Why is Water Such a Mystery?
You would think we know a lot about water, but we really don’t.
Despite the fact that it covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface, accounts for 65% of a human and 90% of macromolecules present in biological systems, there is comparatively very little research to date done on water.
Yet the truth is, if water did not exist, there would be no biochemical reactions to talk about, and no transportation of nutrients and toxins. In effect, without water, there is no life.
In other words, we take a lot of water’s quirky Nature for granted.
This is so fundamental it cannot be ignored.
What’s interesting about water, moreso than anything, is its location on the planet. Water, by mass, accounts for only .02% of all the mass on Earth. Most of it is located close to the Earth’s surface, which allows for the development of life using sunlight.
Do you think Nature makes mistakes?
Unfortunately, the environment we came into this world with is rapidly declining due to our Modern Human inputs. This is especially true over the last 120 years.
The air, water, and soil are polluted. The damages are exponential. The degradation, pollution, and exploitation of Earth’s raw materials disrupt vital life processes and deplete energy reservoirs.
The forests are being pruned. The food many of us consume is depleted and under the threat of monocropping practices, GMOs, and pesticides- destroying the soil.
It should be no surprise to hear that the overall quality of life is severely declining- a fact well-known to pretty much everyone at this point.
If anything, we have learned that moving away from Nature comes with a price. It’s a price Modern Humans continue to pay.
Nature is Fractal
I’ve mentioned this before in posts, and we’re going to have to talk about why. It starts with the Fibonacci sequence, named after the man, Leonardo Fibonacci, an Italian mathematician, who invented it.
It’s actually really simple.
The Fibonacci Sequence is simply a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, usually starting with 0 and 1.
In mathematical terms, it looks like this:
F(n)= F(n-1) + F(n-2); with the initial conditions being F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1
In practical terms, the sequence begins 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on.
The Fibonacci sequence exhibits some interesting properties and appears in various areas of mathematics and Nature.
Perhaps you have heard of the Golden Ratio, which is approximately 1.6180339887. It is an irrational number, meaning it carries out infinitely and never stops. The golden ratio has many interesting properties and is often considered aesthetically pleasing. It appears in art, architecture, and Nature.
In Nature, the Fibonacci sequence can be observed in the leaf arrangement on a stem, the arrangements of florets at the center of an artichoke, the seeds in the center of sunflower, the spiral arrangement of scales on a pinecone are all just examples of the Golden Ratio in Nature.
This also comes into play with water.
In essence, there are two types of water, low density water (LDW), where water molecules are hydrogen bonded like ice, and high-density water, (HDW) which has molecules linked by more disordered hydrogen bonds.
The Water Story
When I mention water, what comes to mind? For most people, they are thinking of the water that comes out of the tap, or maybe their shower head. Coherent water, or structured water, is a completely different beast.
The pioneers of this field, namely Emilio Del Giudice, Albert Szent-Gyorgi, and Gilbert Ling, have delved deep into this phenomenon.
They have found that water exists in one of two states:
- Grounded or incoherent
- Excited or coherent
Their studies have found that the energy released during the transition between these states could potentially generate enough power to drive biological processes.
The water we think of actually comes in two different forms: a coherent phase, and an incoherent phase. Coherent water is able to create free electrons needed for redox reactions in the body. Generally, this coherent:incoherent water is split up 40%:60% respectively.
In other words, our internal structured water is created by a temporary circular linking of hydrogen atoms, creating a coherent domain. This coherent domain excludes everything but electromagnetic frequencies.
To put it in the words of Emilio del Giudice and Mae-Wan Ho, two of the most respected researchers on water:
“The interaction of light with liquid water generates quantum coherent domains in which the water molecules oscillate between the ground state and an excited state close to the ionizing potential of water. This produces a plasma of almost free electrons favoring redox reactions, the basis of energy metabolism in living organisms. Coherent domains stabilized by surfaces, such as membranes and macromolecules, provide the excited interfacial water that enables photosynthesis to take place, on which most of life on Earth depends.”
Powerful stuff.
What’s important to know is that coherent water molecules oscillate between two electronic configurations in phase with a resonating electromagnetic field- ideally from the sun.
One of the best scientists of the 20th century, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, proposed that organized water near surfaces like cell membranes is able to induce electronic excitation and activate reactions through resonant transfer among different molecular species in liquid crystals.
Structured Water
Water is a polar molecule; it has positive and negative charges separated by a dipole length and thus exists as an electric dipole. This property alone allows it to rotate and align with the lines of an electric force.
Charge separation simply means there is an area with more electrons (negatively-charged) and an area with more protons (positively-charged). Whenever you have a charge separation, you have potential energy- just think of batteries!
You can create this separation when you have a lot of water molecules close together, interacting with each other!
What’s amazing is animals (and other creatures) have been able to create energy by essentially REVERSING photosynthesis, creating the Natural Life Cycle we have today. The fact that this even happens is truly extraordinary.
Humans utilize light energy as well, just in a different way. Humans take light energy (photons) and create a separation of charges. We use it to power the chromophores in our mitochondria!
In other words, we are able to take radiant energy to create and charge our internal battery.
The difference between plants and Humans is that instead of splitting water molecules, we are able to separate the positive and negative charges from each other.
Research Catching Up
This finding was eventually confirmed in the early 2000s.
Back in 2003, Gerald Pollack and his team of researchers identified a fourth phase of water with unique characteristics- different from the solid, liquid, and gas states we were all introduced to in 2nd grade.
This fourth phase forms and accumulates along hydrophilic (water-loving) surfaces, such as cell membranes, fascia, and vessels.
Pollack and his team called the water “exclusion zone (EZ) water,” because it “excludes” particles as it grows in size. It is called the exclusion zone because it excludes all entities larger than light hydrogen, and carries a substantial net negative charge.
Molecular structured water (or EZ water) differs from bulk water, and is designated as H3O2, diverging from the standard H2O. As the name implies, it appears more “structured,” or coherent, as well- creating a hexagonal lattice structure of water.
As one sheet of water builds on this hydrophilic surface, it creates a template for subsequent layers to form. At the same time, this structured water zone displaces hydrogen protons, creating a proton-rich zone, or what the research refers to as a “proton wire.”
So, as you might expect, this proton-rich zone has a net positive charge, while the net-negatively charge zone is ordered and structured, next to the hydrophilic surface.
Both of these zones are built concurrently, creating a separation of charge similar to that of a battery.
They were able to take two electrodes, putting one in the structured water zone and the other in the “bulk” water zone, and found out that the charge separation was similar to that of a 9-volt battery (see picture above). The charge separation alone was enough to illuminate a light bulb!
This charge separation creates a plasma of free energy within our body, available for various biological processes- including energy production. Many ancient and indigenous cultures spoke of this life-sustaining material. Today, we have the tools to identify it!
When electrons are introduced to surfaces, they become more hydrophilic, creating an exclusion zone (EZ) in water. Thus, EZ water has a large net-negative charge and effectively creates a water battery.
Here’s the cool part: Temperature, pressure, and EMF resonant energies from the environment connect hydrogen in water through resonance. In effect, the environment dictates how well our battery is working.
A Battery Charged by Light
Excited by the initial observations, Pollack and his team continued performing experiments and teasing more information out.
Over time, they found out the structured water zone grew when introduced to infrared light.
But that’s not all. They also found that structured water possesses the capability to capture light energy and use it for various body functions.
In order to validate this finding, they looked even deeper.
In their next experiment, they took a hydrophilic tube and placed it inside a container of water. Then, they exposed the beaker to infrared light.
What they found, and what others have since validated, was the formation of structured water both externally and internally within the tube. And what’s more, they found the flow of water and particles through the tube continued indefinitely, so long as it was exposed to the IR light.
So they took this to the next level.
In their next experiment, they did the same thing, but replaced the hydrophilic tube with a collagen tube- similar to the collagen structures that are found in the body. The results were the same!
Structured water manifested on both the interior and exterior of the collagen tube, propelling the flow of water and particles. This is absolutely incredible stuff!
This is fundamentally the energy that drives all biological processes in plants and animals. It is the link between the two.
Effectively, we have tiny dipole water batteries that line every cell, vessel, and organelle in the body. We use sunlight and infrared energy to separate charge within the liquid crystal water inside of us, creating the potential energy we eventually use to power our biology.
It is this same light energy from the sun that drives water up 300-foot Redwood trees. Gravity alone cannot explain this phenomenon. It is also the same potential energy that drives blood circulation and powers our mitochondria.
To put it simply, when we have small amounts of structured water inside of us, we have small batteries. Small batteries = poor health.
Organic Semiconductors
A semiconductor is a material that has electrical conductivity between that of conductors (like metals) and insulators (like rubber or glass).
Conductivity of a semiconductor can be altered by introducing impurities or by applying an external electric field. Introducing impurities to modify the electrical properties of a semiconductor is called doping.
Conductivity can be intentionally increased by adding electrons (n-type doping) or decreased by taking electrons away, creating a “hole” (p-type doping).
Common semiconductor materials include silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, and others. Silicon, in particular, is widely used in the semiconductor industry due to its abundance and excellent semiconductor properties. Hence, why they call it “Silicon Valley” out in California.
As you may have guessed, Nature doesn’t use silicon. She uses carbon and water.
So what do semiconductors have to do with water anyway?
The sun’s UV light stimulates oxygen production, which is essential for maintaining the energy production in living organisms.
Water and carbon are the main semiconductors in biological tissues, with water forming coherent domains (structured water) that capture and amplify electromagnetic waves from the environment.
A minor glitch in a semiconductor, within its quantized state, can significantly impact energy efficiency.
This can have a negatively downstream effect on our mitochondria. If we are not able to use water effectively as a semiconductor, we become reliant on ATP alone for energy, which is primarily produced during sleep.
Funny thing is, if we don’t use water effectively, our sleep will suffer as well, and our general health will soon follow if this isn’t corrected.
At room temperature, liquid water is thought to be a homogenous liquid. Turns out, it isn’t. Water has quasicrystal properties.
Admittedly, this is new territory for me, and I’ll try to break it down as simply as possible, but it’s important.
A quasicrystal is a unique type of solid material characterized by an ordered structure that is not periodic.
An ordered structure means that the components of the material (atoms, molecules, or other building blocks), are arranged in a specific and organized manner. As you might expect, this order creates discernable pattern that are predictable and regular.
In a periodic structure, the arrangement of components would repeat at regular intervals in space. In other words, if you were to move a certain distance in space in one direction, you would encounter the same arrangement of particles. Non-periodic means that this repetition does not occur.
When you combine an ordered and non-periodic structure, you get a quasicrystal. This means that the material has a systematic and organized arrangement, but the structure does not repeat itself in a regular pattern.
Above is a quasicrystal surface of aluminum, palladium, and manganese.
In regular crystals, the arrangement of atoms forms a repeating and regular lattice structure (ordered and periodic).
Quasicrystals differ from regular crystals because while the arrangement is ordered, they do not have the regular lattice structure (non-periodic).
Quasicrystals have the unique ability to reach “forbidden orders” because of this trait.
Water has quasicrystal properties, which can be found in the exclusion zone of structured water.
This is important because you can use crystals (and liquid crystals like water) as semiconductors!
Charged Up
So now that we have a mechanism, we can now see how this plasma of proton flow just beyond its borders. As the hexagonal liquid-crystal lattice sheets of structured water take shape against the hydrophilic surfaces, they create an area filled with positively-charged proton rich plasma.
This structured water has profound effects on the body because cell walls, cell membranes, tissues, and vessels are ALL hydrophilic surfaces!
This proton-rich plasma creates an endless source of energy to fuel various biological processes, such as the production of ATP by mitochondria, the movement of muscles, the actions of the villi and the gut, and the cilia of the respiratory tract.
The liquid crystal nature of this water enables proteins and nucleic acids to function as quantum molecular machines, transforming and transferring energy with nearly 100% efficiency.
This is the same energy needed to split water molecules during the first stage of photosynthesis (Part 1). It is also the same energy used for communication and for driving the redox chemistry essential for life on Earth.
Structured Water Within Us
Light energy builds the structured water that surrounds each of our cells. In other words, our cells take sunlight, and use that to create batteries inside the cell!
This is mainly done with infrared light because it is able to penetrate more deeply into tissues than blue light and UV. And wherever you have charge separation, you have potential energy.
Water and Your Redox Potential
Redox potential (also known as oxidation-reduction potential), is a measure of the tendency of a chemical species to gain electrons (reduce) or lose electrons (oxidize).
Simply put, redox potential quantifies the ability of a substance to gain or lose electrons, usually measured in volts (V) or millivolts (mV). It is considered a relative measure, meaning it describes the tendency of one substance to gain or lose electrons compared to another.
Understanding redox potential is crucial for many electrochemical reactions, including biological systems, corrosion processes, and batteries.
In biology, redox potential is particularly important in processes such as cellular respiration and photosynthesis, where electron transfer plays a central role.
The direction of electron flow in a redox reaction is from the species with a lower (more negative) redox potential to the species with a higher (more positive) redox potential.
In other words, the more negative, the more that a species wants to “give away” electrons. Conversely, the more positive, the more a species wants to “grab onto” electrons.
How does this all relate to water? In the case of biological systems, you can argue that the measure of the electric charge current in your semiconductors drives ALL functions. This is found in the “battery of life”—water.
It is worthwhile noting that the colder the environment is, the more our semiconductors hold onto their charge. This is important because if your charge begins to drop, sickness and dis-ease become more prevalent.
Now think about the change of seasons. In the summer, when it is hot, electron charge is at its peak. In the winter, the opposite is true. So how did Nature get around this? Cold water contains more dissolved oxygen than warm water.
Cold temperatures enhance the dissolved oxygen content in water, reducing the need for mitochondria to produce high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) for efficient functioning.
This is a neat little adaptation made by Nature, and explains some of the benefits of cold plunging and even drinking cold water.
Additionally, cold water is abundant in electrons, meaning it has a higher reducing power. This allows mitochondria to function well in both cold and warm environments. Nature is pretty amazing.
In other words, old exposure stimulates mitochondria to generate heat and produce more structured water. This can aid in rebuilding the water battery within our cells.
Bear in mind that Humans are a tropical species. This may partially explain a few things:
- Cold therapy in natural waters, like the ocean, can be healing- especially when in optimal environments (tropics and subtropics in the case of Humans).
- The ability to partially adapt to colder climates and at least survive. (Again, Humans have never truly adapted to environments that are cold, from a biological standpoint).
EZ Water and The Mitochondria
Structuring water also has a potential to enhance the proton gradients within mitochondria. We now know that EZ water may contribute to the efficiency of proton pumping in the electron transport chain. In other words, the more structured water, the more easily proton gradients can build within mitochondria.
With more pronounced proton gradients, magnitude of the proton motive force and the subsequent ATP synthesis can increase. In other words, if the structured water environment facilitates a more ordered flow of electrons, it could impact the overall efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation. More electrons= bigger battery.
It also means that since EZ water can influence the function of mitochondria, a lack of structured water (or disruptions in it) will have negative effects on energy production.
Cytochrome C Oxidase, Step 4 in the ETC, creates water in us. Sunlight creates a massive redox pile of electrons formed using the water within mitochondria.
For mitochondria to function at their best, they need a supply of oxygen and electrons to do their work. Water is designed to work in tandem with the sun’s rays. However, nnEMFs and blue light can hamper that ability.
Mitochondria don’t just produce ATP and CO2. They create WATER! Water is fundamental for plant growth through photosynthesis, and all animals depend on it for survival.
Full-spectrum sunlight is still the best source of light because over 50% of the sun’s energy is in the infrared spectrum. IR light expands the exclusion zone. Considering most dis-ease we see today has its roots in poor mitochondria function, it makes sense that you are seeing more studies come out recognizing the health benefits of infrared light.
In other words, we are so nnEMF and blue light toxic, and we are NOT getting the full spectrum (including red and infrared energy). This is manifesting as dis-ease.
This is why sunlight, saunas, exercise, cuddling, massage, red light therapy panels and even fevers are beneficial to our health!
How to Build Structured Water Within
What Contaminates Our Water?
The Modern World brings a toxic load never before seen in Human history. Because of this, we have to be more diligent than our ancestors on this front.
Toxins like glyphosate, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins all degrade our structural water reserves.
For starters, clean, filtered water is non-negotiable. Additionally, we need minerals to help create and hold a charge. This is why lots of fresh fruits and vegetables are key- because they contain both in the perfect amounts that Nature already provides!
Tap Water
Tap water, especially fluoridated tap water (which is all tap water in the US) is a major problem. Did you know that if you apply fluoride directly to your skin, it will burn right through it? It also can rip right through metal! So why not put some in our drinking water? Is this not absolutely preposterous?
Even in the trivial amounts, what most American dentists think is “safe,” is known to cause thyroid problems, at a minimum.
The forms of fluoride added to the water supply are NOT natural. Fluoridation of water started almost 60 years ago because at the time people thought it helped prevent tooth decay. Today, the United States is 1 of only 8 countries that supplies over 50% of its population with fluoridated water. Think something is up here?
Even the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, has defined fluoride as neurotoxic, and can play a role in developmental disabilities and is linked to lowered one’s IQ. (Maybe that whole “it calcifies the pineal gland” has some merit after all!) There are also studies that show increases in the development of osteosarcoma in boys who drink fluoridated water during their childhood. In fact, it has gotten so concerning that 98% of Europe, China, India, and Japan do not fluoridate their water at all for health and ethical reasons.
There are two forms of fluoride that end up in our water: sodium fluorosilicate and fluorosilicic acid. Both of these are by-products of the refining and fertilizer industries. These are so toxic that the CDC clearly labels these chemicals extremely toxic in both animals and humans.
So why not put it in our drinking water?! We are able to excrete about 50% of the fluoride we ingest through urine. The rest gets stored in our bones and pineal gland. The pineal gland is extremely important for releasing the antioxidant, anticancer, and sleep-regulating hormone, melatonin.
Since the 1970s, tooth decay rates have declined in both countries that have and have not fluoridated their water at similar rates, according to the WHO. This is a known poison that we add to the drinking water, where we slowly consume small doses of it daily.
Think about it: a pea sized amount of toothpaste has 0.3mg of fluoride, and a 16oz glass of water has about 0.5mg of fluoride. Why isn’t there a warning saying to call poison control if we swallow more than we use to brush?
Other Problems with Tap Water
If you think these issues stop with our water supply, think again. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), which is a non-profit group dedicated to delivering information about how we can protect ourselves from environmental pollution, issued a statement claiming many popular soft drinks and juices sold in major retail food stores are ingredients that can combine to form benzene, a known carcinogen.
In 2006, the FDA found some soft drinks that contain 10 to 20 parts per billion of benzene, which is 4x the acceptable limit in drinking water. Benzene in particular has been linked to leukemia specifically, among other cancers.
Bottom line, get a filter. I personally use a Clearly Filtered one. Berkey and AquaTru seem to be good options as well, but these things change with time, and they all have pros and cons.
Honestly, the best options are really natural spring water (that is clean!!!) or a full home filtration system.
One disturbing trend I see is many of the diet “gurus” recommending these electrolyte powders to add to their water.
Hard pass for me. Many of them are isolated, which is not how Mother Nature intended. You can get the same benefit from squeezing a lemon or lime. And if you have access to a clean spring, then this is all a moot point.
If you do find benefit from one of these electrolyte powders, it tells me you are not getting a quality amount of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. That’s where all the electrolytes in Nature are found, in the amounts that are best for Humans.
Additionally, limiting fluoride enhances the exclusion zone in water, and cold water carries more oxygen and electrons to enlarge this zone.
Your lungs are one of the four environmental interpreters of the body, along with the gut, eyes, and skin. In many ways, nasal breathing can improve your hydration levels.
Mouth breathing tends to dry out the incoming, contributing to dehydration. In contrast, nasal breathing conserves the moisture of the inhaled air within the nasal passages and improves nitric oxide flow in the body, facilitating better hydration.
During inspiration, NO will follow the airstream into the lower airways & lungs. NO can diffuse to the bronchi and lungs, inducing vasodilatory and bronchodilatory effects.
Compared with oral breathing…
Nasal inhalation of NO caused an overall significant blood flow shift from the base of the lung toward the apex. This results in more homogenous blood flow distribution along the height of the lung
NO is a reactive oxygen species that…
- NO may help reduce respiratory tract infection
- Inactivates viruses
- Inhibits replication in epithelial cells
- NO also activates ciliary movement and mucus secretion
- Increases removal of dust and viral particles from the respiratory tract
- NO produces antimicrobial effects against a broad range of microbes
- Includes bacteria, fungi and viruses
- May help prevent pulmonary infections
- In humans, higher basal levels of exhaled NO are associated with fewer symptoms of the common cold
- Filtration and humidifying effects of the nose on inhaled air and increased NO levels in the airways
In other words, if you aren’t taking advantage of nasal breathing yet, or even trying mouth tape at a bare minimum if this is new to you, you aren’t getting the oxygen and nutrients needed for the cells to do their best work.
Can’t You Just Drink Structured Water?
The short answer to this is- no. The consistency is much different. Coherent, structured water much more viscous, or gel like in Nature. This is the liquid plasma that integrates into our hydrophilic cell membranes, organelles, DNA, fascia, and vessels. It is distinctly different from the H2O you are familiar with. This is a distinct phase of water that has been measured, observable, and is quantifiable.
Like every new fad, though, someone is trying to make a buck. There is now a lot of marketing material out there for “structured drinking water,” including a plethora of devices claiming to structure water.
The truth is, water is dynamic in Nature. It is constantly changing form as hydrogen bonds are created and cleaved in real time.
The structured biological water within the body is sustained by the polarity of charges and the ambient infrared energy in the surroundings.
Water that undergoes natural structuring, whether through the motion of a vortexing spring, devices, or alternative methods, has only a temporary effect.
When it comes to discussion of consuming structured water- generally speaking we are referring to “bulk” water that has then become energized via IR or sunlight, creating a coherent exclusion zone. This can occur through a variety of ways, like vortexing (via a natural spring or by hand), sound, light, movement, thoughts, and infrared energy.
Bear in mind, if the water is toxic, that is going to impair our ability to structure the water we consume. Municipal tap water often contains several toxins that act as barriers to water structuring.
On the positive side, herbs can help structure the water inside of us. I believe this is because Nature is much better at helping the body create coherent domains because the plants photosynthesize already.
Structured Water Within Us
While you can consume structured water directly- I think there’s a better way to spend your energy. You would be better off focusing on structuring the water already inside you.
Remember- structured water differs from your “bulk” water. It is more densely packed with hydrogen atoms bonding into a geometric crystalline structure that retains a charge. This relationship is dynamic. It is constantly influenced by the light and frequency information from the environment.
Dehydration, in many ways, can be considered an electrolyte or mineral imbalance. Therefore, if you want to focus on structuring your own water, then you need to make sure that you are getting the necessary minerals and electrolytes.
The easiest way to do this is to eat raw fruits and vegetables in their natural, unaltered state to help clean the body, improve digestion, decrease inflammation, lose weight, and rid your body of unwanted dis-ease.
Instead of thinking about food as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, we should think of them as electrons that move protons across membranes in cells.
What also helps are fattier foods like avocado and coconut.
Additionally, structuring drinking water can be achieved by exposing it to sunlight, moonlight, or infrared light. Vortexing water introduces both oxygen and energetic structures.
Other tools that help include
- Sunlight- infrared energy for mitochondrial water and fascial hydration
- Grounding- contact with surfaces that collected infrared energy from the sun – rocks, wood, sand, etc
- Movement
- Cold plunges
- Cuddling, loving touch- increases infrared energy transfer
- Massage
- Negative ions from waterfalls, rainfall and ocean spray
- Saunas
- Campfires
Remember, at the end of the day, we are part of, not separate from, Mother Nature.
I hope you can take this knowledge to harness the power of the photoelectric effect in your own life. Get the sun to build the cellular charge in the mitochondria waters and get your feet in the ground. You will be well on your way!
Next week, we will be touching on the mitochondria specifically, and putting this all together!
I’ll see you next week.
Much Love!
Dr. Vincent Esposito
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Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:
- Start transforming your health with the best foods & herbs Nature already provides. Detox, lose weight, and boost energy- today! There is information on over 150 other herbs and superfoods in my book Nature’s Kitchen & Cabinet!
- If you are struggling with Insulin Resistance or Type II Diabetes, and want to learn how to reverse it naturally, I put together my FREE Insulin Resistance Reversal Masterclass just for you! Check out my free webinar here to learn more!