The Road to Better Health Part 3: Body

Learn the practical easy-to-follow steps you need to take in order to give your body the tools to not just heal from your health challenges but to experience abundant health! Building Disciplines Discipline is a scary word for many, but it is a necessary part of your journey. Before you get started on your health […]
The Road to Better Health, Part 1: Spirit

Welcome! Because you’re here, you are now traveling on the road to better health! This process is here to guide you through creating a healthy body, mind, and spirit, one step at a time. It doesn’t matter where you are on your healing journey! There is something here that anyone can employ. Simply follow the […]
The Ultimate Mineral Guide

If the human body was reduced to its simplest form as a small pile of ashes, these “mineral ashes,” weighing approximately five pounds, might be small in quantity, but represent the material needed to carry out many vital roles. Minerals are involved in a variety of functions. They are necessary to promote growth and […]
Love Your Lymphatic System

It’s funny that although 80% of the extracellular fluid in the body is lymph and 20% is blood, we spend a whole lot more time talking about the latter. If you neglect this often-forgotten system, then chances are you may struggle with never-ending chronic health issues. Blood is a fluid that goes through arteries, capillaries, […]
Tend to Your Terrain! (Understanding Your Microbial Ecosystem)

The concept of bacteria in our gut affecting overall human metabolism (and by extension, our weight and overall health) has only been around for about a decade or so, but ancient healing arts have referenced this concept in other ways through the years. Nature is fractal. Each cell is a microcosm of the whole that […]
Your Body is Amazing Part 8: Health Is Voltage

All cells run on energy. That energy comes from the sun either directly (sunlight) or indirectly (food). You may have heard me mention acid-alkaline balance multiple times throughout the blogs and on social media. pH is a measurement of acidity and alkalinity, but also a measurement of voltage in the body. Everything in this universe […]
How to Heal in 2024

Why Do New Year’s Resolutions Fail? Most people do not keep their New Year’s Resolutions. Only 5-10% of people keep their resolutions. 80% of people give up on them by February. My experience with others tends to track with those statistics. True healing is for the bold. The reason why most people don’t discover true […]
Your Body is Amazing Part 7: Quantum Biology and How Cells Really Communicate

I wrestled with putting this part first in the series, but I think slowly zooming out has (hopefully) given you a deeper understanding as to how the body really operates. Today, though, we will break barriers we all learned in middle school. Some of them were included in my own training in chiropractic school, and […]