mitochondria, primarily through the action of melatonin. While it is more well-known for its importance in sleep, melatonin is a major antioxidant within the body, with twice the potency of vitamin E. it also controls glutathione within the cell.
We already know that melatonin is needed at night because it is made in the pineal gland and circulates in the body. What’s intriguing is that the body also generates melatonin directly within the mitochondria during daylight hours.
In fact, most of the body’s melatonin is produced within the mitochondria! They initiate melatonin production by harnessing infrared radiation from sunlight. There are now studies that suggest 95% of the body’s melatonin supply can be found in mitochondria!
Sunlight allows the mitochondria to do its magic AND it helps charge our internal batteries, using water.
The Electron Transport Chain
The electron transport chain is the major component of the aerobic respiration process, which requires free oxygen to operate. This differs from anaerobic respiration, which does not use oxygen to create energy.
The Electron Transport Chain (ETC) harnesses the potential energy stored in reduced electrons and ultimately transforms it into functional, usable energy.
The chain itself is composed of four large, multi-protein complexes embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane and two small diffusible electron carriers shuttling electrons between them.
Within the Electron Transport Chain (ETC), electrons undergo a sequence of redox reactions, using free energy expended at three junctures to transport hydrogen ions across a membrane. This works like a series of “drops,” very similar to a dam. The energy derived from the reduced electrons sourced from NADH is harnessed to power a pump that transfers protons into the intermembrane space.
This process contributes to the gradient used in chemiosmosis (the process of moving ions [like protons] to the other side of a biological membrane).
Eventually, all the energy carried by these electrons is expended, and oxygen becomes the final electron acceptor. This is why we only live 3-4 minutes without oxygen.
Finally, at the very end of the ETC, there is an enzyme known as cytochrome C oxidase (CCO- Step 4). CCO takes the oxygen molecule and actually makes water out of it.
When mitochondria are stressed, it can impede the flow of electrons and hydrogen ions in Step 4, meaning they cannot create water efficiently.
Inefficiency can give rise to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals, including superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radicals.
Excessive ROS can pose health risks. They interact with neighboring proteins, causing substantial damage. Paradoxically, greater damage leads to the increased production of ROS, creating a vicious cycle.
It is important to also note that there will always be some ROS made through this cycle. You can’t decrease ROS production to 0%. I’d argue you don’t even want that because ROS actually do serve purposes for healthy cell signaling- when present in the correct amounts. Life is about balance.
The water made by the mitochondria is our main source of intracellular hydration and this water develops special properties when it comes into contact with biological surfaces. It is this structured water that lines the whole body!
As electrons traverse the Electron Transport Chain (ETC), they release energy along the way. Once these electrons establish the proton gradient, these protons are subsequently utilized to generate ATP via a protein known as ATP synthase
Protons are shuttled back into the mitochondrial matrix, where ADP is converted into ATP. This process is the means by which carbohydrates, fats, and, in emergency situations, proteins provide energy. It also provides the protons needed to create water- the other final product of this system!
In a nutshell:
More electrons→ Stronger net negative charge →Stronger/Bigger battery →Increased battery strength and capacity→ Healthier cells
Heteroplasmy Rates
As it turns out, we possess a secondary set of DNA within us—mitochondrial DNA, inherited exclusively from our mothers. The one Watson & Crick found is one of them: the human genome. This is the one that 99% of the research funding goes into. Take a look around. Has focusing on human genetics given us answers to the chronic health disaster we now face?
It’s worth noting that this doesn’t even account for the trillions of microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and yeast that compose our microbiome, making us, in essence, living ecosystems rather than standalone individuals.
Heteroplasmy describes the situation in which two or more mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variants exist within the same cell.
You can have up to 70% heteroplasmy rate and still maintain “healthy” cell function. Increased heteroplasmy rates are associated with a vast array of health challenges, including many of the chronic dis-ease we see today.
- Cancer
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Kidney disease
- Autoimmune challenges
Heteroplasmy rates increase when the redox potential of the mitochondria is diminished. This is mostly due to environmental factors like heavy metals, toxins, lack of sunlight, and the like. We know that low redox potentials and high heteroplasmy rates in women and babies can be influenced by fluoride exposure.
When the shape or spacing of the proteins in the ETC gets disturbed, mitochondrial function suffers. When mitochondria function diminishes, dis-ease begins to manifest.
Dis-ease ends up being diagnosed based on the tissue in which the dysfunctional mitochondria are located.
To break it down into one equation:
Decreased mitochondrial function = an increase in heteroplasmy rate = Faster aging & dis-ease
What Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction?
Several factors influence the smooth movement of electrons along the Electron Transport Chain (ETC), ultimately affecting the overall well-being of our mitochondria.
One of the primary determinants is the spacing between protein complexes within the ETC. Electrons have a limited range to tunnel effectively. When the proteins in the ETC are spaced too far apart, their ability to tunnel diminishes. The result is a greater amount of ROS, which can lead to oxidative stress and inflammation (or over-acidity).
There are many things that can play a role, but a few of the most common ones are:
- Poor circadian rhythms
- Pesticide consumption (glyphosate)
- Artificial blue light exposure
- Too many ROS or RNS (like nitric oxide)
- Not enough antioxidants, from grounding, sunlight, fruits, and vegetables
- Reduced oxygen flow
- Poor breathing patterns
- UV/IR light imbalance
- Lack of EZ water
- Reduced subcellular melatonin
What Restores Mitochondria Function?
More Subcellular Melatonin
As you may recall from an earlier blog, most melatonin in your body isn’t made in the pineal gland. It’s actually made in the mitochondria and used on site to balance out the ROS created during cellular respiration. This is why you can make an argument that the ultimate antioxidant in the body is not glutathione! It’s melatonin. This is triggered specifically by infrared and red light exposure. 95% of the melatonin in your body is actually created by the mitochondria, on site!
Near-infrared radiation (NIR) has many health benefits, but the one I want to highlight today is the production of melatonin inside our mitochondria. This is important because NIR can penetrate a minimum of 8 cm on the skin! Effectively, this means that NIR light can reach virtually every cell in the body. What’s more, over 50% of the sun’s energy comes in the form of IR energy.
Better yet, you don’t even need to get direct sunlight to receive these benefits. Zimmerman and Reiter found that the leaves from trees actually reflect a massive amount of NIR, meaning that you just need to be in Nature and green spaces to receive the benefits!
Melatonin improves the intramitochondrial antioxidative defense by enhancing reduced glutathione levels and inducing glutathione peroxidase and Mn-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) in the matrix and Cu,Zn-SOD in the intermembrane space.
You can build up your subcellular melatonin levels with morning light through the eyes and darkness at night and via IR light all day long. Melatonin is also responsible for controlling the spacing between the ETC proteins. The shorter the distance, the easier it is for electrons to tunnel and make EZ water.
When you’re grounded, you can soak up the electrons through the water network of the body and strengthen the magnetic current of protons through Step 5 of the ETC.
Grounding is particularly important during this modern era because this is the first time in human history that we are not constantly grounded.
Our bodies constantly accumulate electrical energy that requires discharge or grounding. Failing to do so disrupts our ability to restore and maintain the body’s natural electrical balance, ultimately increasing the risk of disease.
When you ground yourself, you facilitate the transfer of electrons from the Earth to your body, leading to a reduction reaction. This reaction works to reduce oxidative stress since free radicals possess unpaired electrons. Establishing a direct connection with the Earth accomplishes several key objectives:
- Re-establishes our connection to natural circadian electrical rhythms
- Permits free electrons to flow from the Earth to our bodies
- Neutralizes positively-charged free radicals
While ROS aren’t inherently destructive, in excess they are a hallmark of inflammation.
Simply by standing on the ground, the free electrons you absorb act as natural antioxidants, effectively addressing chronic inflammation.
Grounding helps maintain our electrical balance, preventing fluctuations or depletion when we remain connected.
We essentially recharge, and there is a limitless battery we can tap into.
All you have to do is get your feet on the Earth or cement every day.
NIR & Red Light Exposure
To put it simply:
Red light wavelengths improve electron flow in the ETC, and allow the enzymes to function at 100% efficiency.
Infrared wavelengths allow for more charge separation, creating a more “powerful” battery. Bigger battery = more energy.
There are many benefits to NIR exposure, including:
- Increased or modulated metabolism, including weight loss or healthy weight gain
- Anti inflammation / muscle soreness and DOMS relief, joint pain and stiffness
- Improves skin appearance and promotes collagen growth
- Even helps aid against serious disease, from cellulitis to eczema to vitiligo
- Immune boost, per less toxin load and increasing core body temp., inducing artificial low-grade fever
- Skin, muscle, extracellular detox, aiding organs in removing waste
- Reduces overall stress; combats lethargy and fatigue
- Can possibly aid in sinus issues and some respiratory ailments
- All benefits associated with heat saunas
- NIR light therapy must be used responsibly
- Red light displaces nitric oxide to allow the flow of electrons through Step 4 to make intracellular water
You get the full detox and rejuvenation of all NIR light in a natural package. For 80% of people: you only need to spend 5-30 minutes under the lights and 1x-3x per week. For athletes or treating specific ailments, LED NIR might help in ways incandescent bulbs cannot.
When using NIR therapy, remember to give yourself time to recover. More is NOT necessarily better. It is essential to maintain balance. Healing, regeneration, and detoxification take time. It is a process.
While there are strategies to boost progress, it’s equally important to understand that we can’t be in overdrive at all times. Healing is comparable to driving a car—accelerate, coast, accelerate, brake, accelerate, brake, pause, coast, brake, and so on.
Red light therapy and full spectrum sunlight are valuable tools in this journey, but they are just one part of the equation. We also need sleep, nutrition, connection to Nature and other positive lifestyle elements to heal!
A Strong Circadian Rhythm
The circadian rhythm controls your sleep and wake cycles each day. This rhythm affects every single cell in the body, and how they work. If you are not getting enough sleep, or are sleeping at incorrect times, it is very likely your energy levels will be great the following day. You can learn more about it in this blog post here.
The SCN can precisely gauge the time of day, independently of your visual capabilities, by considering the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths passing through the eye. In other words, even if you are clinically blind, these mechanisms are still relevant to your health.
The way you expose your eyes to screens, iPhones, televisions, or artificial lights after sundown can profoundly influence how your body perceives the reality of day and night. It can disrupt your circadian rhythm, leading to significant health implications.
You NEED to get sunlight in on a daily basis. And it can’t be through filters like windows, windshields, and certainly not with sunglasses on.
While this may seem like basic advice, try going a month without adequate sunlight, and you’ll likely observe weight gain, muscle loss, and increased inflammation in your body. Simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy though, especially in the nnEMF and blue-light toxic world Modern Humans inhabit today.
Every single cell in your body is influenced by light. Its importance cannot be overstated. Even if you have the perfect diet, you may still suffer from gut challenges because your light environment is poor. There is over 400x more melatonin in your gut than in the pineal gland and 10-100x more melatonin in the gut compared to the blood.
Compounds like indole and short chain fatty acids produced by gut microbiota promote the synthesis of gut-derived melatonin.
Melatonin is derived from serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT). Intestinal bacteria may directly produce SCFAs, which stimulate the production of 5-HT. Incidentally, 90+% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut.
All this is to say that avoiding light, especially after sunset, is going to have PROFOUND effects on your health in more ways than you might initially think.
The primary culprits contributing to an unhealthy light environment are:
- Artificial light from all sources (TV, computers, tablets, phones, light bulbs, etc.), particularly after sunset
- Sunglasses- but also contact lenses and even regular glasses
- Sunscreen
It is in your best interest to limit your exposure to all of these if you want to achieve truly vibrant health.
While this might seem complicated, it really doesn’t have to be. If this information is new to you, consider starting with a straightforward change, such as trying a pair of blue light-blocking glasses at night.
So, how can you realign with the natural light cycle?
- Seek exposure to the first light of morning (without intermediaries like windows, windshields, glasses, or contacts).
- Avoid wearing sunglasses during the day.
- Experience the evening sunset.
- Keep lighting subdued at night.
- Ideally, minimize or eliminate the use of fluorescent or LED lighting.
- Foster a dark sleeping environment and reduce electronic devices in the bedroom.
- Consider using blue light blockers when appropriate.
- Adopt consistent sleep and wake cycles
You can gradually increase your sun exposure as your resilience builds. The exact duration varies from person to person, however the biggest factors are lifestyles related.
Improving Redox Potential & Adequate Electron Flow
Electrons flow from higher redox potential (more negative values) to lower redox potential (less negative values), and this flow of electrons is coupled to the pumping of protons (H+ ions) across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This proton gradient is used to generate ATP in oxidative phosphorylation.
Effectively, the better your redox potential is, the better your internal battery works. It is a measure of the current of your electric charge in your semiconductors, and it is coming from water- the battery of life.
Redox potential of each protein complex in the electron transport chain (ETC) within mitochondria varies. It’s not a single, fixed value, but it can indeed range at its peak from around -320 mV to -420 mV (except for complex II).
- Complex I (NADH dehydrogenase): Approximately -320 mV.
- Complex II (Succinate dehydrogenase): The redox potential of complex II is around 0 mV because it receives electrons from FADH2.
- Coenzyme Q (Ubiquinone, Q): The redox potential of coenzyme Q can vary but is typically around 10-50 mV.
- Complex III (Cytochrome bc1 complex): The redox potential of complex III is around 100-150 mV.
- Cytochrome c: The redox potential of cytochrome c is approximately 250 mV.
- Complex IV (Cytochrome c oxidase): The redox potential of complex IV is approximately -420 mV.
There are plenty of signs of low redox potential, including:
- Loss of libido
- Poor sleep
- Poor quality of hair, skin, and nails
- Cataracts & blue light toxicity in general
- Low potassium levels
- Chronic hormone imbalances
- Cortisol & melatonin imbalances
- Low glutathione stores
- Low selenium levels
- Low hemoglobin or hematocrit levels (anemia)
So how do you improve your redox potential?
- Infrared Therapy
- Iodine-rich seaweeds
- Avoid alcohol if redox potential is low.
- Avoid fluoride as much as possible.
- Lowering stress
- Intermittent fasting
- Avoid unnecessary nnEMFs
- Consume antioxidant rich foods.
- Pay attention to dim lights at night and sunsets.
Reducing Fluoride Intake
As you already know, I am not a fan of fluoridated toothpastes and conventional tap water because of its fluoride content. As mentioned last week, even in amounts what most ‘experts’ think is ‘trivial,’ fluoride is a known neurotoxin and hormone disruptor- especially to the thyroid gland.
Why the thyroid? Let’s take a look at the periodic table:
This particular periodic table is color-coded to define electronegativity. The more electronegative an element, the more red the color on the table above.
What is electronegativity? I’m glad you asked.
Electronegativity is a measure of how easily an atom attracts a pair of electrons to form a chemical bond. A greater electronegativity value means an atom readily attracts electrons to form a chemical bond with another atom. A low electronegativity value means an atom readily donates electrons to form a bond or is electropositive. As a general rule, looking at a standard periodic table, the closer to the upper right corner you get, the more electronegative atoms tend to be.
As a quick sidebar, this is why we call water a ‘polar’ molecule. Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, and thus attracts the electrons closer to it.
Back to fluoride. As you may notice, fluoride is the most electronegative atom we have on the periodic table. Even moreso than oxygen. When you use fluoride in any way, it impairs the redox potential of the mitochondria (smaller battery) and negatively impacts the water the mitochondria make as part of cellular respiration.
So with that said, get a water filter that removes fluoride (as of right now we use Clearly Filtered), or opt for spring water as much as you can.
A minimized nnEMF Environment
In today’s modern society, people typically devote more than 93% of their time to indoor settings, where natural Near-Infrared (NIR) light is virtually non-existent. This is even more true with the shift away from incandescent lighting and the use of infrared-blocking films on windows.
I have done an entire blog post on covering action steps you can take to minimize your nnEMF exposure.
If you want the TL;DR- get rid of ALL your unnecessary electronics and wireless devices, including smart watches, AirPods, Alexa, Oura Rings, cordless phones, Bluetooth devices, Tesla, modern lighting, and any other device that you don’t need.
Ideally, individuals should aim to spend time outdoors with their skin exposed to sunlight or, when feasible, engage in outdoor activities in green, natural spaces.
We’ve reached a point where protecting yourself against nnEMF (non-native electromagnetic fields) is a vital element in preserving and attaining optimal health.
We know that the current safety guidelines do nothing to protect Humans from the biological effects of nnEMFs.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Bring the Energy!
There’s a solid argument that your mitochondrial DNA is more important than your human set. So keeping your mitochondria healthy should be a top priority.
Luckily, everything in the body is connected! To take that a step further, you are simply a part of Nature. As we have explored in this series so far, photosynthesis and cellular respiration are mirrors. This relationship allows for Nature to perpetuate and thrive.
For each step you take closer to Nature, you get one step closer to true health healing!
Much love!
Dr. Vincent Esposito
Want More?
Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:
- Start transforming your health with the best foods & herbs Nature already provides. Detox, lose weight, and boost energy- today! There is information on over 150 other herbs and superfoods in my book Nature’s Kitchen & Cabinet!
- I have a BRAND NEW 10-minute video to show you how to Transform Your Life and Overcome Insulin Resistance… FOR FREE! You can check it out here! I hope to see you there!