The Miracle of Life
In today’s world, we are drowning in information about the human body. It’s hard to know where to start. Not only that, the source can have an impact on the results.
This complexity has given rise to confusion among the general population worldwide. As things have gotten more complex, we have also seen a rise in conventional health authorities of whom many place a great deal of trust. Many have outsourced their thinking to a medical industrial complex.
Yet despite this knowledge, Modern Humans are the sickest species on the planet. A major reason for this is the blind, unquestioning trust most people place in said authorities.
The reliance on the medical industrial complex has created a scenario where people might unquestioningly accept a verdict of “there’s nothing that can be done.” This conclusion, sometimes reached due to the practitioner’s incompetence or lack of awareness, unfortunately becomes a perceived truth.
All practitioners go through this sort of hazing in school to varying degrees. Few are able to break free from it, and many are pushed to the side or not taken seriously because it goes against the wishes of the medical industrial complex.
This blind faith has consequences. Many are led to believe that they will be suffering for the rest of their lives.
This changes today. We should be using information to empower people, not confuse the crap out of them.
In order to escape the sinking feeling of hopelessness, we MUST have a foundational understanding of what REALLY is going on.
It is necessary to learn the fundamentals of the human body, how it works, and how to support its innate efforts toward maintaining systemic homeostasis to stay balanced and healthy.
Think about your car. It’s your responsibility to drive carefully, use the right fuel, and keep it well-maintained. In the same way, understanding and supporting your body’s natural balance is key to taking charge of your health.
So let’s start making some sense of all this.
“It Happens at the Cellular Level”
I have to be honest. I think most people who mention this are not too familiar with the machinery and how it works. That being said, we’ll start with big picture functions, and get more narrow.
The biggest issue I see is that most people miss the forest for the trees. Getting too dialed into one *thing* without taking into consideration ALL of Nature’s complexity will lead you to incorrect conclusions.
It’s OK to not have all the answers. But I do think it’s important to work within a framework to make decisions. My North Star is Mother Nature. For me, when analyzing a statement, I ask myself two questions:
- Does Nature make mistakes?
- Does the statement align with what Nature presents to us?
I will tell you right off the bat, the answer to that first question is “no.” HOWEVER, that does not mean I know all the answers to every question. I don’t. Not even close.
The real answer is Modern Humans have created all of the problems we see in the health space. We cannot keep going down the path of “it’s in your genes” when conventional medicine already acknowledges that AT MOST 10% of cancers may be caused by inherent genetic changes. It’s less than that.
If this statement was true, you’d see that happen in Nature. Genes are controlled by your actions, that’s what epigenetics are. The only species you see this happen in are Modern Humans and Domesticated Animals. That is what Nature is telling you.
“Evidence-Based” medicine is a great idea IF the dogma spewed out by most are based upon undeniable laws and facts.
Nature doesn’t play by the rules of our random control trials. We need a new paradigm.
RCTs aren’t inherently bad or wrong. The problem is most of them are not based on real facts. We learned this last year with Alzheimer’s research. 99% of Alzheimer’s drugs trials and treatments are not considered effective, largely because the research was based on fraudulent data.
However, if we really go back and understand things we DO know- like physiology and anatomy, we can start to make more sense of things.
Thinking is your greatest asset. Do NOT let Big Pharmaceutical companies, three-letter organizations, tech companies, and other conventional powers profit off of your ignorance.
The focus must shift to vibrant health and longevity. You do not need to treat dis-ease because the body already knows how to heal on its own, when given the right conditions.
What is the Cell?
Considering there are about 100 trillion cells in the body, I think it’s important to understand how they work.
Roughly 25 trillion of those cells are red blood cells- and are the most abundant single cell type in the body. Regardless of cell type- muscle (cardiac, smooth, skeletal), glands, pituitary, heart, brain, gut, nails, teeth, skin- every part of your body is made up of individual, fluid-bathed cells living a closely controlled aquatic life.
Cells work akin to modern societies. Each one has a job to do, and brings something a little different to the table, depending on the function.
Each community of cells would be considered tissues, and have a specialized function or series of functions (jobs). In the case of red blood cells, it transporting vital oxygen to every member of the community to maintain survival.
Some organs have multiple functions. For example, pancreatic beta cells secrete insulin, allowing the body to use the glucose you consume from food. Other cells in the pancreas make up the exocrine glands, which secrete digestive enzymes. The pineal gland creates melatonin in the absence of light and helps regulate your circadian rhythm. Neurons help electrical impulses travel throughout the body.
In order for this society to function at its best, each community member has to pull its weight.
Cells are healthy when
- All of their needs are met
- Their actions are not impeded by excess physical, chemical, or emotional stress
Primarily, these are done to bring oxygen and simple sugars (fructose & glucose) to mitochondria, to create energy (ATP) and water! This is why if you cut off the oxygen supply to the body, you will be dead within minutes. We also need amino acids, fatty acids, and a variety of vitamins and minerals to function at our best.
For example, potassium is one of the most important minerals when it comes to ATP production. Now, beyond knowing that ATP is “the body’s energy currency,” what does it actually do?
What is ATP?
There are four major types of biomolecules.
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Proteins
- Nucleic acids
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) falls into the latter group. ATP contains the three main pieces you would see in RNA and DNA as well.
- Base (Adenine)
- Sugar (Ribose)
- Phosphate (Three groups)
ATP is used to help move molecules against their concentration gradients (active transport), helps muscles contract (via the actin-myosin crossbridge), and cell-signaling pathways.
It is composed of an adenine base, a ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups (hence the name triphosphate). The bonds between the phosphate group are considered high-energy bonds.
Energy is released when it is hydrolyzed. Hydrolysis is the reaction where water is used to break the bonds between the individual components of the molecule. In the case of ATP, that looks like this:
ATP + H2O → ADP + Pi + Energy
This energy readily takes place because the Gibbs Free Energy change is negative, meaning the reaction is favorable and spontaneous. The free energy that is released becomes the energy used for cellular work.
Cellular work includes things like active transport (moving things through barriers), biosynthesis (creating new stuff), and mechanical work (like muscle contraction) are all powered by this process.
How Do You Create ATP?
This is where the story of plants and animals come together. In animals, there are three ways we create ATP.
- Aerobic Respiration, which uses oxygen
- Anaerobic Respiration, which does not require oxygen
- Fermentation, also doesn’t require oxygen
In plants, they break down the glucose they make on their own (via photosynthesis) to make ATP. Animals, on the other hand, create ATP through the glucose they consume (via plants). Plants are considered autotrophs because they perform both photosynthesis AND cellular respiration- meaning they create and consume their own food with LIGHT!
Once ATP is used (hydrolyzed), it loses a phosphate group, which then becomes adenosine diphosphate. In order, to be used again for work, ADP needs to be converted back into ATP, creating a cycle. ATP is continually regenerated through cellular respiration in aerobic organisms or through photosynthesis in plants.
Proton Pumping and the Electron Transport Chain
I’ve mentioned this a few times, but it is worth repeating because this is fundamental to understanding how and why light is so important.
The electron transport chain (ETC) is a part of the aerobic respiration process. Essentially, it is a series of protein complexes that facilitate the movement of electrons to ultimately create water molecules.
As a byproduct of this protons (H⁺ ions) are actively pumped from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, creating a protein gradient (or more acidic environment). This gradient creates an electrochemical potential that allows ATP Synthase to create ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). One ATP is created every 3.4 turns of the ATP synthase “motor.”
As you can see, protons are pumped at Steps I, III, and IV.
Most of biochemistry is focused on the production of ATP for energy, but we have not spent enough time talking about the water that is created during this process. This is kind of important considering 99% of the molecules in our body are water molecules!
If we really want to find answers, then we need to get back to the fundamentals. This ALL starts with photosynthesis- which is THE reason life on this planet exists.
Simply put, photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to create sugar and oxygen. This is why photosynthesis and oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria (and in plants are forever linked. They perform opposite reactions. Sunlight is the connector. Both create electricity from water in a reversible process.
Plants do this by using light energy (photon) to split water molecules (what we call ionization) to make carbohydrates.
Our mitochondria take this oxygen and glucose and convert it into chemical energy the body uses. During this process we create water and carbon dioxide, which plants use again to renew the cycle.
In effect, you can say that the carbohydrate you consume from fruits and vegetables IS light energy.
This process uses chlorophyll, found in chloroplasts, the same way animals use mitochondria and hemoglobin in blood. These are analogous. You can see from the picture above. Notice how similar the structure of chloroplasts and mitochondria really are?
How about hemoglobin and chlorophyll?
The similarities don’t end with structure, either.
Quantum coherence is the phenomenon where particles are entangled and share information,
There are studies showing that quantum coherence plays a role in the efficient transfer of oxygen in hemoglobin. This is thought to allow for the movement of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin, improving the rate of oxygen transfer.
Upon closer inspection of hemoglobin and chlorophyll you’ll notice a nitrogen “cage.” This is called a porphyrin cage, and it surrounds a metal atom.
Hemoglobin uses iron and chlorophyll uses magnesium. The nitrogen cage is important in generating many excitons in these molecules that travel to reaction centers at the speed of light using quantum mechanical laws of transfer.
An exciton is a mobile concentration of energy in a crystal formed by an excited electron and an associated hole.
Excitons were first proposed by Yakov Frenkel in 1931, when he described the excitation of atoms in a lattice of insulators. However, this can also be found in semiconductors and certain liquids, including water.
Hemoglobin and chlorophyll are porphyrins proteins that absorb all UV light frequencies.
How Photosynthesis Works
No matter the type of photosynthesis, the fundamental equation is the same:
6 CO2 +6 H2O + sunlight → C6H12O6 + 6 O2
Which can also be written as…
carbon dioxide + water + light energy → glucose + oxygen
This is all initiated by light. Photosynthesis is initiated in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts, where light absorbing pigments, mainly chlorophyll, take in sunlight.
Thylakoids are little compartments in the chloroplast that contain pigment. The stack of thylakoids you see in the picture in chloroplasts are called a granum (grana is plural).
Chlorophyll’s unique structure allows it to absorb light and turn it into chemical energy. When photons (light) strike a chlorophyll molecule, it excites electrons, allowing them to reach higher energy states.
This can be described by a process called photolysis: the splitting of a water molecule with light. This results in the release of oxygen, protons (H+ ions), and electrons. Oxygen is ultimately a byproduct, and the protons and electrons play a role in the production of energy in plants.
Similar to mitochondria, energized electrons are passed through a series of proteins in the thylakoid membrane, known as the electron transport chain. This process creates a flow of protons across the thylakoid membrane, generating a proton gradient.
At the same time, the energy from the ETC is used to phosphorylate (the process of adding a phosphate group) ADP into ATP to store and transport energy. Additionally, the electrons are captured by NADP+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), forming NADPH, another energy-rich molecule.
Both the ATP and NADPH created here are used during the next stage of photosynthesis.
The Calvin Cycle (Carbon Fixation & Dark Reactions)
The Calvin Cycle (AKA “dark reactions” or light-independent reactions) takes place in the stroma of the chloroplasts.
This cycle consists of a series of reactions that use the ATP and NADPH generated via light reactions.
Generally, the Calvin Cycle is broken down into three major steps.
- Carbon Fixation: Carbon dioxide is brought in from the atmosphere and combines with a carbon sugar called ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP). This happens using an enzyme called ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO). The net result is an unstable six-carbon compound that immediately splits into two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA).
- Reduction: The second step involves the reduction of 3-PGA to form glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) using ATP and NADPH. Some G3P is reserved to regenerate RuBP so that the Calvin Cycle continues.
- Carbohydrate Formation: Here, most of the G3P is turned into carbohydrates (sugars).
- Regeneration of RuBP: In this step, some of the G3P molecules are used to regenerate RuBP. This process requires additional ATP.
Types of Photosynthesis
Generally speaking, there are three main types of photosynthesis:
- C3 Photosynthesis
- C4 Photosynthesis
- CAM Photosynthesis
C3 Photosynthesis
C3 is by far the most common type of photosynthesis. This is effectively the process described above, where carbon fixation produces 3-GPA molecules. C3 plants are more efficient in temperate climates with moderate temperatures and abundant water. This is a problem in arid, hot, dry environments because fixed carbon dioxide can escape (called photorespiration) if not used quickly.
C4 Photosynthesis
Some plants have adapted to minimize photorespiration. C4 photosynthesis involves an additional step before the Calvin Cycle. Here, carbon dioxide is first fixed into a four-carbon compound in mesophyll cells, located near the stomata (or plant openings). The four-carbon compound acts as a storage and transport molecule for carbon dioxide. This occurs by using another enzyme called PEP during the first step of carbon fixation.
C4 plants include corn and sugarcane. They are more efficient in hot, arid environments. The separation of carbon fixation and the Calvin Cycle in different cells (mesophyll and bundle sheath cells) helps reduce photorespiration.
CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) Photosynthesis
CAM photosynthesis is unique to succulents and certain orchids. These plants open their stomata at night to take in carbon dioxide and fix it into an organic acid. What’s really cool is these plants open and close their stomata based on temperature and light cycles. The stomata are closed during the day to minimize CO2 loss, but open at night to bring CO2 into the plant. This adaptation makes these plants ideal for hot and dry environments.
Why is Photosynthesis so Important?
If you really want to get to the crux about how animals like us Humans work, it is VITAL to know the story of plants. Without them, there is no us.
Keep this basic fact in mind:
Photosynthesis cellular respiration are mirror images of each other. One creates water (cellular respiration), the other consumes it (photosynthesis). Light is the catalyst for both.
For example, the release of oxygen during photosynthesis is necessary for the survival of Modern Humans and other aerobic organisms.
Photosynthesis is the foundation of energy flow in all ecosystems. Producers, such as plants, harness solar energy to produce organic compounds which animals use for energy in one form or another. The glucose produced by plants can be used for the plants for energy and growth, as well as for animals.
The Story of Water- Light and Biology Intersect
In photosynthesis, chlorophyll is considered a light-harvesting complex. A light harvesting complex is a protein or pigment (primarily chlorophyll in plants), arranged in a highly organized manner. The pigments act as antennae, capturing photons and initiating the process of converting light energy into chemical energy.
This light energy creates a tiny dipole battery in each cell, which drives all of the biological processes in the body!
Photosynthesis essentially uses sunlight to split water and create a battery. What does this mean? Water is effectively an electromagnetic capacitor- a device that stores electrical energy in the form of an electric charge.
This is important because chloroplasts AND mitochondria need freely flowing protons and electrons to function.
And now we get to the crux of what is going on here. This is where the world of quantum biology and light come into play.
As mentioned above, photosynthesis is driven by the presence of sunlight. No light energy means no photosynthesis. It is that simple.
Light is able to bend water’s hydrogen bonds when it is in a different energetic state. This is actually fairly well known:
An example of this would be the difference between liquid water and ice.
As the temperature gets cooler from 4 degrees C to 0 degrees C, hydrogen bonds begin to form a network characterized by a generally hexagonal structure with open spaces in the middle of the hexagons.
This actually makes ice less dense than water, which is why you see it float. This is great news if you’re a fish in a lake. The water will freeze on top, leaving the denser water at the bottom for you to continue to swim freely.
Water & Quantum Coherence
This is where the work of Gerald Pollack and his book the Fourth Phase of Water comes into play.
In a nutshell, water becomes a liquid crystal when sunlight hits it.
As the name suggests, he discovered a fourth phase that is different from liquid, solid or gas. It is dubbed the “exclusion zone” or “EZ” water (also called structured water).
EZ water is found in many different organs and tissues throughout the body. This includes the extracellular matrix (mostly lymphatic fluid), cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and more!
It is considered a liquid crystal because the atoms are arranged in a very ordered and structured way, similar to what you would see with a crystal lattice. However, the atoms can still move around (more like a liquid/gel hybrid).
EZ water is quantum in nature, meaning it has an ability to store and transmit energy (like sunlight). Structured water also plays a major role in cell signaling and many biological functions.
This type of water has distinct physical properties compared to normal, “bulk” water. For starters, EZ water has a negative charge and excludes solutes, creating an ordered and dynamic environment. This also has many impacts on the health of mitochondria.
The charge separation within EZ water creates an environment conducive to the structured movement of protons. This raises the possibility that the structured water within mitochondria could influence the dynamics of proton pumping during oxidative phosphorylation.
Water from a Quantum Standpoint
Quantum coherence refers to the phenomenon where quantum states of particles, such as electrons, exist in a superposition of multiple states simultaneously.
This is important in photosynthesis because quantum coherence has been observed in the electronic excitations during the initial stages of photosynthesis. This is how plants use light to split water molecules to ultimately create a battery.
Structured water, created by sunlight, is quantum coherent. This means that living beings, plants and animals, are quantum coherent with the environment!
This might sound confusing, but effectively what is happening is this:
The interaction between sunlight and water creates a virtually never-ending supply of electrons that plants and animals can use for energy. These are free redox electrons that can be used however need be. This is what creates the battery of human beings.
This battery is created because of the separation of positive and negative charge from sunlight! Pollack found out that when you shine light on water, you create a larger exclusion zone, meaning, a bigger battery in the cell.
An important distinction, this EZ, or structured water does not have the same form or function as bulk water- meaning the properties of water change!
From a physical standpoint, this is what allows mitochondria and chloroplasts to do what they do.
This has widespread implications for all facets of health. In a way, we can call dis-ease an inability for cells (more specifically the mitochondria within them) to create the endless battery needed to generate energy.
Losing this ability to create these redox electrons can equate to poor health.
Clarifying Reactive Oxygen Species
This is an important clarification in the story of light and health because I have gotten this incorrect as well. Turns out, the most magnetic parts of cells are reactive oxygen species (ROS or reactive nitrogen species).
This is because there is only one valence electron- meaning it is drawn to magnetic fields in search of a partner.
Remember, electrons are always looking to make pairs. Does Nature make mistakes? There’s a REASON ROS exist, even though we shoot them down and look at them as completely bad.
There is a REASON the mitochondria make ROS! There is a purpose. It is our job as critical thinkers to figure out why, instead of dubbing them as outright enemies to health.
We always have to look deeper.
Differences between ROS and Free Radicals
Turns out, ROS and free radicals are similar concepts, but not EXACTLY the same thing. In the past, I have used these terms interchangeably, and certainly have caused some confusion both personally and with other people.
Free radicals are a type of ROS. In other words, all free radicals are ROS, but not all ROS are free radicals.
By definition, free radicals are a subset of ROS. They are molecules or atoms that have unpaired electrons in their outermost electron shell, making them highly reactive. They form when certain molecules gain or lose electrons in a way that leaves them with unpaired electrons.
By this definition, superoxide radicals (O2•−) and hydroxyl radicals (OH•) are free radicals, but hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and singlet oxygen (1O2) are not because they do not have unpaired electrons.
Are Reactive Oxygen Species “Bad?”
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk a little bit about how they work. Reactive oxygen species are chemically reactive molecules that happen to contain oxygen.
Often ROS are associated with oxidative stress and cell damage. However, some levels of ROS are essential for normal cellular function, and they play important roles in various physiological processes.
The Primary Types of ROS
- Superoxide Radicals (O2•−)
These are generated in the mitochondria during the cellular respiration in the electron transport (aerobic respiration. Its primary roles serve as being a precursor to other ROS. It also is involved in various cell-signaling pathways (especially redox reactions) and is part of the respiratory burst in phagocytes like neutrophils. The respiratory burst is a release of reactive oxygen species to kill pathogens.
- Hydroxyl Radical (OH•)
Hydroxyl radicals are generated through the Fenton reaction, where hydrogen peroxide is converted into a hydroxyl free radical via a catalytic process using iron or copper ions. Hydroxyl radicals are particularly nasty and highly reactive to proteins, lipids, and other parts of the cell. They are known to damage DNA and initiate lipid peroxidation that leads to cell membrane damage.
- Singlet oxygen (1O2)
Singlet oxygen is generated during photosynthesis in chloroplasts. Singlet oxygen is used to support the body’s defenses, as well as plants. It has even been used in some photodynamic therapies for cancer treatment. Photodynamic therapy uses a drug that is activated by light, called a photosensitizer to target and can induce cell death in targeted cancer cells.
- Nitric Oxide (NO)
You’ve probably heard of nitric oxide. I talk about it a ton in my Breathe Easy Masterclass, but did you know it is an ROS? Nitric oxide is produced by a group of enzymes called nitric oxide synthases. Nitric oxide has various roles as a signaling molecule in vasodilation, neurotransmission, and immune response. It can have beneficial or harmful effects depending on its concentration levels.
- Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
Derived from the dismutation of superoxide anion by superoxide dismutase. (NOTE: dismutation is a reaction between two identical molecules in which one is reduced and the other oxidized.) Hydrogen peroxide can act as a signaling molecule for a variety of pathways, including activating transcription factors. Transcription factors are proteins that control the rate of transcription of genetic information from DNA to messenger RNA. They are also involved in regulating apoptosis (programmed cell death- a necessary function) and redox signaling.
The Roles of Reactive Oxygen Species
Certainly, excessive ROS can lead to cellular damage and oxidative stress, but there are important functions they serve.
Cell Signaling
ROS serve as important signaling molecules for many cell pathways. These can influence cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.
ROS can activate Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP) kinase pathways, which are involved in cellular responses to growth factors, stress, and inflammation.
They are also involved in activating certain transcription factors, like nuclear factor Kappa B (NF-KB). This can influence genes involved in inflammation, immune response, and cell survival.
You also need a certain level of ROS to initiate programmed cell death (apoptosis) when it is needed.
Mitochondrial Function
Interestingly mitochondria are a source and target for ROS. As I mentioned, ROS are generated as a byproduct of creating ATP and water. This is partially why sunlight- and infrared light specifically- is important because this allows the mitochondria to create the melatonin to cool down the fires generated by ROS.
ROS can modulate metabolic pathways, including those related to glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.
Cellular Adaptation
Hormesis is the idea that exposure to low levels of stress, including oxidative stress, can induce adaptive responses that improve cellular function and resistance to future stress.
ROS play a role in the body’s ability to adapt to stressors at the cellular level. A balanced production of ROS can induce this adaptive response to stress.
ROS can also activate antioxidant defenses within cells, including the upregulation of enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.
Immune Response
ROS play a crucial role in the immune system’s defenses. They are generated during the respiratory burst of phagocytic cells. During phagocytosis, ROS are produced to create an oxidative environment, which aids in the destruction of engulfed microorganisms.
Biophotons & ROS
All this is to get to this point: There is no life without light. As Dr. Richard Gerber puts in his book Vibrational Medicine, we are beings of frozen, crystalline light. No statement could be more true.
Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, one of the leaders in biophoton research once stated:
“We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.”
Every living organism emits biophotons, or low-level luminescence. Biophotons are linked to ROS in a few ways.
First off ROS are produced as part of aerobic respiration. These species actually participate in chemical reactions that produce biophotons inside cells!
Throughout cellular respiration, many reactions include transitions between excited and ground states of molecules. During these transitions, the movement of electrons can emit photons of light—biophotons.
Both biophotons and ROS are products of cellular activity. ROS, produced during normal cellular metabolism, can influence the electronic transitions that lead to biophoton emissions. For example, an increase in ROS levels might be associated with enhanced biophoton emissions.
This could occur if specific metabolic pathways activated during oxidative stress involve transitions that result in increased photon emissions.
What we know about biophotons so far is that they have physiological importance in cell-to-cell communication and repair mechanisms. It is thought that light energy may be DNA during photosynthesis and is transmitted continuously by the cell.
In other words, these little light packages play a role in telling the body which cells become red blood cells, skin cells, liver cells, etc. How cool is that?!
What we do know is that the greater biophoton emissions in any food, the greater the ability to transfer those nutrients from the sun to the consumer (in this case humans). In other words, the higher the biophotonic energy of the food, the more nutritious the food, and the more light energy you consume, literally.
Food from a Quantum Standpoint-
This is why the energetic properties of the food you consume matters. Quantum and biophotonic principles have an impact on cellular processes and overall well-being. This is why choosing foods that are beneficial from these standpoints leads to better health. Here are some of my favorites:
Organic Fruits and Vegetables
This is the backbone. While all fruits and vegetables are going to be beneficial to your health, organically grown produce is often thought to have a higher quantum energy due to natural cultivation methods. As we have seen above, organic produce also tends to release more biophotons (life force) based on Kirlian photography.
Regenerative and organic methods tend to use less (or are free of) chemicals, which I believe contributes to higher quantum energy in these foods.
Sun-Exposed Foods & Structured Water Sources
This is going to include the fruits and vegetables mentioned above. Foods that have the greatest amounts of structured water are raw fruits and vegetables specifically. We know this because…
- Plants need water to conduct photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
- Plants need to structure their water for the processes to function properly
- The structuring of water itself contributes to a higher biophotonic signature.
- Sunlight-exposed foods often have a richer biophotonic profile.
Nuts & Seeds
These are effectively the starting points for new forms of life. When seeds germinate, a new plant life begins. This life force within seeds is often mirrored in their high biophoton emissions.
It is interesting that the next stage of life is also amazing from a quantum perspective on food. Sprouts, by definition, are young plants. During this stage of life, they go through rapid stages of growth and development. This phase of life heightens the quantum energy found in these plants. As a result, you often see sprouts emit large amounts of biophotons, reflecting this energy utilization.
Dark Leafy Greens
We’ve spent an entire blog talking about photosynthesis and water, so this should be a fairly obvious one. Leafy greens are rich in chlorophyll, which is responsible for capturing sunlight during photosynthesis. As you may notice, these plants tend to be of a vibrant, green color, indicating a strong presence of biophotons, or life force.
Berries come in many deep, vibrant colors. These pigments are from their phytonutrients and antioxidants, which contribute to their health benefits and overall vitality.
For example, pigments like anthocyanins are associated with higher biophoton emissions, indicating a robust energy profile.
Generally speaking, if you were to rank the best sources for biophotons, it would look something like this (from greatest to least):
- Fruits
- Nuts & seeds
- Leafy greens
- Roots, bulbs, tubers
— large drop off—
- Grains
- Milk & milk products
- Cooked meats & fish
In the book, The Secret Life of Plants, the author comments on Andre Simonten’s experiments, and is worth a read for that alone!
The goal with food should be to maximize energy and life force of what you consume. Living in line with the sun makes this easier.
Wrapping Up
There’s a reason we need to go over the fundamentals of physics and chemistry in these blogs. We need to understand some of the pieces on the chessboard before we can figure out how to play the game.
The honest truth is we still don’t know how all the pieces work. But there are some scientists who are willing to go against the grain, withstand scrutiny, shame, and more in an effort to go against the conventional scientific “groupthink” to unveil the truth.
We are getting closer. The reason we are spending so much time on the Source and Nature to start this Newsletter is because we will come back these again and again.
Next week, we will discuss mitochondria more and work our way up.
We are building from the microcosm towards the macrocosm, and it will all make sense in time if it hasn’t yet clicked.
And remember, when all else fails, just ask yourself-
“Does Nature make mistakes?”
I’ll see you next week.
Much Love!
Dr. Vincent Esposito
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Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:
- Start transforming your health with the best foods & herbs Nature already provides. Detox, lose weight, and boost energy- today! There is information on over 150 other herbs and superfoods in my book Nature’s Kitchen & Cabinet!
- If you are struggling with Insulin Resistance or Type II Diabetes, and want to learn how to reverse it naturally, I put together my FREE Insulin Resistance Reversal Masterclass just for you! Check out my free webinar here to learn more!